| Chapter 18 |

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Excited I stare at myself in the mirror, having put on the prettiest clothes I have with the nicest jewelry I own. My hair is down and I did my make-up like I usually would. I know I should not go overboard on the first date. Especially since I have school before that.
I take a last deep breath, before grabbing my bag and leaving the house.

The whole way I feel anxious. Way more anxious than I usually do. All the people staring is freaking me out way more than they usually do and I jump when Liz taps on my shoulder, to get my attention.
"Someone is jumpy today", she chuckles. I also chuckle in embarrassment, as we both walk together to school.
"Are you alright? You seem nervous."
"Well", I can't hold my excitement in, "Felix asked me out!"
"What? For real this time?", Liz also know how many times he backed out and is just as annoyed as I am.
"Yeah, I think so. We want to go out after school. I am so excited!", I squeak a bit more, before my friends gets me back to face reality.
"Girl, you should not get your hopes up too quickly. Remember what happened the last few times."
"Yeah, I don't want to recall that.."
"I know you have a crush on him Ma-Ri. Not that I blame you, Felix is really cute and hot at the same time. I just think you should not give him another chance of he backs out again."
Even if I don't want her to be, but I know she is right..
"I won't.."
"Promise?", She raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah promise.."

When we arrive at school we immediately search for Jiwoo to tell her about the news. Fortunately she is just as excited as I am.

The whole day Felix and I keep a distance from each other. Though I caught him staring at me many times. Whenever I did, we would just smile at each other and then go back to whatever we were doing before that. Most people didn't seem to notice, besides Chan, who asked me what was going on between Felix and I. Trying to be mysterious as always, I obviously, didn't tell him. Or at least I tried to. I was too obvious though. Considering how nervous I got as the day went on. Until it was finally time..

Feeling more excited than nervous I stand in front of the gate, waiting for the sunshine called Felix. Luckily it doesn't take him long. He apologizes for the wait, then takes my hand and tells me that we are going to his favorite cafè. Holding his hand is nice. Secretly I look down at our hands, how they hold onto each other. A warm fussy feeling start to spread in my stomach, as we walk together.
After a few minutes he stops in front of a cute little café. Still holding hands we walk inside and sit down at a table, facing each other.
We both just stare at each other, when I dare to speak up.
"Soo, how was your day?"
Felix seems nervous when he answers: "I was really excited and couldn't focus in class."
"Same, I couldn't really focus either", admitting that makes me feel embarrassed. But while I am embarrassed he seems more than relieved, when a waitress walks up to us, greets us and takes our order. The second she walks off again, I turn my face to look at Felix, who is already looking at me.
"Are you alright?", I ask and he nods.
"I just noticed how pretty you actually are. I already knew that you are pretty, but not that you're that pretty."
A bright pink blush on my face, reveals my embarrassed. He giggles, looking at me. I don't know how to respond, so I just look back at him, admiring how adorable he looks. Until the waitress brings us our drinks.
We both take a sip and go back to looking at each other, until I, again, break our silence.
"Sooo, why do you like me again?", Maybe I just want some reassurance or maybe I just can't believe he actually asked me out and didn't back out..
"Well..", a embarrassed but happy smile replaces the before loving look on his face, "You are really sweet and strong-minded while also being humble. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you, inside and out."
His words make be speechless and blush. How did I manage to get asked out by such a sweetheart??

After that we talked a lot. It was fun. Felix is such a sweet, caring and bright person. His sense of humor is on another level and he made me laugh so much, it's not normal.

"That's it", I mutter, a bit disappointed that our date is over already.
"Yeah", he agrees, standing in front of my house.
"But it was a lot of fun. The most fun I had in a long time", he added.
I smile and he smiles back.
"Yeah, we should do that again..", my cheeks burn up a bit as I say that. The blond boy in front of me nods: "Most definitely."
"I'm looking forward to it", again we smile at each other, before saying our goodbyes.
As Felix walks away, I look after him. Part of me doesn't want him to go, stay with me, hold me and even kiss me, and the other part knows, I will see him again on Monday.
"I can wait a few days..", I mutter to myself.
The second I can't see him anymore I turn around and head inside, mentally preparing for the shooting tomorrow.

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