| Chapter 19 |

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It's 5 am when my mother bursts into my room to wake me up. Feeling grumpy and tired I stand up and just follow her, still wearing my pyjama. I know that I'll be dressed when we arrive at the set, so why bother to change, am I right?

We drive to the set and arrive at around half past 5. There I am immediately thrown to the make up artists, who look at my face judging my skin.
"Do you even take care of yourself?", A woman with black hair says, putting some creme on my face roughly. I bear with it, knowing I will never do this again. Like EVER.

While multiple people are taking care of my face and hair, the door opens and Minho walks inside. He gives me a smirk and is seated beside me.
"Already excited to be close to me?", He still smirks, making me feel ill, just like usual.
"Piss off."
Annoyed I look back at the mirror, watching what the professionals are doing to me. With the corner of my eye I can see Minho staring at me, but I simply ignore it.
When they're done with me, they continue with Minho, putting make-up on his face and styling his hair.
In the meantime someone guides me to the clothes, handing me some and telling me to put them on. I do so carefully, making sure to not accidentally rip part of the dress I'm putting on apart. Fortunately I get in quiet easily. I assume my father make this one specifically for me. At least that would explain why they just took a different person for this job..
"It looks great on you", my father comments as he sees me in the green and white summer dress. Not really agreeing I look at him.
"Yeah, sure.."
My mother joins us together with Minho, who is wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt. i have to admit, he does look good in it. I mean, he's attractive, so him looking good isn't a new thing I guess..
"Can we start now? I really want to get it over with.."
My parents roll their eyes but agree. Both walk Minho and I to a white wall.
The photographer doesn't even look at us, instead he looks at my parents, who nod, signaling him to start.
Together Minho and I pose awkwardly. We both don't really know what to do, which is more than obvious, as the photographer gets upset. He stops and looks at my parents, expecting them to say or do something.
"Listen, act like it's a normal day. You two are just talking. Imagine the camera is not here", my parents say, smiling at me hopeful. Or at least my mother does.
Relaxed Minho lays his arm around my neck and smirks into the camera. Immediately the photographer seems more pleased. Unsure how to actually pose to that I look at the camera having a unsure smile on my face. Still pleased they take a few pictures when Minho and I switch into a different pose, still interacting with each other.
Everything feels so natural. Like Minho and I spend time together and act like nothing is weird or wrong at all. I mean, there are only a few cameras pointing at us and picking everything we do up.

After a few more shots, we finally get to have a, more than deserved, break.
With a tea and a peace of pizza I sit down at a bench and relax, until a high pitched voice interrupts the silence that was around me before. Confused I look up, as Sora runs up to Minho, hugging him tightly. He returns the hug, kissing her neck. Still confused I look at them, as they're being all lovey dovey with each other.
I give my father a questioning look, but he doesn't seem to notice me. Instead he looks at the couple, seeming equally confused as I am. The grown man walks over to them.
"Hello. May I ask how you entered?"
Interested I watch the whole thing unfold.
"Oh, she is my girlfriend. I asked the security guard to let her in", Minho explains, wrapping his arms around her tighter.
The same time this happens, my mother walks to me.
"Are you alright?", With a concerned look she looks at me.
"Yeah? Why would I not be alright?"
She takes a second to think, before finally answering: "You seemed irritated and a bit upset."
"Did I?"
Not sure if I understood her right, I just look at her. She nods, turning her head back to Sora and Minho.
"I hope you're not jealous about your boyfriend posing with a pretty girl", my father laughs, making me feel embarrassed. Why does he have to be that way?

Unable to take anymore from that conversation, I walk out and to the dress room, changing into my second outfit. It's another dress. This one is way more my style though while also representing the theme really well.
Critical I look up and down at myself and come to one conclusion.
"I like it", with a smile I stare at myself before walking out again. Immediately a couple of people rush over to me, redoing part of my make-up and fixing up my hair.

"Put your faces closer together.. yeah, that's perfect!"
The man controlling the camera, taking the pictures resorted to giving us commands. Both Minho and I quietly following them without any hesitation.
Gently I grab his one hand, while the one is grabbing my chin softly. While in this pose we look at the camera, then back at each other and again into the camera. With the corner of my eyes I can see Sora looking at us with jealousy.
Guess she's the jealous type after all. That thought makes me chuckle a bit, gaining me a compliment from the photographer.
"That looked so natural", he admires, making my parents look at the picture he just took. My parents seem just as happy with that particular one. Both give me a thumbs up before telling us to keep going.

Again we change into different outfits. This time I got a skirt and white shirt to wear, while he got something looking like a school uniform. Actually, mine kinda looks like one as well.. guess that's the theme my father went with?
Together Minho and I walk back to the set, that has been changed quiet a bit. Instead of the empty white background there are a few tables and chairs. One of the tables standing in the middle, being obviously the one we are supposed to model on. My father orders me to sit on the table and Minho to take a seat on the chair. We both follow the instructions that we are given and waiting for more.
"Let's make this feel intimate and privat. Like you are hiding a relationship in school, but take the opportunity of being alone", the photographer says. It seems like he's talking about some kind of weird fetish of his... Gross..
I try to get rid of that thought and turn my face to Minho, who is smirking at me. My before disgusted expression turns to a more confused, helpless looking one. A picture gets taken and everyone is satisfied with the first picture. Next I lower my head, moving it closer to his, putting my hands around his neck and then staring at the camera. The boy sitting below me at first looks at me and then also at the camera. Again everyone seems happy with the picture, except Sora. She still seems a bit jealous. I just ignore her stare and keep my focus on making the right poses.
"Try to be a bit more dominant Minho", another order flies through the room. The brown haired boy nods, slowly standing up, putting his right hand on my left cheek and looking down at me with a weird look. Taken by surprise I look up at him, staring into his eyes. The clicking of the camera disappears into the background, until the sound is completely gone. All I do is stare into his eyes, as he stares into mine. Something about the look in his eyes is so.. different compared to usual. This loving, caring and worried look makes me feel weird...
Slowly he moves his face closer to my face and stops again. His hot breath brushing against my face, making my cheeks turn a pinkish color.
Minho mutters something I can not understanding, before he presses his lips softly on mine. My eyes widen in shock. Everything goes numb, beside the feeling of his warm lips on mine. Slowly I relax into it, close my eyes and kiss back. After a few seconds he breaks the kiss, looking at me with a smile. Feeling unsure I look back at him. Again we are just staring at each other, when clapping brings me back to reality, reminding me where I am right now and what I just did.

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