~*Chapter 46:Louis*~

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Fook! I couldn't sleep at all. All I could think about was Harry....Harry in his yellow trunks...Harry out of his trunks......Harry riding on that damn horse and racing with me.... Harry smiling as he was just letting go while riding. It was clear to me he loved being on a horse and he was a damn good rider.

We argued most of the damn day and I blamed myself for that. I just couldn't help it. He was so fooking cute when he was mad. Even though we fought most of the day.... the normal conversation we had while we sat along the river letting our horses cool down was probably the best damn twenty minutes of my life. We didn't fight, didn't call each other names...we just talked. He told me he wanted to live in the country, on a place not as big as the ranch but with plenty of land for horses. My heart soared. I planned on buying the property that backed up the Payne's ranch and Greg was planning on getting the one beside it. Neither were anything like this ranch, only 250 acres but we'd both been talking to Garrett tonight and the families that owned the small ranches were desperate to sell it. I guess their grandparents owned it and they just wanted it gone so they could keep up their city lives in London. There was a small ranch style home on the property, two wells and three tanks. Perfect for horses and a few cattle and Garrett already said we could let our cattle graze on the Payne's ranch as well as the horses. It was a dream come true. We hadn't even told Liam yet.

On the trip back from the stables I decided I was going to talk to Harry. I needed to see if we could make a go at being something more than friends. Especially now that I knew he wanted the same life I did. I planned on talking to him after dinner. I was going to just tell him how I felt and pray he felt the same way. I dared to let myself get excited.

That was until I saw him bouncing downstairs right before dinner with Naill and get so excited when a text message from the cheating bastard Ed came through. His excitement sent a clear signal. He obviously loved him. Fooking prick didn't deserve Harry .... He was way too good for him and he'd end up cheating on him just like he did with all the other ones.

I tried to clear my thoughts so I could get to sleep. After tossing and turning damn near all night the clock read 4:30am when my eyes finally closed.

The next morning I woke up to find Garrett and Harry sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee. Where the hell was everyone else?

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.

"Emma, Liam and Niall went to town to get stuff for the baby shower their throwing Greg and Denise. Gramps here..was just bitching to me about a fence that needs repairing. "

I had to let out a chuckle at Harry's reference to Liam's grandfather as Gramps.... only Liam ever called him that.

"What fence needs fixin' Garrett? I can head out and fix it for you. " I said as Harry quickly shot his head up and looked at me.

"Well it's on the north side of the ranch...it's in between the properties you and Greg are interested in buying,"Garrett said with a wicked smile on his face.

FOOK ME.... Harry sat up straighter and gave me a look of pure shock.

"WHAT? You're buying property out here? Since when did you decide this? Does Niall know that Greg buying some too?What about Liam does he know? What in the world are you going to do out here? I can't believe you didn't tell us.... "

"For Christ sakes Harry please shut the fook up!" I said as I shook my head. Damn it that boy could just rattle on.

Harry shot me a dirty look and I could tell he wanted to say something back to me but didn't because Garrett was sitting right there.

"Anyway, back to the fence.... I can take the truck and head on over there right now,"I said as I saw Harry still staring at me. I'm sure he had a million questions he wanted to ask me. Thank the fook I was leaving to mend a fence.

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