| Chapter 24 |

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Annoyed I sit in the back of my parents car, as we are on our way to the restaurant. It's obvious more than obvious that I have been mad ever since we left the house.
"What is it now?", My mother questions annoyed.
Still annoyed I roll my eyes, before looking down at me. My 'dear' parents made me wear a revealing red dress and forced me to let a make-up artist do my make-up. Basically, I feel extremely uncomfortable right now, which is pretty shitty, considering that the collection and with that Minhos and my photos will be released today. In all this mess I should at least feel comfortable in order to seem confident, but no. They had to make me wears something I am absolutely uncomfortable in..
Like I did my mother rolls her eyes, when she gets what I mean.
"Ma-Ri, you look pretty. It's perfect to represent our family", she says, turning back around to face the road.
It's all so frustrating, when my mind runs back to Felix. Knowing how hurt he is ans I am is just... Unbearable.. I know it was only one date and nothing else, but I like him for so long. I was trying to suppressing my feelings for him this whole time and when I finally let them out, it ends like this.

After another 10 minutes we finally arrive. More than exhausted already I leave the car, when many bright lights catch me off guard. Confused I look around. Many people stand around me. Feeling uncomfortable my body tenses up.
I hate this already...
A few seconds later my parents join me. Comforting my father lays a hand on my shoulder, telling me to just walk, so I do. I try my hardest to not look to the side and just walk inside the restaurant. The second the door closes behind us, I let out a sigh. This situation was so intense, I even held my breath without noticing it. Stressed out I look around, as my parents walk in front of me, greet a waiter and get leaded to a table. With my head down I follow them.
A few moments later Minho joins us. To my and everyone's suprise, he has Sora with him. The babyfaced girl wears a really cute baby pink dress with a fitting make-up look. She gives me a smirk, before sitting down with Minho by her side.
It doesn't take long until a server approaches the table. Everyone orders something and the server leaves again.
As we wait for our food to arrive, my father begins a conversation.
"So Minho, how have you been since we shooted the campaign?"
The brown haired boy looks at me for a second and then to my father.
"I've been great", he answer shortly, "I saw the photos and they turned out better than I thought they would."
I can't help but roll my eyes at his answer. Honestly I don't even care what they are talking about..

After many words, that I didn't pay any attention to and a delicious but really pricey meal, everyone seemed satisfied. Looking around I quickly excuse myself and get up to use the bathroom. As I wash my hands, I stare at myself and the bold make up that was forced into my face.
"I feel so ugly..", I mutter thinking I am alone, when a female voice next to me startles me.
"That's because you are."
Confused I tint my head.
"Oh Sora, you scared me."
"So what?"
Still confused I just look at her.
"I told you to stay away from MY boyfriend!"
A bit shocked by her raised voice I just keep on looking to her silently.
"You know you have no chance with him. After all, not even Felix wanted to go out with you more than once!"
Her words hit me deep and it's obvious she knows it. Immediately I have to fight my tears.
"Are you gonna cry?", Her mocking voice makes me sick, "You're such a cry baby. No wonder he broke up with you.."
A evil chuckle escapes her lips and she leaves the restroom. Part of me wants to get revenge, but I know I shouldn't. Even though I know how to hurt her.

With my head down I leave the restroom, after calming down a bit. From a distance I see Sora as she sits down on her old seat, with a fake sweet smile. While she does, Minho looks over to me. His before happy expression turns into a frown as he sees me. Feeling uneasy I walk over to our table. At first I wanted to get onto my old seat, but Minho stops me.
"Move", he orders Sora, who at first fought but eventually gave in. Then Minho made some space, letting me sit next to him. I give him a small nod and sit down beside him.
Again He, Sora and my parents begin to chat, when suddenly Minho stands up. Many eyes look at him.
"May I ask for your attention?", He says, causing the rest of the people to look at him as well.
"My girlfriend", he looks to Sora, "And I have been together for a few weeks and.."
After a dramatic pause he continues: "It's time I say what has been on my mind this whole time.."
Anticipating a confession of his love she stands up as well.
"I... Have never loved you. I thought you were special..", he gives me a short glance but then looks back to the girl, who is about to cry, "But in the end it turns out you're just a snake, like most. I don't ever want you around me again!"
It's obvious that Sora wants to say something, but she bites her tongue, as everyone is staring at her. The first tears fall down to her cheeks. And she runs off. Many stare at her, as she leaves the restaurant. When the front door closes the mood changes back to the casual rich people chat, that had been there before.
"I..", not believing what I just saw, I look at Minho. The brown haired guy also looks down at me. Gently he takes my hand, caressing it with his thumb.
"It's okay", he says, coming closer to whisper into my ear, "You don't need to cry. She's gone now.."
Still speechless I look at him and nod.
"Soo", my mother speaks up, making us look at her, "Who wants dessert?"

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