| Chapter 10 |

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Full of frustration I look at my phone and at Chans messages. He wrote me over Insta to ask if we want to exchange numbers. Honestly I'm surprised I even saw his message, considering that I get thousands per day..
Of course I said yes and send him my number and he added me to a group chat consisting for him, Sora, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix and Minho. I can't help but gag when I read his name.. why is he making such a mess.. it's not like my life was messy enough..

'Hope it's okay I added you to the groupchat' (Chan)

You're funny..
A sigh escapes my lips as I lay down on my bed and rest my eyes for a second, when my buzzing phones makes me open my eyes again.
"And here I thought I wouldn't have to put my phone on silence anymore.."

'Oh my god, hi Ma-Ri!' (Sora)

I wanna die.. she's acting different than before.. at least it seems like it. Though I can't really know since we haven't texted before.

'Hi' (Me)

'How are you, Ma-Ri?' (Hyunjin)

'I'm alright I guess. But how are you?^^' (Me)

Somehow this feels really awkward..

'I'm alright.' (Hyunjin)

'That is nice to hear' (Me)

I don't know what to actually say to them..

Somehow scared I look at my phone, seeing that Felix is online now. Surprisingly he isn't texting in the group. Instead I get a private message from him.

'Hey, I'm really sorry..' (Felix)

'Sorry for what?' (Me)

'Sorry for being almost making you fall today's (Felix)

'Oh, it's okay. No worries^^' (Me)

Was he worried about that? That's kinda cute.
He's still typing, making me look at my screen in anticipation.

'I thought, maybe you want to go out sometimes?' (Felix)

My heart skips a beat as I read through his last message. So it was a loveletter. But most importantly, it was meant serious.
I take a second to collect my thoughts but agree in the end.

'Sure, I'd love to' (Me)

'Alright, let's maybe talk about the details some other time' (Felix)

'Sure^^' (Me)

And he red it.. do I have a date now? Obviously I do. I am so excited. After all, Felix seems so sweet and he is so adorable! Just look at his tiny hands!
Alright, I need to stop babying him, like asap.. doing that is creepy as hell..

After that short conversation with Felix my phone quiet down, so I put it down again. Instead I grab my favorite pillow and hug it tightly.
Today was frustrating as always.. I thought I might have found a friend, but then my father had to show up. It's probably gonna be how it is with everyone. I won't be me, but their daughter.

I whine, when my mother calls me for dinner. Unmotivated like usual I put the pillow down, grab my phone and leave my room, closing the door behind me.
My mother gives me a small smile, as she sees me coming down the stairs.
"Where's dad?", I question, helping her to set the table.
"He still has to make some calls."
"So we'll eat without him?"
She nods, sitting down across from me and putting a few vegetables on her plate. I also sit down, following her lead with tge vegetables.

"How was you day?", She asks, like she usually does.
I shrug, stab a few carats with my fork, before giving her a proper answer: "I guess it was alright? Though I'm still not too excited about doing the modeling.."
Even though I could talk about Sora and the first dance class we had, but I'd rather tell her how unhappy I am with their decision. Besides, we were only getting to know each other in class. So nothing interesting to report anyway.
While I chew on my food, she gives me a sorry look.
"You father and I thought about it a lot and we think you'll fit perfectly into the clothes. If you really hate it so much, after you tried it, we will not force you again."
I know she's trying to understand me, but she is just making it worst..
"You don't understand..", it just so frustrating..
"Then talk to me!"
"Ever since they found out, they don't see me as a person anymore. People were ignoring me all the time and now? Now they want to be my 'friend'! They are staring at me and only talking about me being your daughter. I hate that! I don't want that to get worst and I'm afraid it will if I actually do the campaign.."
It takes my mother a few seconds to process what I had said, but when she does, she gives me a pitiful smile.
"Sweetie, I get it. But there is nothing we can do about it now. There isn't enough time to find a replacement for you, that will look as nice with your classmate, as you."
I know she can't really do anything now, but I still hate it so much.. I just want my normal life back..
"If it really get worst afterwards, I'll talk to your father about you switching schools again."
"Alright... Thank you..", still feeling frustrated, I pick up another piece of food and stuff it into my mouth, when my father finally joins us. Gently he gives my mother a kiss and sits down beside her.
"How was the call, dear?"
"All went well", my father smiles satisfied while taking food and putting it on his plate.
"Who did you even call?", I question, filling my glass with water.
"Minhos parents."
I can't help but roll my eyes to that response.
"About the campaign?"
He nods.
"We were just talking about formalities."
Meaning, 'do not ask further, because I won't give you any more details anyways'..
Sometimes I really hate that man.
"When will the shooting be anyways?"
"Two weeks."
Understanding I nod, continuing to eat in silence, just like my parents do.

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