| Chapter 9 |

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Yawning I walk to the school building. It's been a few days. And the courses finally start today. I actually can't wait to try something different that is actually interesting to me.
Feeling tired I walk to my usual class, when a girl walks up to me. She has a really adorable Babyface, but she is very pretty nonetheless.
"Is this Ma-Ri?", She asks in a high pitched and cute voice.
Taken aback I nod, not responding otherwise.
"A teacher said you would show me around", she explains quietly, obviously uncomfortable.
Understanding her struggle, I give her a huge smile: "Of course. Do you know what classes you have?"
"Well", avoiding my gaze she plays with her hair, "They told me to just take your schedule, so that you'll be able to show me everything.."
As she speaks her voice gets more and more quiet.
"Alright then. Let's just get to class and I'll show you everything, sounds good?"
Hearing me speak so nicely she immediately looks up, giving me a big smile: "Yeah, that would be awesome!"
Again we smile at each other before going to our classroom.

After our first subject of the day is over, we make our way to the first course of the year. In my face it's dance.
"How good are you at dancing?", I ask, trying to start a conversation.
"Oh, I used to dance a bit when I was younger, but I wasn't that great..", she seems a bit disappointed as she says that. To reassure her, I put one hand on her shoulder.
"It's okay, I've never danced before. Besides, I'm sure you're a great dancer."
After a few more steps of silence, the still rather unknown girl begins to speak.
"Is it normal that everyone's staring?"
I chuckle nervously: "It's kinda normal for them to stare at me, I assume.. don't mind them though."
This situation wrong on so many levels. I also feel bad for her. It's her first day and she's being stared down, because the teacher told her, I would take care of her.
"Oh, what's your name? I forgot to ask that, sorry."
"I'm Sora."
"Sora.. that sounds really pretty."
Her only reaction to my compliment is a sudden blush kissing her cheeks.
She's really cute, I hate to admit that.

Together we arrive at a huge group of people. They don't seem to notice me, until someone grabs their arms around me from behind, causing me to scream. The second I realize I turn around to see Minho smiling down at me.
"What is wrong with you??"
He still smirks, petting my head lightly: "Did you not like it, Cupcake?"
"Fuck off Minho!"
With a annoyed glare I take Soras hand and force her to the other side of the crowd.
"God, he is like a decease..", the anger in me is still boiling. How dare he? I feel so gross now.
In my rage I almost forget about Sora, who I just dragged away without making sure she's okay with it. I want to apologize, but when I see her dreamy stare, I stop. Confused I call out for her and wave my hand in front of her face. After a few seconds she eventually snaps out of her thought. Now she looks at me all excited.
"Who was that?"
"Minho..? That's such a gorgeous name!", After these words leave her mouth she instantly walks off and to Minho, who is by now standing next to the other boys. With a sigh I follow her, as she walks to them.
Awkward silence ensues. The boy are just looking at her, when I join them.
"Hey, Ma-Ri", Chan greets and I greet back, walking next to Sora.
"This is Sora, she's new here", I explain shortly, hoping to end this awkward tension that build up over a single second. And luckily it does. After my introduction everyone greets her and also introduces themselves. Looks like that could be the start of a nice friendship.

Finally school is over. Sora, Minho, Chan and I are on our way to the schoolgate, chatting a bit, when Felix joins us as well. Unlike usually he walks beside me, giving me his really pretty smile. I hear a annoyed sigh beside me but ignore it, as Felix and I talk a bit. We get alonge so we'll. It's crazy, but it's really nice. I genuinely enjoy my time with him. I wonder how things might be, if he wouldn't have bailed on me..
"Ma-Ri, are you gonna take the bus as well?", Sora asks, looking at me and anticipating a yes.
"No, I get picked up."
"Lucky.. i hate the bus..", she pouts a bit, "I was so happy to take the bus with you!"
I chuckle a bit nervous: "I'm sorry. My parents are pretty protect, especially now.."
It really seems like she doesn't know my parents, or that she at least doesn't know who my parents are..
A few seconds after I think that, my fathers voice calls out for me.
Already annoyed I turn around.
In the corner of my eye I see Sora, as she is about to freak out.
Okay. She does know my parents..
"What is it?", I sigh, walking to him. When he's across from me, he whispers: "Did you finally ask him or do I need to do it?"
Again I sigh, but don't respond further.
Yes. I did ask him and no. He did not respond. I already told him that many times, but I'm just too fed up to repeat myself yet again.
To my response he just walks past me, to Minho.
"Minho, I am Seong-Min, Ma-Ris father. Like my daughter might have told you already, we want you to model beside her in our new collection. If you do well, we will offer you a contract and with that a safe position in our company. Are you interested?"
Minho looks at me, gives me a smirk and in the end agrees to my father offer.
I can feel my blood boil already. While Sora is still freaking out, are my father and Minho speaking about their verbal agreement, irgnoring what I want or don't want in that matter.
When they're done, my father walks back to me.
"See, that's how it's done."
With these words, he calls the driver, who immediately pulls up. My father enters the car, while I look back at my friend's and am meet with different expressions. A gloating smile, a freaked out expression and many smiles. The one that mesmerizes me the most though has to be Felixs smile. I smile back, wave at then and finally follow my father into the vehicle. The second I sit down and close the door, the car speeds off.

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