| Chapter 2 |

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Exhausted I let my body fall onto my tidy bed. I yawn, roll on my stomach and unlock my phone. Hundreds unread messages. Since my relation to my parents got exposed online my social medias have been blowing up. People have been messaging me. Some are from my school, some random stranger and I even got some hate under the few post I have. I've basically become an influencer over night, without my consent..
Seeing all these messenger makes me roll back on my back, as I put every notification on silent.
I'm even in the groupchat our class made. Before they all refused to add me to it and now they're blowing up my phone..
Another sigh escapes my lips, when I hear my mother chuckle.
"Guess you didn't have a good day?", She sits down next to me.
I sit up and look at her pouting: "Everyone had been bothering me the whole day, just like the the past few days.. it's annoying!"
Frustrated I lay my head on her shoulder.
"Maybe they just want to be your friend?", She gives me a smile, but I don't return it. Instead I throw myself into my bed again.
"Almost everyone has never talked to me before. They're way too interested to get to know the two of you.."
"I know how awful you feel", my mother says gently, "but maybe some will notice how awesome you are as a person. Give them a chance."
Still frustrated I sit back up and nod at her word.
I definitely don't want to, but Chan had been talking to me before at some rare occasions. So maybe it makes sense to stick to him for now?

When my mother leaves my room again and closes the door, I throw myself on my bed for the third time today.
"Why did I have to remember that?", I mutter, holding a pillow Infront of my face, "Why did he actually follow me?"

Confused I turn around and see Minho following me. Stirnly I look at him and he returns the favor.
"What do you want? You don't live in this neighborhood."
I had been paying attention to who lives here in order to keep my parents a secret, if you want to call it that.
The guy across me smirks: "Just taking a different way then usual."
I can tell he's lying, but saying anything about it won't help me at all.
"Do it a different time", after that I turn around and continue to walk. Unfortunately he is still following me. Again, I turn around and glance at him.
"What's your problem?!", I almost shout, but he doesn't mind the raise in my voice at all. Instead he just chuckles, before stepping closer to me.
"I guess you're just interesting to me..", he says, looking down at me.
"Because of my parents?"
"No. At least not completely.."
I raise one of my eyebrows and let him explain himself further.
"Before you weren't a challenge. But now that everyone has taken a interest in Seong-Mins daughter, it's different", while talking he keeps his mystivious smirk on his lips, making me almost gag.
"There is no challenge if you've already lost", I respond, making him chuckle again.
"I always get what I want", carefully he goes through my hair, playing with it, "And I want you.."
Immediately I knock his hand away.
"Get lost, you psycho!"
"You mean.. maniac?"
"Like I said.. get lost!", with these words I walk off. This time not having his steps behind me.

God, just thinking about it drives me insane.. He has never talk to me, but apparently I've always been ✨interesting✨ this whole time, but not enough of a ✨challenge✨..
Honestly, he can just go and fuck himself.. and then he doesn't even use my name and instead my fathers.. whatever.. I'll just never talk to him again and then I'm all good, right?

Frustrated I sit on the backseat of my parents car, as the vehicle stops in front of my school. Just seeing all these people walk by makes me want to stay in here and drive back home.
The driver notices my distress and gives me a reassuring smile, which I am unable to return. Instead I nod at him and open the car door. As I leave and close the door behind me, I can already hear the people around me cheer and call my name.
I'm so glad it's friday and I won't have to induce them for a few days.
By myself I walk into the building, pass other students, who are still staring at me. When I arrive in my class, I notice Chan, Jeongin and Minho sitting together at a table, chatting. They seem relaxed, enjoying each other's company.
"Give them a chance..?", I mumble, remembering my mother's words, but before I can act, Chan moves towards me.
"Hey Ma-Ri, wanna join us?", He points to his friends and gives me his usual smile. I hesitate but agree. Jeongin also gives me a smile as Chan and I approach them. Shortly after Han joins us as well. Together the topic from yesterday recurfaced and we talk about our dream to work with music once again. It's nice to have conversations that aren't about my parents for once.
"What are other hobbies you've got, Ma-Ri?", Chan being the social butterfly he is, changes the subject flawlessly, without making anything feel weird. Until Minho had to add something to the question: "Besides being a trust fund baby, for course."
He laughs at his own joke, with some classmates joining in, while the other on the table and I stare at him silently. In the end, I decide to just ignore him and answer Chans question: "Well, I don't think I have a lot of hobbies.. I'm not Info Fashion, nor modeling. I'm pretty much only into music.. oh and dancing!"
Talking about this makes me feel embarrassed.. I never talk about my interests, like ever.
"Oh you must like something else than that", the boys seem disappointed, which makes me feel even worst, than I did before.
While the boys try to find something else I like to do, Minho chuckles randomly. I give him a look.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh it's just", his chuckles turn to laughter, which quickly brings tears to his eyes, "It's honestly sad, that the only interesting thing about you are your parents!"
Again, many classmates join in on his laughter, while they stare holes into my small, fragile body.
"Cut it out", Chan tries to safe the situation, but it's too late for that. Quietly I stand up from my seat and bow down to Chan.
"Thank you for inviting me."
After that I leave the cafeteria quickly to walk to the girls bathroom. As soon as I arrive there, I lock myself into on the the empty stalls. The second I do, my tears start to flow down my face. I hate this. I hate being to hated! I hate being their child! I hate being laughter at by them.. why does it have to be like this..?

Finally the day is over. After what happened in lunch I mostly skipped my classes. Going there was impossible. Everything I tried, my legs would just give in and I'd land on my butt on the bathroom floor again, so I eventually gave up and just stayed there until the day was over and I am getting picked up.

Silently, with my hood up, I stand in front of the school building. Many students walk past me. Some where the once that laugher, others just observed the situation and others weren't even present. At least they're not talking to me and simply walk past me..

The second I think that someone stops next to me. When I look up, I see Minho standing next to me, giving me a annoyed look.
"What do you want?", I ask, still looking at him.
He sighs, dragging his hand through his hair: "You need to learn how to take a joke.."
"And you need to learn how to be funny...."
He seems offended, as he steps closer to me.
"You know who you're talking to?"
"You know who doesn't care?"
"Pff", he annoyed expressen changed to a amused one.
"What's so funny?"
"I've never seen a girl act so tough around me. They usually try to act all nice and innocent to appease me."
Hearing these words makes me gag. How disgusting can someone be??
"Well, that's because these girls like you..", this whole conversation grosses me out..
"And you?"
"I dispise you, so fuck off, Minho!"
The next moment my parents car arrives. Hopeful I look up and move towards it, when Minho grabs my wrist, forcing me to face him one last time.
"You know how thin the line between love and hate is", after that, he lets go and quietly walks off, without looking at me another time. A bit confused I look after him, rubbing my hurting wrist.

"Are you alright Ma-Ri?", The driver asks through the now open windows.
"Of course I am."
Quickly I enter the car and signal him to drive off.

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