| Chapter 17 |

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After that day Liz and I grew rather close. We have many things in common and the same humor. Jiwoo and I also grew a stronger bond as time went on. The whole time I was ignoring Minho and Sora. Instead I had been enjoying my time with my new two female friends and the others. It has been so much fun not worrying about Minho. Almost like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm even getting to term with Felix not liking me. It's weird. Before I didn't realize that I have a crush on him, until I got that letter.

"So you don't want to try anymore?"
Chan and I walk to school together. Since I grew closer to all of them, I asked my parents to not drive me to school nor lick me up anymore. Instead I usually walk with Chan and the others.
"I wouldn't call it that, but it's just a bit awkward with Felix. Everytime he made a move he backs out. Even when I don't reject him and.. it's hurtful..", embarrassed I rub my neck, looking at Chan, who seems suprised.
"But what if he was to asks you today, how would you respond?"
"Are you gonna force him to do it today?", I give him a look as he puts his hands up in defense.
"I would never.."
He's a really terrible liar.
"I don't know. I'd just see what feels right when he does it.."

After a few minutes of walking and chatting Hyunjin, Han and Jeongin join us. Together we chat a bit more until we arrive at the school gate. There we meet Minho, who greets us and walks with us inside of the school.
As we walk to our classes, I notice Jiwoo and Liz. Both wave at me and I wave back.
"I'll go to the others, see you later."
I walk over to the two girl and hug them, to greet them properly.
"Are you okay?", Liz asks, pointing at Minho with her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just ignored him and he ignored me. So, everything's fine."
Relieved both girls look at me, as we walk to our classroom.

Ever since Jiwoo and I started talking she seems to slowly get better and better. I'm really glad to see her do better again.

"Why don't we go this Saturday?", Jiwoo talks about a dress she really wants to buy, as she gets the idea to go shopping together.
"I would have that, but the shooting is this Saturday..", I tried to act like it doesn't happen, but the closer it gets, them more I am unable to actually ignore it..
"I forgot about that..", Jiwoo seems disappointed.
"Maybe I'll be able to go after, depending on how long it will take.
"Will you be okay?", Liz asks, giving me a worried look.
I nod, reassuring her I'll be fine, just like I always am.

Lunchtime. Feeling stressed out I look at my phone.
"Only two days..", I mutter, wishing that stupid campaign would not exist, but unfortunately it does.
"Ma-Ri, are you alright?", The girls look at me worried. I lay my phone down and smile at them.
"I'm alright. Don't worry about me."
Both don't really seem to believe me but they let it go anyway.
A few moments later Chan and Felix walk up to us.
"Are these seats taken?", Chan asks, giving me a smile.
"Not yet", Liz chuckles, as the boys both side down on opposite sites of me.
"How was school so far?", Jiwoo asks, trying to get warm with them, since she had been struggling with that the past few days.
"It was fine", the older Australian answers, grabbing his lunch out if his bag. Felix does the same silently. He seems stressed and nervous.
Worried I look at him.
"Are you alright Felix?"
The blond boy just nods, keeping his head down. Knowing he won't tell me anything I just decided I keep quiet and eat my own food. In the meantime the other three chat happily with each other. It's nice to see them get along so well. Having them around me feels so strange, almost unfamiliar but also nice at the same time. I'm glad to have them with me.

A few drops begin to fall down from the sky, causing me mood to worsten immediately. I like rain, but not when I have to be outside.
Chan already went home and I gave him my umbrella.

A sigh escapes my lips, as I stand at the building, seeking shelter from the shower, that is getting stronger with every minute.
"Did you forget to bring an umbrella?"
Surprised I look behind me, just to find Felix walking up to me.
"Oh, no. I gave mine to Chan."
"What?", Felix Expression changes to pissed.
"Is everything okay?", A bit worried I look at the blond boy, as he stands beside me.
"Well.. he asked me for mine too.."
Somehow I can't help myself but giggle at the situation. Chan can be such a idiot sometimes. At least now I understand his question.
"What's so funny?", The freckled boy gives me a annoyed glance.
"Chan did that on purpose."
"I know."

We both get quiet, listening to the sound of falling rain, as it pours down, hitting the ground. It's relaxing.

"Ma-Ri?", Carefully Felix breaks the silence, calling my name.
I turn my face to him.
"I'm sorry.."
"Sorry for what?"
"Sorry for being a moron. Backing out every time is not fair."
"Hey, don't apologize. It's okay if you'd rather stay friends."
"No", I was going to add something to that, but Felix won't let me, "I don't want to just be your friend. I really like you, a lot. Do you want to go out tomorrow?"
More than confused I look at him.
"Are you for real this time?"
The boy nods shyly, his cheeks turned to a pinkish colour.
With a huge smile on my face I agree. Immediately he hugs me, making my heart skip a few beats. My smile gets even bigger as I hug him back.
"What about we meet up after school?"
I nod, agreeing again.
"That would be nice."
"It's a date?", Him asking that while being so shy is really adorable.
"Yeah, it's a date."
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow then!", The second the says that, he begins to run of, through the rain. At first I want to stop him, but in the end I just let him go. The drops of water are still falling from the sky, as I stand there. My heart is beating fast and I can't believe what just happened..

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