~*Chapter 26:Liam*~

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I was so pissed for Niall pulling out the fooking "friends"card again. Even after I tried to tell Nick I didn't wanna dance, Niall practically pushed me on the dance floor. Soon as the music started, Nick started grinding his arse into my dick. I had to close my eyes and act like it was Niall I was dancing with just to get through it.

Nick did a pretty damn good job keeping me turned away from Niall. When the song ended I turned around to Niall was no longer at the table, and neither was Louis. He was gone.


I made beeline toward the table. Nick ran up and grabbed my arm. "Hey! Where are you going? Let's have some fun tonight. I made sure your little friend got the right impression," Nick said with a smug look on his face.

"What the fook are you talking about?"

"Well, you know, I just made sure he knew he was a little too young to be trying to play with the big kids... if ya know what I mean," he said as he stuck his finger in mouth and sucked on it and then tried to put it on my mouth.

I jerked my head away from him. "What the fook did you do? I swear, if he left Nick, you'll regret whatever it is you did." I say pushing him out of my way.

I ran up to the table and asked Matilda where Niall was.

"Well, since you were practically fooking that guy on the dance floor, Niall told Lou he wanted to leave and ask him to walk him to his car." Matilda said giving me a look that should've knocked to my knees. That girl just gave a whole new meaning to "If looks could kill."

As soon I got outside, I started running toward where we had parked. I heard Louis call out my name.

I stopped and turned around to see him walking across the street.

"He's gone," Louis said walking up to me with his hands in his pockets.

"No! Fooking hell! What the hell did I just do?" I said running my hands through my hair.

I looked at Louis, who just had a blank look on his face. "Why'd he leave? Because I was dancing with Nick? He told to. He made sure he let Nick know we were only friends and told me to go dance. I tried to tell Nick I didn't want to. Oh fooking hell," I said pacing back and forth.

"Mate, do you realize how you looked out there? You were grinding your dick all into Nick's arse while Niall sat there watching. Then Nick's little stunt of sticking his finger in his mouth and sucking on it while you held his hips grinding away, you prick. What'd you think he was gonna sit there and watch?"

I had to lean over.I had that sick feeling in my stomach again that I woke up with earlier this morning.

"No,no... shit no...I had to fooking keep my eyes closed the whole time. The whole fooking time all I was doing was picturing Niall dancing with me. Fook! I was so pissed at him for pulling out the fooking "friends" card again, I guess I was just pissed and not thinking about how it would look." I say panicking.

I had to lean back over again... "Oh shit, I think I'm gonna be sick."

Louis slapped me on the back of the head.What the fook.

"First off, fooker, that's my brother you're daydreaming about. Not by blood but I'm just as protective as Greg. Second you better make this fooking right somehow.

Next thing I knew I was throwing up and Louis was telling me he was going to get the truck. I had to talk to Niall. I had to explain....

AN:Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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