| Chapter 26 |

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Thousand of article were released before I even arrived home. Both my parents are obviously concerned about my wellbeing, which I completely understand. But other than my safety, there is one thing won't get out of my head.

"Why do they think Minho and I are a thing??"

More concerned about that I throw myself into my bed, wishing this nightmare would just end. Remember all their stares, asking me questions and disrespecting me and my boundaries.. a few tears run down my cheeks...

"I hate this...."

It's the next day. Again people wait for me at the gates, this time my driver walks me to the school building. He waits until I am inside and then drives off to do whatever he does when I don't need a ride.
Just like yesterday everyone is getting on my nerves, following me and trying to talk to me and just like yesterday I ignore every single one of them and try to find my friends. But instead of Liz and Jiwoo, I find Changbin. Excited I walk over to him.
"Hey!", I greet him. At first he seems confused, but in the end he smiles at me, greeting me as well.
"About yesterday", I start, watching his expression change to a more stressed one, "You seemed uncomfortable when I asked if you like someone.. does that mean you actually like someone?"
Changbin still looks uncomfortable. Even though I know I should back down, I insist anyway.
"I know her don't I?"
His face turns a light red color, confirming me theory.
And his face turns a brighter shade of red. I can't help but giggle because of his cute reaction. Quickly I thank him and walk off, continuing my search for my two friends.
When I find them, both give me each a nice smile and we walk to our class.

Lunchtime. Together with Liz and Jiwoo we walk to a table. While we talk I see Chan, talking to the others. I give Liz a look.
"Hey, Liz and I still need to something. Can you hold our seats? Pretty please? :3"
With a sigh she agrees, so I drag Liz which me, who gives me a confused look.
"He likes her too!", I whisper shout, as we walk to the Australian boy.
"Chan!", I irgnore the how the others stare at me and just look at Chan, who seems confused by my sudden presence.
"Let's talk", immediately I drag him with me. When we're a bit more on the side, I begin to talk.
"Changbin likes Jiwoo and Jiwoo likes him. We need to get them together!"
Amused he looks at me: "You want to play matchmaker?"
"Exactly. You're helping or what?"
Immediately Chan nods, agreeing.
"Let's make a plan then.."

Chan, Liz and I talked the whole lunch. Trying to find a way to get them together.

When the school day is finally over I rush out of the classroom, hoping to catch Changbin. When I do, he is talking to Han. Feeling uneasy I approach them.
"Han, Changbin! How are you?"
Han gives me a death glare, which the other boy smiles at me.
"We're good, what's about you Ma-Ri?"
I lie: "I'm good too. Do you two want to hang out with Chan, Liz, Jiwoo and I?"
Both boys hesitate, but eventually Han agrees, looking at his black haired friend, who smiles awkwardly. Knowing they will come, I say my goodbyes, making my way to the gates, aka my horror. Again I didn't talk to Minho the whole day. It's weird not talking to him. Honestly I kinda miss it.. I should just be thankful that he is finally leaving me alone. He's probably trying to find another girl who will fall for his stupid little games.
A sigh escapes my lips, as I walk towards the school entrance. All the flashing light are already annoying me.
Suddenly a hand grabs my shoulder. With a confused look, I turn my head and look up. Beside me stands Minho, who is also looking outside, then down to me. Unsure I give him a small smile, which he returns.
"Let's take the other way", he whispers, forcing me to walk back deeper into the building.
"What other way?", I question.
The brown haired boy ignores my question. Instead he guides me into a small storage room that looks like kt hasn't been used in years. With a serious look he closes the door behind him, locking it.
"What are you doing?", I question and again he ignores what I said.
"We need to talk..", his serious tone makes me worry a bit. But why does he say it like that? That sounds like he's breaking up with me, when we aren't even in a relationship.
"About what?", I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to finally speak. Slowly his cheeks turn a light red, as he finally says something: "What is going on with you and Changbin?"
While saying this he avoids eye contact. Obviously embarrassed he looks down, making me giggle.
"What are you talking about?"
Me response seemed to make him upset, as he looks up at me: "You have been talking to him. Usually you never actively talk to anyone besides Liz and Sora. Do you like him??"
A bit shocked I look at him.
"I don't. Not at all!", Immediately these words leave my lips, "Jiwoo likes him and he likes her. All I do is try to get them together!"
Minhos serious expression turns to a relieved one as he lets out a sigh.
"I'm glad.."
"Did you really think I like him?"
I also sigh: "Can I go now?"
"Why not??"
Hesitating he looks at me.
"I broke up with Sora.. does that mean I'll get a chance now?"
"I really like you Ma-Ri. Not the way I thought I liked Jiwoo. Please give me a chance.."
This vulnerable side of him catches me off guard. Slowly he wraps his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"So, will you give me a chance, Ma-Ri?"

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