| Chapter 7 |

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Finally the day is over. Still wearing Minhos clothes I stand in front of the gate, my wet clothes in a back a teacher was kind enough to give me.
God.. today was horrible..
A sigh escapes my lips, as I look around. I just wanna go home.. a second and even third sigh escapes my lips.
Luckily most students have already left for the day, meaning I most likely won't be bother by them. Not like this morning.. I still don't get what they were thinking..
A buzz from my bag, makes me snap out if my thoughts.
"Yeah?", Annoyed I pick up. It's my father.
"Are you still at school?"
"Jup, waiting as always. Why?"
"Your mother and I are going to pick you up."
"Alright, when will you be here?"
"10 minutes."
"Alright. Bye."
The second the call ends another sigh escapes my by now dried out lips.
"Someone's having a hard day?"
Minho walks out of the school.
"Well, this", pointing at the clothes I am wearing, "Wasn't fun..."
The brown haired boy sighs just like I did second before: "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that."
"Didn't think THE Lee Minho was able to sincerely apologize", a cold laugh escapes my lips, as I watch him pout to my response.
"I did apologize to you twice today!"
"I know. That's doesn't make it less unbelievable."

The silence between us is weird.

"So how did you know Jiwoo and I had broken up?"
"You mean, how you broke her heart, right?"
Minho rolls his eyes. I simply chuckle as a response before answering his question.
"I was trying to hide from all the people and well.. wrong time wrong place I assume.."
He nods silently, giving me the opportunity the question that had been on my mind the whole day.
"Why did you break up with her?"
"I don't love her. In the beginning she was interesting, but that didn't last."
"Is that how you do it with all your girlfriends?"
"No.. Jiwoo was different."
"In what way?"
A bit embarrassed he looks to the ground , while answering my question: "I actually liked her. Compared to the other girls I dated before, you could have called it love.."
I nod.
"What changed?"
The boy takes a second to respond: "I acted too soon."
Right when I am going to ask another question my parents car arrives in front of us. The window in the passenger side is being rolled down and my mother looks at me. She seems upset. Unsure I wave at her, to which she just shakes her head. Feeling a bit weird I turn to Minho.
"Guess I gotta go."
"Yeah", he nods, "See you tomorrow then."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow", I wavy awkwardly as he walks off.
Something about him was different just now. So vulnerable... Weird..
It takes me a second to snap out of my thoughts. But as soon as I did, I turn to the black car and enter it.

"Hey", I greet my parents and am greeted back with silence. A tense, strict and really uncomfortable silence. Unsure what I should do, I just do what they do and stay silent as we begin to drive off and past Minho. As we drive past him, I can't help but look at him. He seems.. upset..

The sudden voice of my father makes me jump a bit.
With my quiet voice I answer, making my parents exchange looks with each other.
"Did I do something?", I ask, unsure if this was the right call to make. Again my parents exchange looks, before giving me an answer.
"We'll talk when we get home."
A shower runs down my spine as my father says that.

Eventually we arrive at our house. The second we walk inside, my parents sit me down. Both sit across from me, staring me down.
I hate it when people look at me..
"We know you're upset and need time to get used to this", my father starts, his tone getting colder with every word, "but did you have to cause a scene as soon as we try to integrate you into the family business??"
I already know what this is about and my theory is getting confirmed when they lay their laptop on the table, showing a article about what happened with Jiwoo today. There's also a picture of Minho and I, as he was dragging me to the bathroom.
"This is the same boy who stood with you when we picked you up, isn't it?", My father continues, this time more angry, "These are also his clothes, aren't they??"
A bit confused I look down on myself... Did I seriously forget about wearing his clothes?
"Listen, I can explain!", I try, but am cut off by my father.
"I really thought we raised you better than that!"
My father is about to stand up and yell at me some more, when my mother finally intervents.
"Give her a chance to talk.. Ma-Ri, what can you explain?"
"The guy in the photo and who was beside me is Minho. Ever since the everyone found out who you guys are, he has been bothering me like everyone else and.. well... He broke up with his girlfriend.. she thinks that he cheated on her with me, since he has been around me more often."
"Did you do it?"
"No! I did not. I don't even like him!"
My father gives me a distrusting look and points to my clothes.
"His ex emptied a bottle of water over me so he gave me something to change into..", why do I feel embarrassed talking about it?
"I had no control over anything!", I add, making my father frown in frustration.
"God.. that's so bad policy..", he lets out a annoyed sigh, before turning his wife, "What do you think we should do?"
My mother takes a second to think but eventually response with: "He definitely has the visuals to be part of the campaign and she Ma-Ri is supposed to choose, why not select him? What's his name again?"
"What do you think, dear?"
Both my parents look at each other while I stare at my dad, completely stressed.
Please don't agree. I can not deal with him more than I already have to. Working with him, when I don't even wanna do it sounds like a absolute nightmare, that I do wanna experience, like... EVER.

After a few seconds of intense stress he finally answers my mothers question.
"I think you might be right. Let's try it and see how it goes."

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