~*Chapter 18: Liam*~

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I couldn't believe it when Ne-Yo's song started to play. Talk about perfect timing. This was turning out to be best damn day ever. I was still flying from the kiss Niall and I shared. By the way Niall had been smiling for the last hour,I'd say what happened earlier this afternoon was far from his mind.

"Niall will you see who that text is from?" I ask reluctantly letting go of his hand. "Uh, yeah, It's Greg is it ok if I open it?" He ask. "Of course sweetheart,"I tell him. All of a sudden Niall starts laughing, that laugh just makes me wanna drop to knees.

"What's so funny?" I ask giving him with a smirk. "Well evidently Greg's gonna kill them both. Him, Lou and Denise are at Harry's, and surprise surprise they've been fussing and Greg says Denise is gonna think his friends are syco." Niall says making me laugh.

"Well one I've known Denise since I was little she's not like that, nor does she have any room to talk. And two he's gonna have suck it up cause I've got an important stop to make,"I tell him.

I looked over at him he looked so tired, poor thing must be emotionally exhausted.

It looked like he was fighting to keep his eyes open.

I pulled up to James Avery. I saw Niall tense up out of the corner my eye. I knew what he was probably thinking. It had to be running through his head who I was buying jewelry for. Fook, I he doubted himself so much.

"You wanna run in with me or wait out here?" I asked hoping that by me inviting him in, it'd ease his mind. Or, it might make him think I'm a total dick for buying another guy jewelry and asking him to come in while I bought it. Fook me.

"No, I'm exhausted I'll just wait in the truck." He says not making eye contact with me.

"All right, give me two minutes then!" I said trying to give him a reassuring smile. He finally smiled back at me but it was forced, not happy like it had been.

"Niall, I'm not get jewelry for another guy. I want you to know that, ok?" I said placing my hand on his precious face. How can one boy get in my heart this fast.

Niall smiled a bit bigger and I saw his body relax a little.

"Liam, you certainly don't owe me any explanation of what you're buying. It's none of my business really."

I let out a small laugh, I wanted so badly to tell him after a kiss like that, it sure as hell was his business. I had to remember slow...slow and steady last thing I wanted was to spook him.

I jumped out of the truck and went into the store.

"Hello, may I help you?" The short blonde working behind the counter quickly came out and was practically falling all over me. Maybe it was good thing Niall didn't come in.

"Hi, I, um, I called in earlier this morning about a silver daisy charm that you all were gonna put on a chain for me. The last name's Payne."

The blonde just jumped for joy. "That was me you talked to this morning. What a wonderful choice. Daisies are my absolute favorite flower. We did indeed have the size of chain you requested and I have it all ready for you. Let me show you."

I followed her over to the other counter. She went in the back and came back holding a small jewelry box. After she handed it to me , she leaned against the counter and waited for me to open it. I knew what she was doing but wasn't about to look up. She already had on a low-cut shirt and I'm sure she was doing her best to show off her assets.

No thanks.

"Would you like that gift wrapped? Is this for you mother or your sister?" Nice one, but two can play at this game.

"Neither, it's for someone very special. He's having a big day tomorrow." I looked up to see the smile on her face fade. For about two seconds I felt kind of bad.

"Um, not to be rude, but I think I'll just take it without the gift wrap. I'm in a bit of hurry," I said looking out toward the parking lot I could see Niall in the truck still and it looked like he was on his phone.

I paid for the necklace and headed out. Niall was still on the phone,when I came out of the store. I don't know who he was talking to but I didn't like whatever they were saying to him. I could tell by his face how stressed he was.

When I got in the truck I quickly slid the small box under my seat. And was surprised when found out it was Greg who he was talking to.

"I'm sorry Greg, I just didn't wanna bother you with all of that. I know, I know all of the things she said were nothing but bullshit. Listen, Liam just got back in the truck and we're not far from Harry's house. Please don't kill Haz or Lou. Harry's my best friend and Louis is my second brother. If you do anything to them I have a witness, Denise is still there right?" He ask making me laugh.

"Ok, well then yeah I'll have a witness." He says giving me a cute wink. "Ok, ok we're like five minutes from Harry's house. Tell Denise I can't wait to meet her." He says hanging up.

"So what's going on?" I ask pulling out of the parking lot. "Evidently Louis and Harry haven't shut up, and he's fixing to kill them. Although he said he may not have to kill Harry because Louis would do it,"He says making me laugh.

"So how long has Harry liked Louis?" I asked Niall as put his phone back in his pocket.

"Haz's has had a crush on Louis since I can remember.He had one on him we all hung out together, I guess Louis was just to young to notice. The summer of like 9th grade Harry went down to Holmes Chapel to visit some family for the the summer. And when he came back he looked more manly and then Louis started to notice him. The last few years have been really hard on him. I feel like I'm in the middle, because like I said to Greg Louis' like a second brother to me. The bad thing is Harry keeps falling harder and harder for Louis. And theirs time's I think he likes him too but. But then they fuss like fooking cats and dogs. So I guess I'm wrong I just wish their was something I could do for Haz. I mean he's depressed a lot anymore. And he's hurt by the way Lou just ended their friendship,"Niall says.

"Niall go with your first instinct,"I say making him look at me confused.

"Ni have you not seen how how Louis looks at him. And how much Harry looks at him?" He ask

"Yeah, I have that's why I thought that Louis liked him too But  just last night he went on date. And they fight like as soon as they see each other, I mean you saw them today,"He says.

"Yeah, but I think he's scared. And for some odd reason he thinks Harry's too young for him. I mean I could be wrong I'm just telling you what I see,"I tell him.

"Liam, I need to talk to you about that kiss."

Fook! I knew I pushed him too soon.

"Do you regret kissing me, Niall? Because I don't regret kissing you, sweetheart,not one bit."

"No! God no! It was one of the most amazing moments of my life. I'll never forget that kiss as long as I live. Of course I don't regret it. I'm just...you see....well. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm not looking to get into a relationship right now. I mean...I really like  you Liam...a lot. But I think I just need to take it slow. I hope you understand why I need time. With all the shit I just went through with Zayn, and now my mum. I just need some time for me to figure out who I am."

I looked over at him and he almost looked like he was gonna cry. He'd just gotten to where he was happy again, so I wasn't about to get him upset. Fook it, if he needed time I'd give him all the time he needed. I. Was. So. Not. Giving. Up. On. Him.


"Niall, of course I understand. I'm sorry if I pushed you into moving too fast. I really am, sweetheart. Please know I'd never wanna rush you into something you weren't ready for. I gave him the best smile I could muster. Even though inside I was starting to die a slow painful death.

"So we can be...friends?" Niall asked as a blush started to creep up his face.

"Yes, Niall, we most certainly can be friends." Fook, I really hope I don't throw up

AN:Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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