| Chapter 4 |

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Inpatiently I watch the clock, as the second go by. Only 3 classes left, with this one, until school ends. The letter has made me so nervous. I can't even focus on class or anything else.

"So that it for today. Have a good day", the female teacher waves at us, releasing us into freedom and into our last 20 minute break of the day.
Immediately Chan walks up to my desk, as I put my stuff into my bag.
"Are you okay?", He sits down in front of me and gives me a worried smile.
"I'm alright, I guess."
I try to not seem as worried as I feel, bit I gotta admit, I do a terrible job at it..
"Tell me what's up", he frowns.
Together we wait until every student has left.
"Well, it's about Minho.."
"You don't like him, do you?"
"No! Of course not!", rude.., "I overheard how he broke up with his girlfriend this morning.."
Chan nods, like he already knew something like that was up.
"..I felt uncomfortable being next to him, when his girlfriend, who is absolutely stunning, cries over such a jerk like him.."
Understandable Chan nods again.
"But that's not it, is it?"
"Regarding Minho there's nothing else" beside that he's kinda a stalker and followed me, but mentioning that feels pointless.
"I got a loveletter. At least I think it's one", embarrassed I look at my desk, making Chan chuckle softly.
"Do you know who it's from?"
"Felix", at least that's what the letter said.
"Interesting", he laughs, making me look up.
"What's interesting?"
"Oh I know very well Felix, but I didn't know he liked you."
"It's probably because of my parents", I sigh, getting up from my desk.
Chan gets up as well, walking beside me out off the classroom.
"I don't think that's it. He's really sweet, don't worry."
Hearing Chan say that help me to feel less anxious about the whole thing, but I'm still nervous.
"Do you want me to wait for you?"
"Yeah, that would be great", agreeing to so much support feels weird, since I usually don't do that, like ever.

Before our last two classes begin, I quickly text my parents to make sure they know I'll walk home and will be there later. Luckily I have really chill parents. Therefore I have a lot of freedom when it comes to these things. Which might also be the case, because I never go out, but that's a different topic.
The last subject of this day, aka Monday is english, which I love, since I've been speaking english since I was a child. But again, I can not focus on the lession. Instead I get more nervous as time passes, until she eventually tell us that the lesson is over and we're free to go.
Immediately I stand up, throw everything inside my back and walk out of the classroom. The halls are full and everyone is looking at me like usual, but I just ignore it. I'm way to nervous to give them any attention. At least until I run into Minho.
"Why in such a hurry?", He asks confused, as I quickly fill my locker up after taking a few books out.
"Nom of your business."
"Oow why are you so mean to me" he pouts playfully, before smiling at me. He always acts like this, when he wants to get another girl.. why does it have to be me now..
"Because I don't like you."
I roll my eyes as I close my locker and put the book into my bag.
"Leave me alone!", I snapp, hoping that would be enough for him to leave me alone. But of course it's not..
"Why are you still here?"
"Because I wanna talk to you~", he gives me a flirty smirk, but I ignore it.
"Talk to yourself, or you 'girlfriend''..", with that I walk off.
The halls are way more empty than they were before. Did I spend so much time with Minho? It felt like a few minutes, but the halls are never emptying to quickly..
Confused I look down at my phone.
20 minutes... How the fuck did time go by so fast?
Quickly I walk out of the building and to the field behind the school. Unfortunately I don't see anyone. Not a single soul is here. Unsure I walk further, hoping someone would maybe be hiding, but instead I fand another letter laying on one of the seats.
I pick the letter up, open it and read what's inside.

I am really sorry, but I don't think I can do this yet.. i hope you're not mad at me for wasting your time!

So... He just left..? Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed.. I mean, I have only heard from Felix, since he's quiet popular, but we've never talked. I was so nervous and excited for this and now? Now I feel disappointed and a bit annoyed..

Quietly I walk to the gates, where Chan is waiting for me. At first he looks at me with excitement, but as soon as he seems my expression his changes to a frown.
"He left", I say, walking past him to go home. Chan follows me.
"How do you know? Maybe he's just late", he tries to justify it, but when I give him the letter Felix left, he shuts up. Guess that's enough to make him stop trying to find reasons. Now we just walk silently next to each other, until Minho catches up to us.
"Wait up you two!", He yells.
We stop and wait for him.
"Why are you still here, Minho? Shouldn't you be home already?", Chan asks confused.
"Oh, I ran into Felix and we talked for a bit, that I forgot the time.."
Hearing Felix's name somehow.. hurts? I literally don't know this guy
What is wrong with me??
"Oh", Chan gives me a look, making sure I don't want Minho to know any details, "What did you guys talk about?"
He keeps the conversation going and makes it possible for me to just stay silent. Until Chan and the two of us had to go our seperate ways. Before the blond boys leaves though, he makes sure I'm okay with it.
"See you tomorrow!", We all wave at each other, as Chan walks over the street, leaving Minho and I alone.
Without saying a word to him I turn around and continue my way home. Minho walks closely behind me.
"Soo, how was your day?", The guy asks a bit awkward.
"Could have been worst", I give a short answer, keeping my gaze on the way infront of me.
"Why were you in such a rush earlier?"
Why does he keep the conversation going??
"That's still non of your business!"
"Awww you're such a meanie!", He, again, playfully pouts like a child, getting on my nerves with that.
"This is not going to work on me!", I say, stopping and turning around to face him. My sudden move startles him a bit, as he looks down on me.
"What do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb."
His expression immediately changes into a smirk.

"The moment I saw you, I knew you're special."

His words piss me off. Does he think I'm that stupid?

"That's what you say to every girl you want to fuck."

I answer, knowing I'm right.

"Maybe I want more than just to fuck you or maybe I don't, you'll never know ~"

His smirk still remaining, as he walks past me and continues his own way home.

What is wrong with this guy??

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