| Chapter 3 |

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Somehow Minhos words would not leave my mind. His gaze on me.. everything makes me feel weird and freaked out. He really is the worst.. I remember how he would always mention how much he had been playing with girls hearts. And sometimes even guys were his targets. I really don't understand why anyone would do this to someone else..
This whole situation makes me mad. He's been bothering me ever since... It.. became puplic information.. usually he would not even look at me and now he's bothering me and being a bully, just like he is to the girls he likes..

Even though I send the whole weekend thinking about this, I still do when my driver drives me to school like he does everyday. The ride is more silent then usual, since I'm still trying to figure out what Minho actually wants to achieve.
The man driving seems to be bothered by the silence, as he breaks it carefully.
"Is everything okay, Ma-Ri?"
Seeing him worry about me so constantly surprises me a bit.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking I guess.."
"If there is anything bothering you, you can talk to me."
Sometimes it's hard to know if people are just being nice to me because of my parents or because they actually care..
"It's okay, don't worry", I try to play it off, when we fortunately arrive at the gate to my school. Immediately I rush out of the car to escape that conversation and when I do, all eyes are on me. Just like the days prior.
I hate this..
Feeling more than uncomfortable I put my hood over my head and walk past all these staring people. At first I wanted to go straight into the building, but a huge crowd has gathered in front of it. I know why they're here..
Carefully I sneak past them into the field behind the school. Usually I would never go here, since I don't have any after school activities. I don't even go watch the play, but I know that it's usually empty here before school starts and I'm right. Not a single soul is here. I sigh, walk behind the seats, that remind me of a food all stadium and let myself fall to the floors.
"It hasn't even been 10 minutes..", I mutter exhausted, letting out a quiet yawn, when two voices interrupt me.
"What are we going here?", A really girly and pretty voice asks. Her answers a male voice, that sounds slightly annoyed.
The two walk to the seats and sit down. They're close enough for me to everything. Carefully I peak to see who it is.

Minho and his girlfriend?

"So, why are we here? Do you want to..", the dark haired girl gives him a flirty look, that doesn't seem to be returned, as her expression quickly changes into a frustrated one.
"That's not it.. then what is it?"
Minho sighs, but gets it down quickly: "Let's go seperate ways.."
He sounds cold, giving me goosebumps. I know he can be heartless, but I've still not heard him talk like that..
"W.. what are you talking about? We... We love each other!", I can tell she is holding back her tears, though she's really struggling to actually not break down on the spot.
"Oh do we?", A evil grin on Minhos face again, makes a shiver go down my spine.
"Of course we do!"
"You love me, but I fooled you", he chuckles softly.
"What? You-you said I am different!", The girl seems desperate, as she tries to convince Minho to stop lying. But is he actually lying?
"You said I was the one who saved you from Jiyo and now you're doing this to me?"
"You didn't safe me", he chuckles again, "I was bored and you were interesting enough. As long as I wasn't the only one wanting you.."
The dark haired girl is clearly shocked, more than shocked.
"And since he's with someone else now..."
Minho pauses, before getting closer to her and whispering in her ears.
"I... Don't need you anymore."
With these cruel words he turns around, leaving his, now ex, girlfriend behind, balling her eyes out. Knowing what happened I began to feel awkward. I heard how he broke up with her in the worst way possible and now, she's crying and I'm still here. Part of me wants to comfort her, but we don't know each other, like at all.
So instead I again sneak past someone and look for her friends. When I do, they seem suprised and excited to see me.
"Oh my gosh, Ma-Ri! We live your parents!", They gush, giving me an instant headache.
"Listen.. I think your friend needs a bit of comfort", I explain quietly, "I saw her crying behind the school."
As soon as they hear that they quickly walk past me, giving me a last smile before rushing to their heartbroken friend.
It's interesting to see how their expression changed from behind excited to horrified and worried. I remember when I used to have friends like that.. and I also remember how that turned out..
The second I zone out, a arm around my shoulders makes me jump. Confused I look to my left and look into chans eyes.
"Ma-Ri, how are you doing?", He gives me his best smile.
"I'm alright, how are you?", I smile back, causing him to smile even more.
"I'm good. Do you want to go to class?"
Chan's polite as always.

Finally, getting some food into my stomach sounds like a dream come true. I truly hate Mondays the most. First math and then P.E.. who thought that would be a good idea? However that was, needs some serious help, like yesterday..

Feeling uncomfortable like usual I walk into the cafeteria. Most tables are full. People chat while enjoying their meals. Some read and other eat in silence. Unsure I look around in hopes to find Chan or anyone who I had gotten along with priviously. Fortunately I see Jeongin and Hyunjin walking to their usual table. Quickly I walk up to them and greet them with a unsure smile. Both seem shocked at first when they see me, but relax rather quickly. The boys also greet me.
"Is it okay to sit with you?", I again smile at them and they both agree instantly.
As we sit down and eat, it becomes a bit awkward. Until Chan joins us.
"Hey Ma-Ri."
"Hi Chan."
It's interesting to see how much the atmosphere changes as soon as Chan sits with us. The second he is with us it changed from tense to absolutely relaxed.
"How was your day, Ma-Ri?", The blond boy asks me, grabbing his lunch out of his bag.
"It was okay, I think", thinking about how Minho dumped his girlfriend this morning makes me feel weird.. but I can't say that. They are his friends after all, "I mean, I have been worst."
Chan gives me a look, before keeping the conversation alive.
It's nice to see the boys laugh and have fun even when I'm around, but the fun stops, when one particular guy joins us as well.
"Oh, Minho! Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?", Hyunjin looks confused behind me to Minho.
I turn around to look at him as well. When I do he looks at me a second, before looking back at Hyunjin.
"She's with her friends. I didn't want to bother her", liar..
We all look over to his 'girlfriend', as she sits with her friends on another table. It's obvious she had been crying the whole day. Slowly she puts spoon after spoon if lunch I to her mouth, until she looks over to us. As soon as she sees Minho, she begins to cry again.
While I still look at her, the guy sits down beside me, sandwiching me between him and Chan.
"Did something happen between you two?", Chan asks with worry in his voice.
"Not really."
You just broke up with her in the worst way possible.. but no biggie, right? Since you're not hurt.. sitting beside him makes me sick..
"I.... i think I'll leave", quickly I get up, earning confused looks from the four boys, that share a table with me. They all just nod though and let me leave, without trying to stop me.

"I don't know why I feel so grossed out..", I mutter.
The second I left the cafeteria, I just went to my locker to get some books for the next class. I didn't want me leaving to seem weird or anything, so that was probably the best option.
When I opened my locker, a note falls down to the ground. Surprised I pick it up. It's actually a light blue letter. I open it and find a small note inside.

Dear Ma-Ri,,
I know this is sudden, but would you please meet me today after school at the football field. I want to talk to you about something important.


Confused I read the letter a second and then a third time. This absolutely sounds like a loveletter.. the ones that you usually see in shows, where they want to meet up to confess their love for you..

Should I even go, or should I just ignore it. I mean, even if this ended up to be what I think it is, it'll only be because of my parents. God, do I hate being their daughter sometimes..

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