T h i r t y O n e

Depuis le début

"Sure." Duke grinned. Irene and Daniel truly are good people. Whoever raised them raised them well.

"Alright, you can join me."

"Wow! Really?" Daniel smiled and watched Duke pull in 2 chairs from the living room and positioned the chairs to all be in Duke's screen. Irene and Daniel got on the chairs and positioned themselves comfortably.

"We sit here?" Daniel asked.

"Yep. You're the guest." Duke said, looking at the computer.

"Wow, this is cool." Irene smiled and looked down at her phone once she saw a few texts pour in.

Prince Charming: i c u
Zoe: im broadcasting you on my stream ;3
Mira: Lia and i r watching u 0.0

Irene smiled down at her phone and the next moment she looked up the numbers were climbing higher and higher under views. Duke was looking for the sound track for their song while Daniel and Irene watched the streams chats.

1,000 balloons
Gangnam Lord: hi Irene! Do u remember me from yesterday ;)

"Oh, hi. You're from Zoe's stream. I remember." She nodded and smiled.

"You guys can greet yourselves if you want." Duke said and looked for the Beautiful Day track.

"Im Daniel and this is my sister Irene. We are Duke's friends." Daniel greeted and more and more  balloons came pouring in.

"Alright. We are going to sing." Duke nodded in front of Irene.

"I hope you enjoy." Duke said, nervously. He didn't want to mess up or anything in front of Irene and the new climbing viewers.

Throughout the song performance three different viewers were fighting with the amount of balloons in chat.

Gangnam Lord
LaLa Princess

The amount of balloons were ranking higher and higher until ASDF won between the three. Irene, Duke and Daniel were all in shock from the amount they received once the stream ended.

Total: 32,983 balloons
Income: 3,300
40% fee: 1,300
Total: 2,000

Daniel and Irene tried to give Duke all the 2,000, but he was persistent that they should take some of the money too since they helped bring in the most viewers he's ever gotten. They decided to take 500 for the each of them. Irene knew she was going to spend it on taking care of somethings around the house.

But now that they had money it was time to return back to their jobs.

"Daniel, can you help me with this?" Irene called out.

"Have a good night." Daniel called after the man that bought whiskey and a small meal. He continued sorting some of the boxes of chips since Irene was gone.

"Jeez. Can you help me out? That freezer is so cold." Irene walked out of the freezer with a black hoodie pulled over her and a black medical mask on to reuse some of her hot breath and not bring in the cold, weird smelling, freezer air. Daniel wouldn't even be able to know who Irene was if he didn't know her bangs that were flopped in front of her upper face.

She really needed a haircut.

"Help me out. The box is heavy." She said through her mask.

"Jeez. Go get your hand checked out." Daniel sighed and walked over to the freezer and picked up the box for Irene and put it by the last aisle by the freezers.

"What should we do with the money from the stream?" Daniel asked her as he huffed with the large gatorade box in his hands.

"Im going to save it to pay rent for the next couple months and get some good groceries that should last us for a bit." Irene said and followed behind her brother, feeling bad she bothered him.

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