| Chapter 31 |

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Day of the audition. Almost every student I have seen in the courses are here to prove how talented they are and how they should be representing our school. Some seem fairly confident, whole over seem overly sure of themselves while others again seem like nervous wrecks. It's interesting to see all the different reactions from everyone around.
Together with Liz and Jiwoo I walk into the high hall the school doesn't really use, unless it's for school events.
Together the three of us sit down in the back, in hopes to not distract anyone. The guys begin with their performance. Many boys I don't know, have only seen in the halls or have been harassing me because of my parents try their luck by singing, dancing or rapping. Most gotten good criticism and are told that they didn't make it, while some are told that they might be selected, but no one got a definite yes yet. It's obvious how nervous it makes everyone.
Eventually someone I know, Changbin walks into the stage. He quickly introduces himself and begins to sing and rap a text that Chan and I wrote with him a few days ago. The whole hall is empty, fascinated by his abilities. When he is done, people clap, amazed by the boy. Sneakily I look to Jiwoo, who has a big smile on her face.
"Changbin. We are impressed with your vocal abilities and rap skills and we are sure that you would fit nicely in our boy group."
Again everyone cheer and this time Jiwoo is not able to hide her excitement. She jumps up, runs on the stage and hugs the boy, who hugs her back immediately. Both Liz and I share a glance before looking back at the happy couple.

Next one to perform is Chan. The second he walks on the stage you can literally see his charisma. It's like he enchanted everyone in this room. When his voice begins to sing a really sad, but powerful song everyone is listening quietly. Obviously he passes, being told he will be in the boy group as well. The same goes for Han, Hyunjin, Jeongin and another student I didn't know yet named seungmin.
After a few students performed and got mostly declined the time for all the guys is almost up. So it's decided that the last two have to sing a song together, basically battling each other. And just as my luck has it, it's Felix and Minho. Both walk on stage and wait for their signal to begin. Feeling helpless I listen to both. Felix deep vocals and Minhos soft one harmonize with each other. As they both give it their all I can feel eyes staring at me, whispers about what I am and what I am not reaching my ear. Annoyed I keep on looking at the two boys, as they finish their song.
"That was amazing. We definitely want to keep both of you. What about we add you two as the last members to our boy group?"
Of course both agreed and exited the stage.

Again the same process continued, but with the girls this time. Many try their hardest, get criticism and/or get rejected. Some got through to the band, but non soloist where chosen yet. That's when Liz walks into the stage. She also says her name and begins to sing. She has a feminine and elegant voice fitting perfectly with her beauty. Obviously I am not the only one that things so, as she is braised for her vocals but also her visual and even more obvious is that she got one of the two soloists positions.
Both Jiwoo and I walk towards her as she runs into our arm happily.
"Yeah, congrats. You did so well."
When we break the hug, someone calls Jiwoo on to the stage. We both give her a approving nod, wish her luck and off she goes. Now from the side of the stage we see how she introduces herself nervously. A song I wrote starts playing and she begins to sing the lyrics with her eyes closed. In hopes of pushing her confidence I yell: "Jiwoo, you can do it!" The second I do she opens her eyes, seemingly more confident and continues to shine. When she finished people clap.
"That was really good. We think you could really fit into the girl group."
"So I am part of the show?"
"Yes, you ARE part of the show!"
After a few seconds of Realisation she comes running of the stage into our arms, until she sees Changbin. Immediately she breaks off the hug to wrap her arms around the boy. Liz and I chuckle as we watch them. Not noticing Sora walking by, she walks into my shoulder forcefully, causing me to almost fall to the ground, if Liz hadn't reached quick enough.
"Oops, my bad..", the black haired girl says sarcastically before walking on the stage. Stunned I look up to her as she begins to sing. Her cute voice matching her baby face quiet nicely and it's obvious the teachers think so as well. Half through the song they stop her, informing her that she got the second solo position. Happily she walks off, again walking into my shoulder, making it hurt even more. Liz gives her a glance but the other girl ignores it, walking off instead. A sigh escapes my lips, as we all celebrate my friends success, until they call out for the last people that wanna audition to now enter the stage. Unsure I look around and to my friends, who all nod at me supportive. Again I turn my face to the stage, where many nervous students stand.
"I.. won't audition.."
"What?! Why not?", Liz gives me a look, asking for a explaination.
I sigh again.
"It would not be fair for them. Having my parents as my parents will be a advantage that I do not want.."
After a moment of silence Jiwoo agrees with me.
"You are probably right.. Ma-Ri, you really are too nice for this world.."
"It's nothing. Let's just focus on your big day, alright?"
They all smile at me, before it turns into a group hug.

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