| Chapter 32 |

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Since my friends passed the audition, I didn't get to spend time with any of them. Everytime I tried to talk or hang out with them they were busy planning, practicing or rehearsing, making the time till the actual show much worst. I mean having to be by myself for several weeks while being stared at is not fun at all. It is actually pretty lonely and... Unbearable..

Only two days until the show and the end of the school year. Feeling bored I lay on my bed, watching cute cat videos on my phone, when I get a text from Minho.

'I'll be at yours in 10 minutes for a date.' (Minho)

Confused I stare at my phone as I sit up.
10 minutes?
Starting to feel overwhelmed I put on a jacket and a pair of shoes. After about 10 minutes I go out and Minho really is here, standing in front of my house. Quietly I walk over to him.
"What are you doing here?", I ask with a serious ton to my voice.
"Taking you out on a date. Like I already said."
Without giving me time to respond he take my hand and drags me out of my garden and onto the street.

We walk for about 20 minutes with me not knowing where we are going and complete silence. Until he stops in front of a park.
"Do you want to go here?", I question. Minho nods, continuing to lead the way, until we arrive at a blanket, that is laying on the grass. The boy still holding onto me invites me to sit down and I do. Quietly he sits down beside me, looking at me.
"What?", I again ask, feeling the heat inside my cheeks.
Minho chuckles, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"I just thought how pretty you are.."
Feeling shy I try to look away, but he stops me, kissing me softly. Immediately I melt into the kiss, smiling as our lips part again. Next he takes my hand, laying it on his chest.
"That's how nervous you make me", he again chuckles slightly embarrassed before laying down on the blanket. With a smile I lay down beside him, snuggling onto him, as we both stare up at the night sky. Hundreds of stars shine at the beautiful sky. Amazed we stare up, at first silently, but then Minho begins to speak.
"These last few days have been so exhausting.. and you know what. I really missed you Ma-Ri.."
A smile creeps up my lips as I hear him.
"I missed you too", I say, looking at him, as he keeps on staring at the sky, chuckling.
"I know. You told me that everyday.. your text were really what kept me going, you know?"
"I am glad I was able to help you", still looking at him I can't help but admire is beautiful side profile. I never noticed how pretty it is before, or did I?
"Ma-Ri, I really love you so much", he says, smiling at the sky as he says it. Hearing these words, seeing his honest smile makes my heart melt. Maybe letting my feelings develop was the right choice after at. At least it feels right, laying next to him, having his arms around me..
Gently I lay my head on his chest and look back up at the sky, when a shooting star travels through the sky. Excited I point to it, but it's already gone again.
"Did you see that??"
"Yeah, I did", his chuckles reach my ears, making me smile even wider.
"We get to make a wish."
What to wish for? This is so much pressure.. I... Oh I know what. I wish Minho and I would work out, without hurting one another..
After a few seconds I look back to Minho.
"What did you wish for?"
"I can't tell you, otherwise my wish won't come true."
"Oh, you're right. I never asked."
Again my head turns to the sky and I admire the stars for a moment.
"I love you too Minho.."
"You really do, don't you?", Slowly he sits up, still Holden onto me. When he lets got I look at him confused. I nod to confirm his question. That's when his expression turns from a sincere smile to a evil smirk.
"Guess you really fell for it", he says, still smirking at me.
Taken aback I tilt my head: "What are you talking about?"
"You really are dense aren't you?", He chuckles, "Do you remember the first time we talked about 'us'?"

Maybe I want more than just to fuck you or maybe I don't. You'll never know.

"Did you really think you are so special that I would actually fall for you?", Another chuckles escapes his lips.
I lower my head, hoping the tears will stay inside, but the don't.
"Aww how sweet. The Ma-Ri crying for me. Guess I got you really good", sarcastically he pats my head, as the tears stream down my flushed cheeks.
"There is no need to cry Ma-Ri. I didn't love you anyway. So nothing to mourn here."
With these words he stand up. All I can see are his feet through my blurry vision. And he leaves. Leaving me alone with my aching, hurting heart. As soon as I know he is gone the tears I had been able to hold in come out as well. Like a breaking dam I sit on the blanket, crying my heart out in the middle of a dark and empty park. I cry until I feel numb. Numb enough to try and find my way home.

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