~*Chapter 51:Liam*~

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"Come on dude. We never fooking see you anymore Liam except at Football practice and games. Let's just go get one beer, just one fooking beer. " Josh said as he followed me out to my truck. "I mean Im happy for you and all, but fook I'd like to see you once in while,"Josh wines.

Football season started two months ago and between school, practice, games and everything in between I had hardly spent any time with Niall. I could tell it was starting to get to him. Especially on the away games, and home games he always seemed nervous. Louis and Greg said he was probably just worried about me getting hurt. I didn't think that was it.

When we did spend time together it was fooking magnificent. I loved being able to make him fall apart with my touch. Although, it was getting harder and harder for me to keep control and I found myself dreaming about him and waking up jacking myself off in my sleep. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to tune Josh out.

I thought about 3 months ago when I took Niall out for his birthday. It was just the two of us. We went Pearl Brasserie downtown and it was a perfect evening. I had to smile when I remembered how excited he got when I gave him the present I bought for him. It was a white gold bracelet with a single charm of two hearts on it. He felt his daisy necklace while I put the bracelet on his left wrist. God I loved him.

I threw my bags in the back seat and turned to get into the truck.

"Liam , just one fooking beer dude that's all I'm asking. Spend some time with the team dude. "

I let out a sigh. "Is Louis or Greg going?"

"I'm sure they are. What the fook happened to Lou this summer? He sure has been drinking a lot and going out to Club M almost every night. Coach finds out and his arse is grass Liam. Plus that fooker has banged more people the last two months then I have this whole damn year. You and Greg need to sit down and have a come to Jesus moment with him Li. "

"Yeah, tell me about it. We've tried talking to him. He won't listen to us or Niall. "

"Is this over Niall's friend Harry?"

"Yep and tonight his douche bag boyfriend is throwing him a 5 month anniversary party that I'm required to be at so I'll only be having one beer. "

Josh slapped me on the back and smiled. "Hell to the yes my brother, make sure you tell Niall I said hey!"

"Where we meeting?"

"McDaids dude...thirty minutes"

I jumped in my truck and called Louis.

"What's up dude?"

"Hey you going to McDaids to meet some of the guys for a beer?" I asked as I heard somebody in the background trying to get Louis' attention.

"Fook yeah I'm going. Pick me up?"

"Ah, yeah but right after I need to go straight over to Niall's place, it's Haz and Ed's 5 month anniversary and Ed's having a party for him. "

Louis didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Fine by me. I haven't seen Nialler in awhile. "

"Where are you?"

"Sitting in the parking lot of the stadium still, where the fook are you?"

"Same fooking place dick.... where are you parked 'cause I only see a few of the guys cars and not your truck. "

I heard the girl start laughing and I thought I heard that mother fooker moan.

"Yeah.......... around the back.... give me two minutes. "

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