| Chapter 5 |

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Almost inaudible I scream into my pillow.
What did he think, talking such nonsense all of a sudden??
Why can't my life return back to normal?

Maybe I want more than just to fuck you or maybe I don't, you'll never know ~

Those words just won't leave my mind..

Frustrated I roll over, still holding onto my pillow as my mother yells: "Dinner's ready."
I look down at my purple pillow, stand up from my bed and take a second to look at myself. My face is so red...
Still feeling frustrated I walk down the stairs to eat dinner with my parents.

My parents are already putting food on their plates. Otherwise quiet I sit down on my assignt seat, facing both of them.
"So how was school", my mother smiles, offering me the salate bowl. I put a bit on my plate and answer.
"Awful", is all I say before grabbing a piece of the lasagna my mother had made for dinner.
Both my parents look at each other.
"We understand it's hard for you to adapt, but since it's out and you're old enough, we thought why not include you in our business", my father says, after sipping from his glass.
"What are you talking about?", I asks, putting the fork I had just picked up down again.
"Your father is creating a special collection we want you to model."
"You have to be kidding me..", in disbelief I cross my arms, staring at them. So my father adds: "You models as a child. You know what it takes to get a few good shots and this is the perfect opportunity for you to start in this business."
"What if I don't want to work in this business?"
"Please, this is everyone's dream", my father rolls his eyes, taking another sip from his now half empty glass.
"I am not everyone. I am your daughter and I want to be my own person!"
Upset I stand up, take my plate and leave the table: "I'll eat in my room!"
With that I leave the room and walk into mine.

I hate this... Why did people have to find out?

Still really frustrated I sit in my parents car. The driver looks at me concerned from time to time, pissing me off even more.
"What?", I snap, looking out the window.
The man sighs: "I know you're upset with your parents. They asked me to tell you somethings regarding the shooting you will have in the near future."
He seems hesitant, like he doesn't want to make me more upset than I already am.
"What is it", I try to calm myself a bit, since I know it's not his fault, but being calm feels impossible..
"Your parents want you to pick two or three male students to shoot with.."
The second I hear and process what he had just said, I explode.
"What?? Are they so dumb?? I can't choose anyone. I don't know anyone nor do I want to spend more time with them than I have to!"
The more I think about it, the more my anger begins to boil over. What are they thinking? No, are they even thinking? Why would that ever, like literally EVER be a good idea?
Immediately the man in the driver seat tries to calm me down.
"I know you're upset, but there is nothing we can do about it. Try to get through the day and in the evening you can try to talk to your parents again."
I hate to admit it, but he's probably right.. defeated I agree, turning my face back to the window, as we drive past Chan and Felix. Part of me tried to forget about the letter and the other part wanted to just ignore it, but seeing Felix makes me sad all over again. I still don't really understand why I feel like that, since we don't know each other and haven't even talked yet..
About a minute later we arrive at the gate. Quietly I exit the car and wait for Chan and Felix. When they see me, Felix immediately tries to turn around and escape, but Chan stops him. Both wavy at me awkwardly, Chan because he wants to and Felix because he's getting forces by the other Australian boy. I sigh, wavy back and wait. While Chan walks to me, Felix quickly walks to the building, completely avoiding me.
"That was weird..", I say, watching Felix as he walks into the school.
"Yeah, he's a bit shy", Chan chuckles awkward, holding his neck.
"I can tell..", another sigh escapes my lips, causing Chan to look at me concerned. But before he is able to ask me a group of boys, I also had not talked to before rush over to me.
"We saw you dads post", one started, "Can I please do the shoot with you?"
"No, choose me! I'm so much more handsome than he is!", Another yells, making me flinch in the process, when another one interrupts the second boy, until over ten boys just talk over each other.
Unsure what to do I just stare at them. I want to speak and tell them to stop, but I can't.. I am about to cry, when a different male voice yells over them: "Leave her be."
"Minho?", Confused I look to the direction the voice came from, as all the other guys quiet down and also look in that direction. Sterling Minho walks past them, infront of me in a protective manner.
"She has already chosen! So fuck off!", He yells again. And surprisingly they actually leave. In only a few seconds every single one is gone, leaving Chan, Minho and myself alone. Still confused I look at Minho, who gives me a smile.
"Ehm.. thanks?", I question more than actual thank him.
"What was up with them", Chan questions, when I remember what the first boy said..
"My dads post?", Quickly I grab my phone and open Instagram, "he actually posted about that only a day after telling me..?"
"Posted what?"
Silently I show Chan my phone and he's just as shocked as I am.
"So what are you gonna do?", Minho breaks the silence, looking at me serious.
"I don't know.."
"Well..", he smirks, "You could just choose me. I'm handsome, have a great personality and.. I know how to romance a girl."
While saying that he winks, causing me to gag.
"Yeah, you're handsome. I give you that, but you are nothing but a arrogant fuckboy, who can't stay with the same girl for more than two months.."
My answer makes Chan laugh and Minho pout. All I can do is shake my head, as I walk into the building, closely followed by the two boys. Again many eyes are on my and this time also the two behind me. I can tell Chan feels somewhat uncomfortable, while Minho is enjoying every second of attention. This guy is really the worst..

When we arrive in front of my classroom, I expect us to part way, but Minho, for whatever reason, doesn't walk off like Chan was about to.
"What are you doing?", Both Chan and I question him, unsure what to actually expect.
"Ma-Ri", he ignores our question and instead just looks at me.
"Do you want to eat lunch together?"
His words confuse me and before I'm able to answer him a girl walks past on, almost running me over in the process. When I look to my side I see his ex girlfriend as she walks past me, avoiding my gaze.
Does she think...?
"Is that a yes?", Gently Minho takes my hand, bringing me back to reality. Immediately I pull my hand out off his.
"No, I'm good."
The brown haired boy gives me a disappointed look, before turning to Chan and walking off with him. Confused I look after him, while Chan gives me just as equally confused look. In the end I just shrug it off and go into my classroom. Walking past all these staring people does not get easier.. but as long as they only stare I should be fine. I hope.
As soon as I place my butt on my chair and sigh in relief, a girl stands in front of me, staring down. Afraid I look up. My gaze meets the one of Minhos Ex. unsure if I should say something I just stay silent, waiting for her to do something, anything in fact. At first she also just stares at me, but then she suddenly slams her fist on my table, causing it to shake. The sudden noice makes everyone stare at as, when the girl begins to scream into my face.
"It's you, isn't it?!?"
Every single person in this room stares at us, waiting for my response..

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