Story 187/Giga Mermaid eats Adam and shantae

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"crap she's hangry" Shantae said as she dodged an incoming attack from the large green mermaid.

Whenever this giant mermaid got hungry she became as aggressive as a teenager. And her anger was hellbent on taking itself out on the blonde haired boy and the genie. "Grrr...Hungry" The angry mermaid gritted her teeth as she swung her head down suddenly towards shantae. "Gah! NO!" Before shantae could get scooped up, Adam pushed her out of the way and the giant girl's lips slammed around him.

"Adam no! nonono!" Shantae tried grabbing at his legs but the boy was kicking so much that her hands couldn't grasp them. (Slurp!) The mermaid licks her lips and the boy's legs were sucked into her mouth. Shantae's face went wide eyed and began to cry in fear for her friend as she knows the mermaid wouldn't care if he was just food. "No! LET HIM GO!" Shantae cried trying to be intimidating but she was so afraid all that came out was squeaking.

Meanwhile Adam was panicking a lot and trying to fight back from being eaten. "Crap! I didn't think she was this starved" Adam said as he grabs her tongue and tries to keep from being pulled down her throat. "Nonono! Not this!" adam said pushing with his feet against the back of her throat. "Come on let me go" Adam gritted his teeth as he tried to open her mouth. her teeth were clamped shut as the mouth shook him around since shantae was trying to get her to cough him up by battling. "Come on!!" Adam said as he presses against her cheek and begins to press hard against it. Shantae could see the weak outline of her friend pressed against the mermaid's cheek trying desperately to escape.

(Slideeeee) The mermaid tilted her head back and her meaty tongue pressed hard against the boy. He was pinned against the back of her throat and her tongue kept shoving her prey in. "N-no! Shanta-" before Adam could cry for help the throat slammed closed and his body began traveling down in an outline that wriggled. (Gulp!) the giant mermaid simply strained as she pushes him past her neck collar which pins hard against him making his squirms just stop. "ADAM! NOO!" Shantae cried as she watched the bulge slide past the lime covered breasts and vanished into her growling stomach. (Buuuuuurp) The mermaid just let out a ravenous belch and glared down at Shantae with still burning hanger in her eyes. "I guess i have no other choice" Shantae said before she hopped up from platform to platform and when she got to face level with the mermaid she jumped right at her.

(CLAMP!) In no time shantae was engulfed by the giga mermaid and her tongue immediately begins to lick her. "I can't believe I have to do this" Shantae said grossed out but knew she had to do this to go and help her friend. She crawls to the back of her rancid throat and began kicking her legs as her head and torso entered her throat making it start bulging again. The mermaid wasn't expecting this but it was totally free food so she tossed her head back and swallowed hard. (Sluurppp!) The mermaid sighed in pleasure as the bulge also traveled down and disappeared.

The Giga Mermaid was still rather angry but after shantae had disappeared her head gem went from red to blue. "Fuck...I actually ate those guys" she said in a slightly booming voice as she was still stuck in her chains. She however was thankful she was full and not starving. so she just sighs in relief and occasionally pulls at her chains to maybe bust free.

Meanwhile Adam was hugging shantae while shantae was holding herself rightside up against one of the disgusting stomach walls. It was rather tight to any wrong movements would activate her stomach acids. "s-stay calm adam, if you move too much her stomach will start to attack" Shantae said as she hugged tightly to adam who was just snuggling her. The stomach squeezed in and out unrelentingly "we need to find a way out, If we don't we are sushi" Adam said as he just held onto her. (GURGLE!) The mermaid being unable to move made digestion very slow coming out. The 2 didn't know how they would escape but they knew as long as they just stuck together they would be okay.

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