| Chapter 30 |

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Chan I have been writing songs for some days now. Unfortunately for us, we were unable to go to my home in the week, since my parents weren't home and they didn't want me to bring anyone over since the media has been really focusing on me lately. But since it's Saturday and both my father and mother are home, they allowed me to have Chan and everyone that wants to join us over.

It's already 1 pm and I am still waiting for everyone to arrive. Feeling annoyed and tired I lay down on our huge sofa. With a smile my mother sits down beside me, caressing my head.
"Do they know?", She asks.
"No. I don't think I will tell them. Especially since I haven't decided yet."
Understanding she nods, gives me a kiss on the forehead and walks out again. Before she leave the room completely she informs me that she will cook something for me and my friends. We could easily have a chef to cook out meals, but my mother loves to cook. That is why she usually does it herself. I like it when she cooks. It's always special when she does. Maybe I should tell her that more often?
As I think about that I don't notice the doorbell going off. Only when my mother walks into the living room once again, I notice what is going on. Immediately I rush to the front door and open it. In front of me stand Chan, Han, Changbin, Jiwoo, Liz and Minho. Seeing them makes me smile, as I tell them to come in.
"Hello, you must be Ma-Ris friends. Please feel free to do whatever you want", my mother says with a smile on her lips. In the meantime my father enters the living room as well. He greets them like my mother did and both leave us be.
"They seem nice", Chan comments.
"Yeah", Changbin agrees, before turning to me, "So.."
A bit startled I look at them, nod and guide the way into a room right beside my bedroom. We all walk inside and they all are more than impressed.
"Wow", Han says, looking around.
"My mother used to be really into music. She has always been fascinated by the process, soooo she build a studio."
My explanation doesn't really matter to them, as they're all busy looking around, trying to figure out what equipment my mother owns. After a few minutes they finally go back to focusing on why they are here.
"Alright, let's record some vocals", Changbin says, getting ready for his rap.
The others, including me, sit back on a long sofa and watch him do his magic. As we do, I feel Minhos hands gently grabbing mine. I look down at our hands as they intertwine. Then I look up at him. He gives me a warm smile before looking back to Changbin, who is still in the middle of his rap. When he is done he seems more than proud, sitting down beside Jiwoo. Both smile at each other. It's cute seeing them together..

About two hours passed. Chan, Han, Liz and Jiwoo all recorded their part. Everyone except Minho.
"What are you waiting for?", Chan asked in a teasing manner. Minho give the older one a annoyed look, but stands up. With hesitation he pics up the headphones. The music starts and he begins to sing. His voice sounds smooth, like a melody I searched for my whole life without even knowing it. When he is done, I can not help it but smile at him.
"That was awesome!", The others complement him and honestly, I can only agree with them.
After a few more complements the others ask me to get some food. With a nod I leave and walk into the kitchen.
"Hey mom", I greet my mother, who is making herself a tea.
"Are your friends hungry?"
"I guess so."
She giggles, while turning to the fridge and grabbing a plate with sandwiches on it. With a smile I take the plate.
"Thanks again for letting us use your room. I know how special this is to you."
"Sure. I also know how important that compilation is to you and especially your friends."
At first I want to go back up after that, but then I turn back around.
"Actually, since we are talking already. Can I ask you for a favor?"

After the conversation with my mother I go back up. With the food of course. Everyone looks at me happy, taking a sandwich.
"I hope you like them. My mother made them."
Everyone agrees and compliments them. Hearing that makes me smile, until Liz speaks up.
"Listen Ma-Ri. Would you mind leaving us for a second? We wanted to record something by ourselves."
Even though her explaination, if you want to call it that, confuses me, I still agree and leave the room. The second I am outside the door shuts. Not knowing what that is about I decided to go to my room. After all it's the most comfortable place to wait for them to finish.
Immediately when I enter my own room, I can feel the tention leave my body. Honestly, it feels weird having people over. Especially since Han still isn't too found of me. Can't really blame him though. Considering how things turned out. He must think I am some kinda of trust fund baby, who doesn't care about other people..
A sigh escapes my lips. Think about all of this is making me tired..
Unsure what to do with myself I lean against, unusually high, my desk. It's only this high to force me to sit up straight. My parents want me to have a good attitude, while also stand or sitting with a straight back all the time. It's ridiculous if you ask me, bit that's just how they are I guess. At leave I won't have back problems too fast.
While I just stand there think about nothing too important another person walks into my room, closing the door behind them. Confused I look up and into Minhos face.
"Eeh hi?", I wave.
The brown haired boy walks to me, not greeting me back.
"What are you doing in my room?"
He also ignores that. Instead I stops in front of me, looking straight into my eyes.
"How long are you gonna make me wait?", His voice sounds desperate and weak, almost like he could break down any second.
"I- I don't understand.."
"Yes you do", he looks down, "I asked you so many times and you never would answer me.."
Seeing him so upset makes my heart throb. Gently I cup his right cheek with my hand, causing him to look at me.
"Minho.. I", I don't know what to actually say. No matter what I would say it would feel wrong. If I tell him how my heart is pound when he is close or how much I missed his touch ever since he let go of my hand today, he would probably just hurt me, throw me away like dirt and search for someone else, like he did to every other girl. But if I tell him off I might feel even worst..
With an intense stare he looks at me, coming closer to me, while not looking away for a second. Feeling unsure I take my hand off his cheek.
"Please.. I can not wait any longer, Ma-Ri.."

Slowly I press my lips on his, kissing him gently. As if he is a beautiful sculpture that I don't want to risk breaking. It take him a small moment to realize what I am doing, but when he does he kisses back, deepening the kiss in the process. Minho lifts me into my desk, making it easier to deepen the kiss even more. Carefully he tilts his head, making me gasp a bit. Still unsure I wrap my arms around his neck, while he puts his hands on my waist. After a few more second he breaks the kiss, putting his forehead against mine. Panting I look down.
"Wow.. I did not know actually kissing you would be so amazing", he says with a heavy break making me chuckle.
Carefully he lifts his head, peeking my forehead lovingly and then looking into my eyes.
"I really love you Ma-Ri.."
"I- I love you too, Minho..."

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