| Chapter 1 |

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The last few days have not been better. People are staring. Bothering me about my parents. They make it obvious why they're talking to me. Honestly, it's all getting on my nerves at this point I'm thinking about transferring schools again. Having people walk up to me or follow me the whole day is really shitty. Especially when they used to ignore you..

Again I am waiting for my driver, when I get a text from my mother, where she informs me, that I will have to walk home. I let out a sigh and look back to the school building, as I see five boy walk towards me. Chan waves as soon as he recognizes me and so do the others in a more reserved manner. Awkwardly I wave back, as they stop beside me.
"Still here?", Chan smiles and I nod.
"Yeah, my mom just texted me and I have to walk home today."
A nervous chuckles leaves my mouth, while the taller boy still smiles at me.
"What direction do you need to go? Maybe we all can go together!", He offers. Unsure I look at the boys behind him. Every single on of them is avoiding eye contact, except for Minho. This guy is staring directly at me. Confused by the sudden eye contact, I look back to Chan, who just continued to give me a warm smile.
"Eeeh, sure", I nod my head slowly and point to where I need to go.
"Oh that's where we gotta go as well", the blond haired guy says and continues to walk. Silently I walk next to Chan. I can feel the others staring at me, as we quietly walk.
This situation feels tense and uncomfortable..
"Chan, I like your hair. Blond really suits you", I try to lighten the mood and start a conversation, but that just intensives the stares I'm getting from his friends.
"Oh thank you, Ma-Ri!"
"Your welcome."
And we return to complete silence once again. Can't they just talk like usual??
"Hey, since this half year is about to end, won't we have special courses?", A boy, that had been silent so far speaks up. We've never talked before and we also don't have any same classes. This far I have only seen him when I talked to Chan or when we saw each other randomly on the hallway.
"Yeah we have", I answer shortly, making the boy surprised and stopping him from talking further. Until Chan says something at least: "Already know what course you want to go, Han?"
"Maybe something creative", his answer is short like mine.
"Just choose what's fun for you", I join the conversation, "I'll probably want to do something creative as well."
I try to give Han a sweet smile, but I start to feel awkward again, when Minho starts to laugh at me.
"Want to stepp into your dad's foot steps? It's not like you could ever be as good as him", he smirks, still laughing. I give him a annoyed glance, before looking back at Han: "Do you know what creative thing you want to do? Something Artist or-"
"Music", he interrupts me without noticing it. I don't really blame him though. He sounded so passionate while saying it and I can't blame him at all.
"Me too! I'd love to do something with music!", Both Han and I smile at each other, when Hyunjin joins our little moment.
"Same here. Why don't we do it together?"
Han seems suprised, like he didn't know that before. But his frown quickly turns into a smile as he nods. After both look at me expecting me to instantly agree, but I'm hesitant. That's when Minho also joins the conversation, walking beside me, between Chan and I.
"Since you all are already planning on it, might as well join you", he says, avoiding eye contact this time. The two other boys nod excitedly, while I just stare at Minho confused. When he notices me staring, his lips curle into a evil smirk: "Someone's falling for me?"
He winks, making me genuinely gag.
"No thanks", I say, rolling my eyes again. Immediately my mood went sour again and I remine silent for the rest of the walk, until Chan, Hyunjin and Han had to seperate from us, leaving me with Jeongin, who hasn't said a single word and Minho, who has been annoying me since his first breath.
The walk is silent and feels tenses. Even when Minho again talk, the tenseness does not change at all.
"Sooo, how is it being popular?", He asks awkwardly. Somehow he managed to actually make everything feel worst than before.
"I hate it", is all I say, before noticing Jeongin, who is a bit behind. So I stand still until he stand beside me and I continue to walk in the same place he does. He looks at me confused and I give him a small smile, which he returns.
"Sooo Jeongin, what about you? Do you want to do something with music?", He seems too unsure to answer, so I add something, "Considering your visuals, you should not have a problem to get into a group or even be big as a soloist."
My compliment made him blush a bit, but he is seemingly a bit more relaxed. At least he is now able to answer my question.
"I'd love to do something with all of you", he says, giving me a smile.
"As a songwriter?"
"A vocalist... Actually..", getting shy as he admits that, I can't help but giggle.
"I've never heard you sing", since we've never talked before, duh, "but I'm sure you'll do great!"
Finally we arrive at my street.
"I gotta go this way!", I say before quickly turning around and walking away from them. For a few seconds I enjoy the peace, until I hear another pair of foot steps behind me. Confused I turn around to see Minho following me.

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