| Chapter 8 |

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Looking straight forward I walk through the halls of my school, ignoring their jealous stares, as I walk to my class. Having the filled in paper from yesterday in my hand.

"Good morning", I greet my teacher and hand her the paper. Interested she reads through it.
"I would have thought you would choose something fashion related", she says, still reading what I filled in the day before.
Feeling uncomfortable I scratch my neck: "Everyone thinks that.."
It's really frustrating at this point..

While I still talk to the teacher, a brown haired boy walks past me. I turn around to look at him. Immediately I excuse myself and follow the guy.
"Minho, wait up!", I try to get his attention successfully.
"What's up?", He turns around, giving me a bored look.
"Can we talk in private?"
My question makes him smirk. He nods, puts his arms around my shoulders and begins to walk.

The second we are in a more quiet spot, I force his arm off of me.
"Soo what's up?", He asks again.
I take a deep breath. I wish this wasn't really going to happen..
"Are you gonna confess?", Again his lips curle to a smirk.
"Definitely not. I still despise you with all my being."
His smirk vanishes as quickly as it appeared. Instead he looks a bit disappointed at me, waiting for me to continue.
"Did you see the article?"
"What article?"
He raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"Some classmates took pictures and send it to some news outlets. Meaning the whole Jiwoo thing is puplic and-"
"And they think we're dating?", The brown haired boy finishes my sentence. I nod, giving him a sorry glace before continuing.
"So my parents decided you should be part of the campaign. As it's a good way to capitalize the whole thing and make some money.. you would be payed like every other model and you could get a huge Plattform in social Media from that. So, are you interested?"
The boy chuckles: "You basically asked me to spend time with you through your parents."
"No. I didn't. It was my parents decision, not mine. Also..", I look down to my hands, "Your clothes. I washed them. Thank you."
Feeling awkward I hand him
Again he chuckles, making it obvious that he doesn't believe me. A roll my eyes and begin to walk off, but of course Minho follows me. Followed by him we walk to Chan and Hyunjin, who seem to be waiting for someone. The second the two boy see us, they greet us with a wave.
"Hey", I greet them back, looking back at Minho, who is staring at me, "What?"
"Stop staring..", I roll my eyes again and turn back to the other two boys, who look at us confused, "What are you guys waiting for?"
Both give each other a look before responding: "We're waiting for Felix. He overslept."
Since when do they spend so much time with Felix? Before I've only seen then talk occasionally, but now they're together constantly. Part of me remember the letter. To avoid any drama I push it aside. It probably didn't mean anything real.. getting excited in the first place was dumb anyway.
"Do you want us to wait with you?", Minho keeps the conversation going.
For a moment Chan thinks: "No, we're good. You can already go to class."
"Alright. We'll see you later", I give both a smile, which they return, before walking to my classroom.

Something felt more odd today than usual. So I decided to eat lunch by myself, just like I used to. Maybe everything is just getting too much out of hand or maybe I just miss not being the center of attention.

After lunch the school asked my year to please gather in the hall. I assume it's about the paper I gave up today.

"Hey", I get greeted by Chan, who sits with his friends in the middle of the 6th row. With a sweet smile he waves me over. Awkwardly I walk over, past already sitting students until I stand in front of Chan, who point to the seat next to him. I nod and sit down, between him Felix. Feeling a bit awkward I give him a small smile which he returns with a shy smile, before looking back at the empty stage. Mesmerized I look at his cute face, trying to memorize every detail. He has such cute freckles and such a defined chin..
"Are you alright?", He always surprising deep voice catches me off guard. My gaze wanders to his eyes, meeting his gaze.
"You been staring at me", he adds.
"Oh", that embarrassing, "I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself but notice how cute your freckles are."
A light, rosy blush on his cheeks, makes him cuter than he already is, as he again stares to the still empty stage. This time he seems more tense and somewhat uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable in any way. I didn't mean to do that."
Immediately he shakes his head.
"Don't apologize. I wasn't uncomfortable."
"Well, I'm glad to hear that."
I wanted to keep the conversation with him going, but then a few teacher walk to the stage.
"Hello students. As you all know, did we give you papers to choose the courses you want to take and as you also may know is this the first year we've planned to do these courses. Meaning this will be a experiment. If you do well and enjoy this concept, we will be able to do this the following years as well."
After the way too long greeting another teacher explains what courses we were and still are able to choose from. There are three different creative one. One is music related, the other one is art related and the third one is about fashion and modeling. Then there is also a sport one and a view science related ones. Honestly, I think I am more than happy with my decision. Though I could have easily gotten a perfect mark with fashion, I'd rather challenge myself and do something I would love to be good at.
"I hope I get into music", a deep whisper next to me distracts me. I look to my side and see Felix, how he sits there worried, holding something in his tiny hands.
"I'm sure you'll get in", I whisper back.
I know he didn't whispers that to me, but reassuring him felt like the right thing to do.
Confused he turns his face to me. As soon as he sees my smile he also smiles. This time he seems a bit more confident than before, which makes me kinda happy. Seeing him get more comfortable with me is really nice.

After we are finally done and allowed to leave Felix, Chan and the rest of the boys walk out of the hall. Surprisingly Minho is missing. I also didn't see him when we were still sitting inside..
The second I am about to ask, Chan drags me to away.
"Where are we going?", I question confused, not fighting him whatsoever.
"Checken what courses we are in, you didn't pay attention, did you?"
A bit embarrassed I chuckle. Guess I was too occupied looking at Felix, but saying that would be dumb, soo I'll just shut up.

When we arrive at our destination, Chan let's go of me. Quietly I follow him to see if I am able to try music or have to deal with... Something else and luckily I actually got into the course I wanted. I mentally cheer, when someone is being pushed into me, also making me fall, if it wasn't for the same person holding me by my hips.
Shocked I look up and meet Felix eyes. His face is red and he seems shocked as well. For a second he just stares at me, until a third person takes my hand and tears Felix and I apart. Even more shocked I look up just to find Minho holding me with a serious look on his face. Felix seems just as shocked, as he tries to say something but ends up being a stuttering mess.
"Be more careful", the boy holding me says, before letting go off me and walking off again.
Confused and a bit pissed I look after him: "Hey!"
With that I try to stop him, but he ignores me. In response to that, I walk after him and yell again and again he ignores me.
"Can you stop??", I yell. Finally he stands still, turns around and gives me a amused look.
"For someone who doesn't love me, you seem really interested in me", he chuckles.
God, he's getting on my nerves again.
"What was that just now? Grabbing me like that. Do you actually want people to believe we're a couple??"
A smirk on his face. Minho steps closer to me, inches away from my face.
"What do you want, Ma-Ri? Do you want us to seem like a couple, because just now, you acted like a worried girlfriend.."
With that he turns around, leaving me behind disgusted, uncomfortable and really confused. He seemed so sweet and vulnerable yesterday and now he's acting like that again?

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