~*Chapter 37: Greg*~

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AN:Surprise because of the changes I've made. Greg and maybe Denise will have 1 or 2 chapters but they won't be long.

"Guys I'm sorta panicking" I tell Louis and Liam.

"Care to tell us why?" Louis ask.

"Ok, last night when the party first started remember I came inside because Denise called. Remember?" I ask.

"Yeah, you were in here for while, and when you came back out you were drinking a lot,"Liam says. "Oh my gosh did you all break up?" Louis ask

"No Louis, but she's.....she's um pregnant." I tell them making their mouths drop.

"Greg did you all not use anything?" Liam ask

"Of course we did but condoms are only like 97% percent effective. I mean I love Denise I do, and guess if this is happening ,it's happening because it's meant to be. I mean I'm nervous but excited at the same time, but I'm really nervous about how I'm gonna tell Niall."

"Greg, Niall loves you he'll understand. If anything he'll be excited to be an uncle. But what you can't do is not tell him as soon as possible,"Liam says. "He's right, I realize that he's only known Niall for a short time but to be honest. He probably knows him better than either one of us and maybe even Haz. He noticed stuff Niall does that I've never noticed and I grew up him,"Louis says.

"You all are right. I'm not sure Liam knows Niall better than I do, but I'll admit you do know him pretty good though."I say making Liam smile. "Will you all send Niall back in here, please,"I ask. "Yeah, good luck mate." They both say going out the door.

I'm panicking I don't what Niall's gonna think of me. He just met Denise a for the first time a little over month ago, and now I'm dropping this huge bomb on him.

"Hey, Greg Liam and Louis said you wanted to talk to me. Is everything ok?" Niall ask coming in?

"Yeah Ni, everything's fine their just something I need to tell you. Well you remember Denise right?" I ask "Yeah, she was really nice, but what about her,"He ask. "Ok, your not stupid you know I'm not still a virgin. And Denise and I are in a relationship so of course we show each just how much we love each other,"I say.

"Yeah... your point?" He ask

"Niall Denise called me last night and she's.....um she's pregnant,"I tell him. "What? Shut up you're totally joking,"He laughs. "Ni, look at me. I'm not lying,"I tell him. "I don't understand Greg you pretty much threatened me that if I don't use a condom my first time you'd half kill me,"Niall says. "I know Niall and I stand by that. Unless your planning to love them and plan to spend your life with with them. And even though I love Denise and do plan on proposing one day. We did use one but their not always affective. And to be honest I'm excited I'm nervous but like the good kind of nervous. I was more nervous about you being disappointed in me,"I tell him

"Greg,I could never be disappointed in you. And hey I get to be uncle and by the way they will get spoiled by me." He says making me laugh. "Fook Louis was right. Liam does know you better than either of us." I say making him look at me confused.

"Louis said Liam might know you better than either of us, and I said he was wrong,"I tell him. "But Liam was right you weren't mad and all you focused on was being an uncle," I laugh.

"He knew how I'd react,"He ask. "Yeah, basically. Ni, you've got yourself a good guy, don't let him go,"I tell him. "I wasn't planning on it,"Niall laughs. "Oh and congratulations, you'll be an awesome dad. Tell Denise I said congratulations." Niall says.

"Ni their one other thing. I know you and Li haven't done anything, but you've not told him about you yet have you?" I ask. "No, I'm afraid that he'll think I'm weird. And breakup with me." He says not making eye contact. "Ni look me." I say making him look up at me and I can tell he close to tears.

"Ni I've never seen Liam act like this over a guy. He wouldn't breakup with you just because your a little different. I won't say anything, I mean that's something for you tell. But you do need to tell him before the relationship gets to a certain point. And on the off chance he would breakup with you, you've got two big brothers that'd kick his arse." I half joke winking at him, making him laugh. "Oh so you've finally excepted Louis as my big brother too?" He laughs.

"Well I didn't have a choice I mean he wasn't going anywhere,"I laugh. "About Louis he doesn't know either. If him and Harry ever stop being so stubborn is he gonna be ok with Haz being the same way? He ask.

"Oh my gosh I acutely forgot about that, but yeah Louis in so deep he'd be ok with it," I say. "Oh did you forget that's how we met?" Niall laughs. "I don't know I just did I mean it not something I think about day in a day out,"I say rolling my eyes. "Fair enough, Come on let's go Haz he'll be so excited for you." Niall says giving me a hug.
AN:What's Niall and Harry's secret?  What'd happen when Liam and Louis find out? Will everything workout?Please vote and give me some feedback I love to hear your comments.

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