~*Chapter 63: Liam*~

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"Liam ....dude you need to settle down. It's all going to be okay, trust me....come on." Charlie handed me a beer and led me out to the deck that over looked the lake. I didn't want a bachelor party so a few of the guys decided some male bonding up at Charlie's parent's lake house would do the trick. Watson took his normal position at my feet. Man he's getting big. I was surprised Niall let him come with me and not him. He fooking loved this dog and he loved him just as much if not more!

Niall and some friends were at Harry's parent's lake house which was actually two miles up the road. All I wanted to do was talk to Niall . We were getting married in three days and I was a fooking nervous wreck. We were leaving tomorrow for the ranch. Niall seemed so calm. Harry, Denise,Matilda, Shawn and Olivia were amazing friends to Niall . They were handling so much of the planning for Niall and were in constant contact with Jenny who we were using as the wedding planner. It helped Niall not to stress too much so he could finish up school.

The only real break he took from school was for Charlie and Matilda's wedding on Valentine's Day and spring break when we all headed to the ranch. Greg, Louis and I spent most of spring break getting their properties ready for the horse staples they were having built this summer. They was going to tear the small ranch houses down and start from scratch by building something bigger. Louis thought Harry wanted something big but turns out he's just a simple country boy at heart and wanted a simple ranch style home. They would stay in the existing house until they built their house. Greg and Denise needed something bigger now that they have Theo. We had all been putting in a shit ton of hours at the firm where we had been interning for the last two years. I'm still surprised they asked us to stay on as consultants.

Fook just sitting here and relaxing felt great. Graduation was over and now the wedding. Louis came walking out and slapped me on the back as he ran his hand through his hair. He sat down and let out a sigh.

"He still pissed?" I asked as Louis took a drink from his beer.

"Yep......god he has me all tied up in fooking knots!"

Greg,Charlie and I just laughed. Harry wasn't speaking to Louis ever since graduation night when he failed to pop the big question. Little did he know he was asking him the night of our wedding. He had Jenny working on the side taking care of it. I thought it was pretty cool he was going to ask Harry to marry him in the same cabin as I asked Niall . Grams said it was a good sign. Niall and I were going to be living in the cabin until we could get a house of our own built.

"Did you even acknowledge to him that you knew why he was upset?" Greg asked with a laugh.

"No....he's so pissed and just started calling me a mother fooking dickwad for no reason when we got back to his place so I just left and came home."

"DAMN dude.....no wonder he's pissed at you. You better make it up to him when you do ask him this weekend." Charlie said as he tipped his beer back and finished it.

"Shit......I think I'll text him."

Louis sat there and typed out a text message to Harry as Charlie,Greg and I talked about some last minute shit that needed to be done before the wedding.

"There! I just sent him a text telling him I knew why he was upset and that I wanted to wait until after Niall's wedding. He just doesn't know it'll be the night of the wedding!"

Louis' phone started ringing and he must have thought at first it was going to be Harry . He pulled it out and frowned when he saw who was calling.

"What do you want Briana?" Louis said with no emotion at all in his voice.

"Well honestly I don't see what in the hell we would need to meet for lunch for. I have nothing to discuss with you. Fook I've not even seen you since what....last November."

Just then Louis dropped the beer that was in his hand and it crashed onto the patio. Beer went everywhere and Greg and Charlie jumped up!

"What the fook Lou !"

Louis face was pale. What the fook was going on.

"Are you fooking kidding me right now Briana? That's impossible, I saw it and it was not broke! No you listen to me, you're wrong,I can't talk to you now I'll call you next week. NO...I will call YOU next week."

Louis sat there for a second stunned.

"Louis, what the fook was that all about?"

"Jesus Christ Lou you look like you are about to throw up! Man don't do it out here or my parents will kill me!"

Louis turned and looked at me and Greg and he had tears in his eyes. Oh holy mother fooking shit...........

"She's pregnant isn't she?"

AN:Just a reminder I send no hate toward Briana and Freddie. Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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