| Chapter 16 |

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It's been about a week since Minho asked Sora to be his girlfriend. So it's been full seven days of me having to deal with their cutesy behavior. It's actually kinda gross seeing them literally making out in public. It not just them kissing, but literally trying to get each other naked. Honestly, I didn't expect Sora to do such things. At least not with that innocent face of her.
Knowing that the shooting will be in a few weeks, makes me feel even more weirded out. Especially since I don't know how we will have to pose or how close we will have to be.. all of this is messing with my head..

Feeling uncomfortable I sit at a table outside, watching Minho and Sora doing what they always do, no caring that Chan and Hyunjin are sitting with them. Them not caring at all freaks me out even more. I get wanting to be close, but have some decentsy..

As I watch them in disgust, a female figure sits down beside me.
"Guess he replaced you as well.."
Surprised I look beside me, just to find Jiwoo sitting there, staring at the new couple just like I did seconds ago.
"He didn't replace me. He's just an asshole.."
"A asshole that I still love...."
I really feel bad for her.
"Listen, I'm sorry that he has hurt you so much.."
"Don't apologize", he turns her face and looks at me, "I should apologize. I let my frustration out on you without any reason."
Immediately I shake my head: "No no no. You're all good. I get how he made it seem and I would have been pissed at myself too, if I was you."
Feeling a bit awkward we look at each other which turns into giggles.
"What about a fresh start?", The pretty girl sitting next to me asks, offering me her hand.
More than gladly I take it: "I'd love that."
After a small pause, I give her a big smile.
"I am Ma-Ri. It's nice to meet you."

Still feeling a bit awkward we chat for a while. Surprisingly we do have a few things in common.
"Oh my gosh, I used to love Winx club too!"
Together we laugh, when suddenly Chan and Hyunjin join us.
"You two seem to get along great", Chan laughs, sitting down beside me.
"Yeah, I guess we do."
While I say that, Jiwoo stares at Sora and Minho again. A bit confused I follow her gaze.
"They left..", worried I rub her back.
"It's a good thing to not see him", I try to cheer her up, but I know it's impossible to actually do it.. she gives me a small smile and stands up, leaving me with the two boys behind.
"Ma-Ri, spill", Hyunjin says, the second Jiwoo is far enough away.
"She just came up to me and we decided to try to start over. It's not a big deal."
Both boys look at me suspecting the worst.
"Let's hope it's just that", Hyunjin adds, making me sigh in annoyence.

After a few lessons and another torture of rapping, school is finally over. Feeling exhausted as always I stand at the gates, ignoring everyone's stare the best that I can. Until Sora and Minho walk past me. Both do not give me a single look as they pass me. Confused I look after them, as they walk together, holding onto each other.
Somehow this feels wrong..

"Guess he'll never a grow up..", a unfamiliar female voice behind me, makes me jump a bit. Confused I look back.
A really pretty, no even gorgeous girl with partly dyed hair stand beside me, smiling at me sweetly.
"Do I know you?", Feeling unsure, I take a small step back from her.
"Not yet. I'm Liz!", She still smiles, offering me her hand.
"I known. I know your parents", my heart drops. I should have known.., "Wanna go grab a coffee and talk?"
After I hesitate for a second, I grab my phone and give my parents a quick text, telling them I'm out with a friend and will come home later than usual.

Together Liz and I walk to a nearby café. We sit down in a quiet place, in a corner, and order. While she takes a coffee, I just order my favourite drink. When our order comes, we nod at the waiter.
"So, what did you want to talk about?", I break the silent tension that had been building up.
"What about him?", Confused I look at the dark haired girl, trying to sip from my hot drink, burning my mouth in the process. She giggles before answering my question.
"I've seen what he does with you and the other girl.."
"Oh", goes she also think that I like him?, "I just hope he won't hurt her.."
"You know just as well as I do, that he will."
I nod, letting her continue to talk.
"The girl you were talking to earlier is Linos Ex, isn't she?"
"It's the nickname I gave him. We used to be childhood friends."
After her short explanation I nod.
"Yeah. That was Jiwoo. He broke up with her a few weeks ago. She's still a complete mess.."
Liz nods sadly: "He is good with words, but his body will always what he actually wants."
"And he doesn't want Sora, does he?"
It takes her a second to understand who Sora is, but eventually she nods, confirming my guess.
"Gosh... I don't get him..", thinking about it makes me more and more frustrated, "Why does he have to play with Sora?"
The girl, sipping her coffee sighs.
"He's been like this for years. That is how our friendship broke, since he toyed with my best friends feelings.."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Listen Ma-Ri. The bets thing you can do is ignore him or rather their relationship. I'm pretty sure he is trying to make you jealous, so just move on and he'll eventually let Sora go as well."
"Why would he want to make me jealous?", Confused I look at her, drinking from my finally cooled down drink.
"I'm not sure. He's either just interested because of his parents or he actually has feelings for you. Not sure which one it is.."
A annoyed sigh escapes my lips, as I take another sip.
"How do I find out which one it is?"
"Well", Liz gives me another smile, "Since I'm going to you school, I can try to keep an eye out for him and tell you what I think."
"You haven't been going to my school for a long time, have you? I'm sure I would have noticed you, considering how pretty you are."
My comment makes her blush a bit.
"I've been on you school for a few days."
She still seems embarrassed, but I just smile and nod at her.
"Let's be friends then."

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