| Chapter 11 |

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Annoyed I look out the window, as raindrops run down the glass, mixing together as they go. I hate rain. At least when I have to go out. Rain has always made me sleepy and I'm in a bad mood when I'm sleepy.
"Do you have everything?", The driver gives me a concerned look.
"Yeah, besides enough patience to actually handle other people", I halfheartedly joke, before giving him a sorry smile and leaving the car.
Most students have already gone inside, as they didn't want to get wet, which I can understand.

I take a deep breath, enjoying the sounds of the rain, when a high pitched voice calls out for me.
Confused I look around, until I see Sora, who is waving at me excitedly. A bit more careful I wave back and wait for her.
"Hiii", she smiles.
"You're wet.."
Sora is basically soaked..
"Yeah I know", and she doesn't seem to mind it?
"Why didn't you take an umbrella?"
As I ask that question, her eyes begin to literally glow.
"Are you okay?"
"Well", while talking she grabs a bit of her hair and plays with it, "I saw the pictures of you in Minhos clothes. And what will happen if I'm completely soaked??"
"You like him, don't you?"
The red blush in her face is already telling me more than I need to know.. good luck with that I guess..?

Together we escape the rain by walking inside. Sora is making the whole floor wet, while I'm still fairly dry. It doesn't take her a minute to shiver in her wet clothes. With a cute pout in her Babyface she looks around, hoping to find Minho, who is nowhere to be seen.
"He- what happened to her?", Chan approaches us, but stops in his tracks, when he sees how wet the girl beside me is.
"Love.. love happened", I answer, making him smile rather confused.
"Where is Minho?", Sora joins the conversation.
"Oh, I haven't seen him today. Why?", The Australian boy raises an eyebrow, waiting for a answer. It's obvious the brown haired girl feels too uncomfortable to say it, so she just walks off without saying a word.
"Well, let's just say, someone fell for his good looks", I answer awkwardly, making Chan chuckle awkwardly.
"Maybe that'll work out", he tries to be optimistic, but I shut that down immediately.
"I don't think so."
We both exchange looks and I continue.
"I don't he knows how to even feel love, considering how things turned out with Jiwoo.. I just hope he rejects her, instead of leading her on.."
A sigh escapes my lips, as I speak, when Minho walks up to us. With a smile he greets us.
"Sora was looking for you", Chan says to which I nod, "I'll go and get her."
And... He walks off.. Why Chan? Why do you have to leave us alone.
Feeling awkward, I just watch Chan walk off.
"You seem different. Something is worrying you, isn't it?"
I sigh as I look back at the boy standing beside me. How does he know?
"You could say that.."
"Wanna talk about it?"
I take a deep breath: "When you gave me your clothes, you did that to be flirty, right? And you would do that to everyone, am I right?"
Actually asking that is stupid, but whatever I guess. I asked soo..
Minhos lips curl up to a smirk. He walks to me, making me back off until a walls stops me from walking further. Carefully he places his arms beside me, trapping me.
"Is that what you think?"
I nod.
The smirk does not leave his face, as his face moves closer to mine, to my ear. His hot breath on my skin makes me freeze completely.
"I would never do that for anyone.. unless it gets you to be mine in the end.."
I hold my breath as he speaks. What is happening?
After a pause he moves his face away from my ear, but stays close to me.
"So no, I don't do it for everyone. You are the only one I will do it for..", and with these words he presses his lips on mine. Still frozen I just let him do what he does, not even realizing what is actually happening. The kiss feels passionate and loving. Like he waited to do it for a long time, but was not able to.
When he finally pulls away and my brain realizes what just happened, I immediately push him off.
"What is wrong with you??", Grossed out I put my hand over my lips.
My reaction makes him smirk again.
"It's cute when you want to deny something that is so obvious", he chuckles and turns around.
Feeling angry I look at his back and want to tell, but the words get stuck in my mouth instead.
With every passing second my face gets hotter and hotter.
"What was that?", I mutter, still holding my hand over my mouth.

Half of the day is over and we get to eat. Since it's still raining outside we have to stay in, which I usually do anyway. So not a big deal I guess.
Together with Chan I walk to the cafeteria, when Sora runs up to us.
"Ma-Ri, look look!", Proud she presents her clothes, which are in fact Minhos and not hers.
"It worked!", Happily she cheers, spinning around like a Disney princess.
"Yeah.. that's awesome..", honestly, I don't really know what to say now..
My mind recalls what happened today. The kiss..
Immediately my face blushes at the thought of what happened..
"Do you think I should say something?", Her eyes are glowing again, just like this morning.
"Eh, I don't know", somehow this whole thing stresses me out, when Sora quirks like a fan girl, until Minho walks up to her and puts his arms around her shoulders.
"Let's go", he says, gently pushing her past us.
"What is going on with them?", Chan speaks out my exact thoughts.
We both watch as they leave to a different table than we usually sit on.

"I have no idea.."

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