~*Chapter 5: Niall*~

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An:Liam Truck⬆️

Holy shit! I'd never seen a guy rush out the door as fast as Liam did. The moment he heard me say I was hungry he practically jumped over the bar and offered to go get me food I had to giggle. There was something about him...what was it?

I mean this morning I woke up with boyfriend and tonight I'm having fantasies about my brother's best friend. What the hell was wrong with this picture? Maybe it's because I know he's Greg's friend. I've always been kept away from them so maybe it's just the fact that Greg is ok with it that has me attracted to the guy. Who knows.

I walked to a bookshelf and saw a picture of Greg,Liam and Louis. Funny, I've never seen this picture before. They were all in their swimsuits and it looked like they were at the coast. I was going to have to wipe the drool from mouth if I kept staring at Liam like this. Hot damn he had a nice body. His tribal tattoo was gorgeous. Hmmm?

Wonder if I'll ever get to see it in person? I started to feel a dull ache in my cock and had to press my legs together to make it stop.

"That picture was taken this past spring break at coral beach." Greg said as he walked up behind me.

Startled that I'd been caught staring at Liam's picture, I quickly put it down and turned and smiled. "You sure are one handsome fella Greg. I bet you had girls and guys throwing them selves at you. I know you and Lou swing both ways." I say making him laugh. Happy that I've managed to divert his attention from what I was doing.

"Yeah we do go both ways but I've actually got something to tell you and you're probably gonna be mad,"He says. "Oh fook did you get someone pregnant?" I ask worried. "What? No." He says with laugh. "Ok, promise you'll let me finish before you say anything?" He ask making worried but I still nod. "Ok, well remember on spring break we spent half of it at Liam's grandfather's ranch?" He ask "Yeeeah, but what's that gotta do with any thing?" I ask "Well his grandfather has I guess what you'd call farm-hand. Well he has a daughter and we've been doing long distance she drove down once." He says making my mouth drop.

"Are you fooking kidding me? I mean I'm happy for you I just thought we were close enough that you could have told me that you met some one. I don't really know what to think right now.
I love you but can you give me space to think, this days been crazy." I say trying my best to hold back the tears

"I'll leave you alone and I'm sorry. Is their anything you need before I leave?" He ask

"Acutely yeah I needed to talk to you about something. What's up Louis and Harry? I know they've always fussed but today it was like Louis was doing shit to just piss him off, and it's pissing me off. He's my best friend and I know you know how Harry feels about Louis. Well every time he's dick to him like he was today he dies a little inside. I thought maybe you could talk to Louis and have him ease up. Don't tell him Harry likes him that's not for us to tell but. I don't know I just figured you could do something." I say "I'll do what I can but you know as well as I do Louis' hard headed,"He says.

"Where's Liam?"

"Oh... I just mentioned I was hungry and he pretty much darted out the door to get food he said he'd be back in a few minutes,"I said sitting on the couch and turning on the TV.

"Damn Niall! You got that boy going every way but loose! Greg said with a laugh

"What'd you talking about? He said he was hungry too and was going to get some food. Sheesh Greg, you act like he was jumping off a bridge for me or something," I said annoyed at where this was going. Greg turned around and came to sit down next to me.

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