| Chapter 27 |

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Liz and I told Jiwoo we would do a girls day in the city. Excited Liz and I walk to the spot we agreed on meeting up, when my phone buzzes. It's Chan.
"Hey Ma-Ri. Everything going like we planned?"
"Yeah, she is waiting for us on the spot we agreed on."
"Nice, he should be there soon."

A few minutes pass, when we finally see Changbin. Shyly he approves the girl, who now looks flustered as well. Both Liz and I give each other approving nods, when Chan, Han and Minho join us. The three boys look confused at my try to disguise myself.
"Nice wig", Minho says with a sarcastic smirk.
"Thanks..", annoyed I try to fix it, when Minho grabs it to help me out. With a satisfied smile he looks down at me.
"Do you really think this will work?", Han looks at the two with a critical look. Without answer I grab my phone to call her.
"Ma-Ri, finally where are you??", It's obvious how nervous she is from her voice.
"Well.. a few people saw Liz and I.. so it might take some time until we will be able to join you..", making up lies is the worst, but for her I would do it any day.
"No no no! You don't understand!", Becoming more desperate she yells i to the phone.
"Why? What's wrong?"
A sigh on the other side makes me look over to her concerned. Jiwoo looks at Changbin with red cheeks, before turning back around.
"N-nothing.. call me when you are here..", with that she hangs up, turns back to Changbin and after a few seconds they leave. Careful we try to follow them, hoping they won't spott us. First they go get bubble tea. Together they sit down and chat. After a couple of awkward minutes they seem to warm up to each other. Many laughter later they stand up, going into a few shops and everything. Seeing them together is really cute. Especially since they both seem so happy. If you compare how heartbroken Jiwoo seemed after Minho broke up with her and how happy she is now.. it's really nice seeing her like that.

Making sure they are fine, we walk to the spot we originally wanted to meet up.

"Heeeey", I say a bit awkward, "We're here.."
After a few seconds she answers: "Actually.. you don't.."
Liz interrupts her.
"I guess you're having fun."
With a blank stare we all just look at her. She just blew our cover, didn't she?
"You... We WILL talk later!"
And she hung up...
"Well, since our plan worked out, why not enjoying ourselves when we're already here?", Everyone agrees with Chan. In the end we decide to go to a rather unpopular arcane, that Chan and Han visit regular.

After a really long day we all say our goodbyes and walk our seperate ways. Chan and Han walk together, just like Liz and Minho. I guess they live close to each other. They used to be childhood friends after all.
I am the only one who has to walk by herself, which is fine with me. I enjoy the silence a lot. It has been a while since I got to be by myself and enjoy some people.
As it's already getting late I decided to take off the black wig I had been wearing all day. Not having to hide who I am anymore feels nice as well. All this fame thing has been a pain in the ass anyway. I wish I could just get rid of it, but of course it's not that easy. Nothing is easy. Especially if you consider how things have been going. Going from loner to the most popular girl, finding friend who actually like me for me, being asked out by Felix, who backs out multiple times, just to actually go out with him once, then he breaks up because I was close to Minho in a professional setting and now Minho, who is the biggest player I know, wants me to be his girlfriend.. I really don't know what to do..

After a longer walk than I thought it would be, I finally arrived home. The second I close the door behind me, I can't help but sigh, when I see my parents who have been obviously waiting for me already. Unsure I look at them, waiting for them to tell me why they're waiting for me.

"Ma-Ri, we have some exciting news for you!"

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