| Chapter 21 |

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It took me a hot minute to get rid of all the other students harassing me about Minho and I. But when Jiwoo, Liz and I finally are able to leave them behind I immediately look around, hoping to find Felix, when the ring of the bell stops me. more than frustrated I look up at it. Why does it have to do this to me??
"Ma-Ri, we don't have time. We'll find him at lunch", Jiwoo tries to convince me. Unwilling I agree, walking to our classroom.

It's finally lunchtime. I basically run out of the room and to the area Felix always eats with Chan and the others. Unfortunately they aren't here yet.
"You're early", a too familiar male voice says, catching me off guard. Annoyed I turn around and see Minho smirking at me.
"Piss off Minho", I snap, turning back around, looking for Felix, while many students slowly but surely sit down at the many tables.
"Aww, do you not like me anymore?"
"I never liked you. Leave me alone."
Minho chuckles. Then he takes my hand, making me face him again.
"Did you like the kiss?~", his face comes closer to mine once again. Immediately I push him away.
"It was for the shoot. Nothing more, nothing less!"
The next second I see Felix from the corners of my eyes. Without any hesitation I turn around I walk to him, who sits at a table together with Chan, Hyunjin and Han. Minho follows me, but I ignore him.
The cute boy with a face full of freckles doesn't look at me. Instead he looks down, avoiding eye contact. Helpless I look around. Just like Felix, Han and Hyunjin are not looking at me either.
"Felix, can we talk maybe?"
Instead of Felix, Hyunjin answer: "I think you've done enough."
Before I have the chance to answer, Felix speaks up.
"Yeah let's talk."
Slowly the boy stands up and walks off. I follow him closely, unsure what to actually feel at this moment. When we arrive at a quieter place he turns to me, looking down at me.

I take a deep breath and begin to talk.
"Are you mad at me?"
The australian boy is still avoiding eye contact with me.
"I would not call it mad. I am hurt. That's all.."
"But why?"
It takes him a second to respond, but when he does, he looks me deep into my eyes.
"Listen, if you really like Minho, then let's just end it now, before I get hurt even more.."
"But I don't like him!"
Again the boy takes a second to think.
"I don't want to get hurt more."
I want to fight for this... But the look he gives me.. my heart feels like it's shattering..
Slowly I nod, agreeing with him, though I really don't want to.
Felix also nods, before turning around and leaving me behind.

I wait a few minutes before also walking back to the others. I see Felix is sitting next to our other friends. Even though I would love to sit with them, that would just make everything harder for Felix and myself..

As I stare at the table, where the boys sit, Minho gets up. But fortunately Liz and Jiwoo are already standing beside me, making Minho stop and sit back down.
"Did you talk to him?", The girl with cat eyes asks, giving me a small smile. But I just nod slowly, still staring at the boy.
"That doesn't sound good.."
"What happened?", Liz takes my hand and drags me to a table, forcing me to look away from Felix.
We three sit down at a table on the side. I try to look back, but Liz stops me and repeats her question.
"The article you showed me this morning.. he..", I don't want to say it, I don't want it to be true, "He thinks I'm into Minho. So he ended it.."
Both look at me surprised and shocked.
"But you are not into Minho?!"
"That's what I told him!", As I speak, I can feel my tears building up. Liz notices. She gives Jiwoo a look. Both get up to walk to me and comfort me.
"It's gonna be okay, Ma-Ri..", Liz says, wrapping her arms around me.
"I hope so.."

School is finally over for the day. I just want to go home. It's the worst Monday ever... I just want to lay in my bed and cry my eyes out...
Like usual I wait at the gates, hoping people won't speak to me. That's when Chan, Han and Hyunjin walk towards me. Immediately I smile at them and wave, but they simply walk past me. Except for Chan. He stops in front of me, giving me a sorry look.
"Did I do something wrong?", I ask, making eye contact with the Australian boy.
"You hurt Felix.."
"But I am not into Minho?"
"Then what about the kiss?"
Confused I look at him, recalling the article. There was no kiss mentioned.
"These things are normal in this business.. I don't like that myself, but there is nothing I can do about it.."
"Well", the bigger boy rubs his neck, "Felix would not be able to handle that.."
Sadly I nod, understanding what he means: "I respect his decision. Though I don't like that either.. I really like Felix you know.."
Chan nods: "I know.. maybe things will work out with enough time."
Again I nod.
"They don't like me anymore though, do they?"
Uneasy he avoids my gaze now.
"I understand... Do you hate me now too?"
"Of course not.. just give them some time. I'll see you tomorrow, Ma-Ri."
A third and last time I nod, saying my goodbyes and letting him leave. As he walks back to his two friends, they both give me dirty looks before walking off with Chan.
I was so happy to have found people who seemed to like me for myself, but I guess that just wasn't mean to last..
As I stand there, waiting for my driver to come and pick me up, one single raindrop drops on my head. Annoyed I look up, as another one lands on my face. A second later a shower starts. Students begin to run past me, but I just stay where I am, inducing every second of it with my head down. Until it suddenly stops, but the sound of the rain doesn't. Confused I look up and into Minhos face, as he holds an umbrella over our heads. We both don't speak, but just look at each in silence. When the sound of a car scares me, causing me to flinch. Minho lays his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down a bit. We both look to the car.
"Guess your ride is here", are the first words he says to me. Not really knowing how I should respond to that, I look back up to the brown haired boy. I take a deep breath, preparing to speak.
"Did you tell Felix about the kiss?", I can feel myself becoming embarrassed as the words leave my lips. His before neutral expression turns to a smirk the second he hears my question.
"Why does it matter? Was there something between the two of you?"
Again my heart begins to ache.
"You know Minho. I don't understand what you want from me. You have Sora. Why play with other people's hearts, when you don't even want them??"
Minho waits patiently for me to finish.
"Maybe I want your heart and maybe I don't see a better way to get it."
His response surprises me a bit. I want so say something, but instead he continues to talk.
"And maybe I am-"
A girly voice cuts him off. It's Sora, who comes running to us, joining us under the umbrella. The babyfaced girl is completely soaked. Her boyfriend looks at her with disgust.
"What are you doing here, Minho?", She asks, looking at him cutely.
"Talking to a classmate?"
Both look at each other, making me feel like the third wheel.
A tention builds up between them, when Minho tells her to leave us alone. Sora refuses, giving me a dirty look. All of this annoys me... Like... A LOT

"If you don't mind, I would just quickly leave.."
I try to leave, but Minho grabs my arm, stopping me. Unsure I look at him, as he gives me a begging look.
"Sora, leave. We can talk later", his voice sounds cold.. a look at Sora is enough to see how watery her eyes are. With a sob she runs off, getting even wetter than she already is.
Immediately I go back to our conversation, the one we started, before Sora interrupted us.
"So you're playing with Sora?"
"Who cares about her?"
"Well.. I do?? What is wrong with you? How can you care so little? I'm leaving.."
Again I try to leave and again he stops me, letting his umbrella fall and putting his arms around me. My body freezes up.
"What are you doing?", I asks, staring up at him. Minho looks down.
"Ma-Ri", he whispers quietly. All I can do now is stare at him in confusion, as he stares back at me.

"I love you."

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