| Chapter 13 |

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"I really want to kiss you right now.."

His words echo through my mind. Every time I try to focus on something else they return.

"I really want to kiss you right now.."

I don't get it.. at first he ghostes me after putting at letter in my locker, then 'he' asks me out, just to tell me it was Chan and then he says something like that?

About to lose my mind, I throw myself into my king-sized bed. Why is it so complicated to be the daughter of famous people??
I only lay a second down when my phone buzzes. Confused I grab it and look on the screen.
"Sora?", Confused I pick up the girls call.
"Oh my god", she excitedly quirks like usual, "He asked me out! He really asked me out today!"
Not completely getting what she's talking about, I just stare at my ceiling silently, until she continues to talk.
"He was so romantic! He brought me flowers and asked me if I wanted to go out with him!"
"Obviously Minho! Who else??"
Completely shocked I stare, remembering the kiss and his words, replacing Felix's words with ease.

"Hello? Are you still there??"
"Sorry, I spaced out a bit. That's great! When are you going out?"
Part of me feels weird. Weirdly grossed out and jealous, while the other part of me feels worries for Sora.
"This Saturday! I can't wait!"
Saturday.. I see..
"Oh, sorry. Gotta hang up, he's calling!", Without giving me a chance to respond she hangs up.
Still not fully grasping the reality of things I let my phone fall onto my bed. Mentally also letting myself fall onto my bed, if I wasn't already laying on it, I would have thrown myself on it now.

Tired I walk from the gates to the school building. It's Friday. Sleeping was nearly impossible, considering all the things going on right now. As I look around Chan approaches me.
"Good morning Ma-Ri", the tall boy seems happy and in a awesome mood, just like usual. I give him a weak smile and greet him as well.
Together we walk to our course, which is rap. I never really did any rap, but I'm already excited to see how this is going to go.
When we arrive at the classroom and walk inside, we immediately see the seating arrangement hanging in front of the class. Fortunately I don't have to sit next to Minho, nor Felix, but am able to sit with Han, Chan and a student I don't know yet. Feeling extremely relieved we walk to our table and sit down next to each other. We chat a bit, until Han and the other students also walk to our table, and sit down beside us. It appears that they know each other already, so the other students must be a good person I assume. I mean, he does appear like a strong and somewhat scary person, but I'm sure he's a sweetheart. Or at least that what I hope..
Feeling a big uncomfortable I look around, when my eyes and his met. Immediately I look away, hoping to just ignore Minho, who was smirking at me.
"Ma-Ri, right?", The boy beside me speaks up.
"Y-yeah, that's me", I didn't expect him to know, though I should have seen it coming..
"I'm Changbin", the black haired guy beside me introduces himself, offering me his hand to shake. With a smile I take his offer.
"It's nice to meet you, Changbin.", I am about to say my name, when I remember he already said mine. With embarrassment I just turn to the front again, hoping to forget about that moment again. Luckily the next few students and the teacher walk inside the room, helping me escape my own awkwardness.

After the teacher greets us, he explains some things and asks who wants to present their rap to the class.
Changbin raises his hand and gets asked to walk to the front of the class. The guy seems fairly relaxed as he stands up and does as told. Everyone is looking at him with anticipating looks, as he freestyles a few sentences. His flow is unbelievable and his voice fits so we'll to this words. Everyone is speechless. Getting to sit next to someone with such talents feels like a honor. Which is weird, considering most people think the same about me. Though I don't really have a skill that defines me, while he does.

"That was so good!", I say, the second he sits back down next to me, catching the teachers attention.
"Ma-Ri. Why don't you show us your rap?", The male teacher raises an eyebrow. I flinch but stand up anyways, to make my way to the front.

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