~*Chapter 6: Liam*~

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Ok, I've seen plenty of guys eat before and I've never thought twice about it. But when Niall ate, my whole world stopped. Who am I kidding, Everything he did made my world stop. He ate all his chicken and finished off his chips and the brownie I bought him. Thank God he wasn't one of those boys who would only eat lettuce and snack on carrots.

"Did you get enough to eat Niall?" I asked him as I cleaned up the mess on the coffee table.

" Oh my gosh yes!"I'm so full and so tired! Thank you so much,Liam, for getting my favorite! I'm surprised you even knew that," he said as he looked up At me with those beautiful blue eyes that caught my breath every fooking time he looked at me.

"No problem,sweetheart, It was my pleasure. I heard Greg say enough times what he was bringing you for lunch, So I put two and two together that this place must be your favorite place.

" Do you mind if I watch a movie with you? I mean, I'm tired but I don't think I could fall asleep this early," Niall called over his shoulder to me as I brought all the trash out to kitchen. Holy hell, Just him asking to watch a movie with me and BAM...hard dick! I needed to get it together or it was going to be a long fooking night.

" Of course I don't mind! On the table next to the sofa are all of our movies if you want to pick one," I called back out to him. "You want something else to drink?"

"Um... just water please." He answered me with a smile so sweet my heart about dropped to my stomach. I would give anything to have that smile greet me each and every morning.

"Sooo, you really were planning on just staying home tonight and watching a movie? Seems to me you would have some hot date. I would have figured Greg would have one, that is until he tells me dating someone and didn't even tell me."He says with bitterness in voice. "Oh he told you about Denise?" I ask "Yeah,I mean I'm happy for him but hurt too." He's says "I understand but I think he wanted to make sure it was going somewhere before he told you." I say "Yeah I guess now back to you. A guy as good looking as you surely has a boyfriend," Niall rattled off as I walked up to the sofa and set his bottle water down along with another beer for me.

"Yes, I was really planning on watching a movie tonight and no hot date or boyfriend," I said back to him with a laugh. "By the way I have a of getting greg back for not telling you. And just to let you know if we do it I am putting my life in danger." I tell making him smile. "I'm intrigued" He says. "I don't know if I should take that as insult or not." I say making him laugh and roll his eyes. "Oh, just tell me the plan." He say shaking his head. "Well on the way to your school today Louis told him him he sheltered you to much. And earlier he told me Louis was right. But told me I better not tell Louis that." I say he doesn't need to know what we were talking about when he told that. "Liam your a fooking genius! And your life's not in any danger because he messed up first. But we are most definitely telling Lou." He laughs.

I sat down on the sofa and reached around the back and pulled up a blanket for him.

"Do you want me to get you a pillow?" I asked as he looked through the movies.

"Oh no... I can get it. You don't have to wait on me, Liam. I'm perfectly fine to get things on my own.

Good lord I could watch his lips move for hours. I tore my eyes away from his mouth and looked up to see him staring back at me. Yep, this was gonna be a long, night. We sat there there for I don't know how long, just staring at each other, before I jumped up and walked into Greg's bedroom to grab a pillow and another blanket. I needed to adjust my growing dick as I walked down the hall.

I walked into my bedroom and quickly changed into some sweatpants. If things kept going the way they were, my dick was going to be squished in my jeans all night if I didn't change. On the way back into the living room I stopped in the kitchen to get a bag of ice for Niall's hand.

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