05 will

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☆彡 relaxfluff

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☆彡 relax

moving from hawkins to california, practically across the whole country, was hard for will. despite the attention going towards eleven and her struggles away from hopper and hawkins, you couldn't help but notice the boy's distress. when you visited with mike, you could see his uncomfortable nature within the new area.
    especially when the four of you decided to go to the nearby skating rink. will and you skated together, and maybe to anyone else he looked like he was having genuine fun, but his short looks of disappointment or something didn't go unnoticed to you. while standing in line at the concession stand, you decide to mention something to him.
    "will? you doing okay? i mean maybe i'm just reading it wrong but you don't seem to be having the best of times," you cross your arms, shrugging at will as he turns to look at you.
    will gives an extremely fake smile, hoping you would notice, "i don't know, everything is just so different, and some of the differences are nice. some are enjoyable, but something is always going wrong. and el is just having a hard ti..."
    you shake your head, "stop will." you grab his hand with yours, caressing the back of his palm with your thumb. "will, i want to know how you are, not have eleven is. not how mike, not how your mom is, not how jonathan is. i want to know about you."
    "no one has asked me yet," his eyes start to get cloudy, tears lining his eyes, "it's been really hard being apart from everyone, apart from you. and i try to stay strong for el, but i just feel like it's too hard sometime to play that role."
    the two of you stand still for a second, not knowing how to continue the conversation. so, instead of talking, you pull him in for a hug. your arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around your torso, giving you the biggest and most desperate hug you had ever felt in your life. like it's the thing he needed most to keep going.
    within the hug, you hear will sniffle, tears likely on your back at this point. "you're going to be okay," you whisper to him, "and i'm here for you, just know that."
    "thanks y/n, you're a great friend, a great person really," the two of you depart from the hug, and he wipes his eyes, showing just how red and puffy they had become. "i don't know what i would do without you, really..."
    you shove him a little, "i don't know what i'd do without me either. but really, you're a great person too will. a great friend... well i'd have to really think that one over."
    he gasps and looks offended, one hand raised to his chest as if you just said the most offensive thing ever. "how dare you, that's quite rude of you to say such a blasphemous thing," he shakes his head at you, rolling his eyes.
    "are you guys going to order or something?" the boy working at the concession stand raises an eyebrow at the two of you, bringing you out of your conversation and towards him. despite the slight embarrassment of the situation, and the many people waiting, you wouldn't have traded the special moment with will, because you know he needs help just like any other person would.

- requested by @SomeRandomRatThing
- word count: 570

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