Story 127 (fire emblem feast)

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kirby could not believe his eyes when he took the warpstar down to the arena. he had been pinned against everyone from the fire emblem universe. "Is this some sort of joke!?" kirby exclaimed to the forth wall with alot of confusion. kirby sighed in slight frustration but after seeing items were on he had an idea. he began the fight and sucked up one of byleth's golden arrows which made his cheeks glow as he spat it back. kirby fought for a good 15 minutes before he finally saw it. a timer which slowly descended down to the floor. everyone ran for it but kirby used a pow block to send them all into the air. he grabbed the clock and everyone slowed down. "GREAT! now i just have to eat" he said as he began to inhale. *CLLAMP!" kirby's cheeks became massive as everyone was crammed inside. his face strained slightly because everyone kept stabbing his insides. "MMMMM!" kirby groaned before taking a swallow and marth began to get pulled down. "IKE HELP! I'm being swallowed!" marth said in fear as his legs had begun to glide down the pink boy's black throat. "HOLD ON MARTH!" ike said as he pulled on marth's hands to pull him back up the throat but kirby took 2 big swallows and marth's head was all that poked out. he could feel his legs in the puff boy's stomach already feeling the hot liquids all over him. "I-ike, h-help!" marth was about to cry but the tongue pushed against him and when it eased he was gone. "MARTH! this puff just swallowed him!" ike said angrily as kirby's stomach filled with the blue haired prince. "MMphh they're squirming too much in my mouth, i have to swallow" kirby said before he begain to tilt his head back and his tongue began to stretch his throat out. "GRAB THE TONGUE!" everyone muffled as kirby's throat pouch opened and they tried to grab onto each other but one by one they began to get pushed past his tongue. his throat grew until all that was left in his mouth was byleth who was using her axe to smash at his cheek. *SGLLLP!!* kirby swallowed his large meal and felt overwhelming damage as everyone just slammed into his stomach. "WE'RE DOOMED!" robin cried as they all began to attack his stomach. "UUUURPPPP!!!!" kirby let out a tremendous burp while also knowing that this would release everyone who had fallen to galeem's control. "aches s-so bad" kirby groaned as he got on top of his stomach while feet and weapons were being used against him. he saw in the distance there was some spicy atomic curry. "I can use this!" kirby said as he began to inhale which made the hot stew come flying towards his mouth. *glp* kirby ate the dish and felt the contants leak onto everyone which left serious burns. "BBWWWAAARRPPP!!" kirby belched up flames as everyone was being burned by the spicy curry. "MMMPHHH!!! HMmmm...." it seemed like an eternity but after a period of time kirby's stomach fell still and felt very ridged. they were beginning to dissolve away into his body. kirby got up after another hour of digestion and looked at his thighs disappointed because they were getting too big for his clothes. "UUURPP!" he belched up their spirits and they began to thank him for his courage in defeating them. "y-your welcome but that had to be the biggest meal i have ever had" kirby said as he got on his warpstar and flew away.

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