| Chapter 6 |

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Everyone anticipates my answer. Eyes clued to me. Tention in the air. All I can do is stutter, making the her even more upset.
"Of course... It all makes sense..", she mutters to herself, scaring me even more.
All of a sudden a friend of hers interviens: "Stop Jiwoo, this is nonsense!"
"Shut up! You don't know anything! She's not even pretty! The only thing going for her are her parents!"
Before anything else can happen, our teacher Miss Yuu enters the room. As soon as she realizes what is going on she tells Jiwoo to get to her seat. When the girl does as told, the rest of the class keeps on staring at me. Feeling pressure I just try to hide my face with my books, hoping they would just forget that I exist.

Finally lunchtime. I can still feel the stares from my classmates, as I hold onto the papers the teacher gave us today, while trying to find somewhere to eat desperately.
"Ma-Ri, over here", happily Chan waves to get my attention.
Quickly I walk over to him. When I stand next to the table I immediately notice Felix, who tries to escape but is stopped by Chan. Feeling a bit awkward now, I sit down across from the two Australian boys.
"What's up with the awkward tension?", A third male walks towards us and obviously it's Minho. The second I hear him, my smile disappears and turns into a frown. I really don't want to deal with him again..
When no one answers, the brown haired boy just sits down next to me, glancing at the paper in my hands.
"You're really serious about not following your fathers footsteps, aren't you?", He raises an eyebrow, still looking at the paper.
"Yeah, I am..", I mutter, avoiding eye contact, when I again feel people staring. Confused I look around only to find Jiwoo staring holes into my back. God, she must hate me.. can't blame her though. I would hate myself too if I was her.
A sigh escapes my lips. Minho turns around as well. The second he does, he sees who I'm exchanging looks with. He also sighs, before laying his hand on my shoulder. A bit shocked I turn around and face the brown haired boy.
"Just irgnore her", he says, making me frown even more.
"You know this is your fault, right?"
Surprised he raises an eyebrow.
"You break up with her and then you try to get with me. What do you think does that look like?"
Hearing my words shocks him a bit.
"How do you know we've broken up?"
"It's obvious!"

As we begin to argue, we don't notice how Jiwoo walks towards us with a bottle of water in her hand. While we speak she takes the bottle and empties it over my head. Immediately Minho stands up to take the bottle from her, but she's quick enough and moves her hand away. While this happens I also get up and move a bit steps away, to avoid making anyone wet.

"What is wrong with you?", I yell, while trying to safe my phone, that got quiet wet.
"That's what you get for sleeping with my boyfriend!", Jiwoo yells back, turning the attention to us.
"I did not-"
When I try to answer, Minho interrupts me.
"She did not do anything! Leave her out of it!", He yells, walking between Jiwoo and I, in a protective manner.
"She has to have done something! Otherwise you wouldn't have broken up with me!"
Whispers around us. My body tensens up and tears begin to form. How did I get into such a mess again..?
"I've just lost interest. That's all. Get over it."
Minho gives her a cold stare, making her cry. The second the first tears runs down her cheek, she runs off, closely followed by her friends.
When she's gone the boy standing in front of me sighs. He turns around and looks at me.
"Are you okay?", The second he asks, he raises his eyebrows in suprise. Without another word he takes my hand and drags me out. As we walk through the halls all the students are staring at us and our hands.
"Where are we going?", I question him.
"We need to get you something clean to wear..", he answers quietly, taking me to his locker.
He grabs a pair of pants and a hoodie of his and hands it to me.
"Wait, you're still wet..", he sighs again, turning back to his locker and grabbing a towel.
Carefully I take it and we walk to the bathroom. The second I'm inside with his towel and clothes, I feel the tears that build up, pour out. While quietly crying, I try to dry myself and change into his clothes.
"This feels odd..", I mutter, staring at my still crying self, when Minho speaks up.
"Hey.. Ma-Ri?", He's voice sounds so much more vulnerable than usual, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drag you into this mess.."
Something about hearing him so quietly and vulnerable makes me feel weird. It's just so odd..
After that he's just silent, waiting for me to come out of the bathroom.
"Is she okay?", The second I want to open the door, I hear Chans voice. For some reason it makes me hesitant, but I open the door anyways.
"I'm alright I guess..", with a lowered head I walk out odd the bathroom, feeling their stares on me.
"Are you sure? It seems like you've been crying..", Chan says, giving me a concerned look.
At first I wanted to lie, but I know that would have been pointless anyways..
A bitter chuckles escapes my lips: "Guess I just can't get used to all that attention.."
Gently Chan rubs my shoulder, trying to comfort me.
"Let's get going.. class is about to start.."
Together the three of us walk to class, still having the wet clothes with me.

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