Story 159(Teddy meets spider-gwen)

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"Alright kid fun and games are over, hand over the wallet" the one of 3 thugs said demandingly to a very scared teddy. "Please wait go away! I won't give it to you!" teddy cried as he covered his face as the thug leader was about to shank poor teddy.

Suddenly something fast attacked the thug kicking them with a flying foot. "OWW! who the heck?!" the thug stumbled. They looked up to see the city's hero, everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-gwen who gently picked up teddy by the sides and lifted him. "Sorry boys but no picking on someone not your own size in my city" she said before opening her mouth and plunging teddy's head inside. the group of thugs were shocked as teddy opened his eyes when his skin caught contact on the tongue and flesh. "Huh? why did it get so warm and wet?" teddy said confused as gwen took a gentle swallow, he was yanked downwards which caused him to flinch as she wrapped her lips around his shoulders and began to slide down gently as to not frighten the victim. "Ooh aa its hot" teddy muffled as his face gently slid down to just above her breasts as she reached his own chest and holding his arms to his sides gently. *GULP!* she passed more of him down and the bulge above her boobs began passing down the rest of the way stretching her suit as she approached his ass and he approached her stomach. "Is that a room? eugh it smells bad but i can tell its warm" teddy muffled again as gwen took another gulp while lifting her head upwards letting his legs begin sliding down. "oh wow its tight in here" teddy said as his head was forced into the gut and his cheek was laying against the front wall making a spherical bulge in her suit slowly growing as he was swallowed.

*GULP!* more of him entered as she reached his knees and saw that the criminals noticed the wallet he dropped on the ground. he tried to get it but gwen used a web shot and grabbed the wallet before retracting it as his feet were pulled into her mouth. "Aahhh" she licked her lips before taking a hard swallow and his feet went down her throat. she pressed on her boobs before gently laying a hand on her large spherical belly as teddy was now just confused by the sounds and feeling of wet walls around him. "Hah, looking for this? welp you aren't getting it!" she said taunting the criminals before tossing it in the air and then letting it fall down her soft throat. "AAH" she let out a satisfied gasp before smacking her gut causing teddy to bounce. "hey my wallet" teddy muffled as he grabbed his wallet and held it to his chest as he felt the walls push in and out around his concealed body. "Later lugs" she taunted before suddenly slinging up onto the building but her gut made it harder. "Hey what's going on?? where am I?" he muffled as he pushed around. after a few seconds of swinging spider-gwen reached a tall building and took a break, she began to gently rub her belly as teddy felt hands on his own body. "Don't worry my guy, you are safe from those lugs" spider-gwen assured him he was safe as he looked upwards. "Oh uh thanks so much...buuuuttttt, where am i?" teddy asked as he looked around at the dark walls around him. "tehe well i swallowed you" she said as teddy then blushed red since not only was he in a stomach but also was in the stomach of a girl. "Y-you actually ate me?" he asked pushing on her stomach walls making it gurgle and moan. "Yeah, and you tasted heavenly too" she said giggling as she then began to pat him. "So would you like out?" Spider-gwen asked but teddy replied suddenly with "no, i like it here".

Gwen never experienced anyone who liked her stomach and yet here this boy was nuzzling against her wall making a face imprint. maybe she could keep him in there for abit.

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