| Chapter 12 |

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Annoyed I sit in the passenger seat. Talking to my father over the phone.
"So you basically force me to model in your new campaign and then you'll postpone it without any reason and you still won't change me for someone else?"
After a sigh he answers with a annoyed yes and telling me off for asking about that again.
After we hang up. I really can't believe him sometimes..
Annoyed I look out of the window and watch the people walking outside. They probably adore my parents and their work. Can't really blame them though. His clothes are really pretty..

Still feeling upset I walk through the halls, ignoring everyone's glaring, until I feel a certain someone's stare, so I make eye contact. This makes him smirk. Slowly he walks up to me.
"Good morning cupcake", he still smirks, towering over me.
"Leave me alone."
"Why so mean?", He pouts.
The moment I am about to answer Sora joins us. Immediately she and the tall boy beside me hug each other, making me feel absolutely disgusted. What the hell is going on?
"Ehm, you good?", I question them. Instead of answering they ignore me and walk off.
At least I know now that she isn't really a friend, though she didn't do anything wrong.. but why does it feel like she's going something wrong?
I still look after them, when Felix approaches me.
Surprised but already in a better mood I turn around to him.
"Oh, hey Felix!"
"Listen", he seems stressed, "about what I texted you yesterday.."
It was a prank or a dare.. wasn't it? Please tell me you meant it..
"Chan wrote that.."
I knew it.......
"Oh", feeling a bit uneasy I give him a weak smile, "I kinda figured. But it's absolutely okay, that you don't want to go out with me."
Again I give him a reassuring smile before quickly walking off, leaving the Australian boy behind.

As I walk to Hyunjin and Han, who are already sitting at their table, eating lunch, I notice Sora and Minho sitting across from them.
"Hey", I wave, sitting down next to Han. Both he and Hyunjin nod as a greeting before turning their attention back to their meals. I do just like them, when Minho, who sits exactly across me, kicks against my leg, making me look up at him. The second our eyes meet, he puts his arm around Sora, giving her a dorky smile.
"You two should get a room", Hyunjin jokes, easing the tension that had build up without me noticing.
I chuckle and go back to enjoy my food in peace. Or at least I thought that is what I am going to do, when someone accidentally let's their plate fall onto my head, emptying them in the process. I sigh, full of hot food. Shocked I close my eyes, when someone grabs my arm, forces me to stand up. Even more shocked I open my eyes again, just to see Minho carefully getting the food off of me.
With a concerned look in his face he looks down at me.
"Are you hurt?", He gently strokes my head, making sure to not hurt me further, "Did the food burn you?"
My cheeks heat up, when Felix and Chan also walk next to me.
"Are you okay?", Both give me a concerned look. Felix tries to walk closer, but stops when Minho gives him a glare. Immediately the Australian boy backs off, while Minho turns his attention back to me.
"It looks like you're burned..", caring Minho takes my hand to lead me away, probably to treat my wound.
"I'll join you!", Felix blurts out, getting another mad stare from Minho. I on the other hand nod, wanting him to come with us.
I can't be alone with Minho again..

The three of us walk to the nurses office. it's awkwardly silent as we walk. Somehow I feel strange walking between the two boys.

As we walk into the room quietly, we look for the nurse, but she isn't here. That isn't really a surprise. She's usually not here anyways..

"Let's put a creme on the burn", Minho suggests, looking for the creme he is talking about in the meantime. After a few seconds of searching he gives up.
"Can't find it."
"Maybe ask at the office if they have some?", I answer, looking out the window to avoid any kind of eye contact.
Minho nods and walks out without making any noise.
There is complete silence until Felix walks beside me, looking out the window as well.
Feeling awkward I just keep on staring outside until Felix speaks up.
"Hey..", his voice sounds just as insecure as I feel.
"How are you feeling?", Way to start such a awkward conversation...
I sigh: "I'm alright, I guess.."
Again it gets awkward when we both fall into silence once again, until he again start the conversation.
"I'm really sorry for the text and the letter.."
I was trying to forget about that.
"It's alright. If you don't actually feel that way, then that's alright. Nothing you can do about that, right?", I force myself to smile, as I turn my head to face him. The blond boy looks at me serious.
"I do feel this way about you", he speaks, causing my heart to skip a beat, "I just think it's too soon for that."
"What do you mean with 'too soon'?"
"You have so much stress right now and I don't want to add to it.. also, we didn't really talk a lot.."
A third time we fall into silence. I turn to the window again, watching the natur outside.

"I really want to kiss you right now.."

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