| Chapter 29 |

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Feeling tired I sit in the backseat, waiting to arrive in front of the schoolgates. When I do, multiple people stand outside, waiting for me to leave the car, so that they can take pictures and ask me questions. Mentally I try to just avoid it, but when I see Liz and Jiwoo waiting for me, I put on a smile, open the car door and leave the car. Immediately multiple clicks capture my face, as I walk to my friends. Both give me a sorry smile, before we leave the many people behind us to go to class.

"So, we have almost a full week to practice. Where do you guys wanna start?", Liz asks, looking at us expecting a motivated answer.
"I won't practice.."
"Yeah same. It will stress me out too much", surprised that Jiwoo and I share a opinion, we look at each other.
All that Liz does is shrug and change the topic. As we walk to our class, we meet Sora. The babyfaced girl gives me a glare, which changes to a candy sweets stare as she sees Minho walking her way. Immediately she runs up to him, hugging and trying to kiss him, which he stops.
"What do you want?", He seems to be in a bad mood. Of course Sora does not pick up on it, instead she talks in a sweet voice.
"I just wanted to greet you." Again she tries to kiss him. Her behavior is just.. ugh..
Slowly I approach them.
"Hey, can't you see he is uncomfortable?"
The second she hears my voice her expression changes again. Mad she looks at me, almost like she is about to attack me, but instead she just stumps off. Feeling a bit weird now I just look at her, before turning back to Minho.
"Are you alright?", I ask, irgnoring the flush on my face..
"Yeah, I am", the brown haired boy blushes as well.
"Are you going to audition?", He asks, keeping the conversation going.
"Oh, yeah. But I try to not take it too serious", my answer was honest. He nods.
"What about you, Minho. You surely are going to audition aren't you?"
"Yeah, my parents want me to, so I'll do that."
His answer surprises me a bit, but I am sure he will do great.
"Ma-Ri", he wants to say something, by Chan, who joins us.
"Hey. Hope I didn't interrupt anything. Ma-Ri, you were pretty good in songwriting, weren't you?"
Caught off guard I nod.
"Would you help me write some songs? Pllllease~?"
Somehow chan's cute behavior makes me giggle.
"Sure", I still giggle a bit, when his face lights up to my answer.
"Great. Let's go to my house later and do it!"
I agree with a nod and he walks off again. A bit overwhelmed I look after the Australian boy and back to Minho, who is still looking at me.
"Guess you're gonna spend some time with Chan later", he says with a jealous undertone, that doesn't fit his expression at all.
"Yeah, I guess you're right..", I like spending time with friends. It's nice, though I am still not used to it.
"Have fun then", his voice sounds rather cold, as he walks off without saying another word. A bit confused I look at him.

After school I walk to the gates to wait for Chan. Many people are around like usual, and like usual I ignore them until the Australian boy finally walks out of the school building. We both wave at each other. The second he stands next to me, pictures are taken again and questions like..

"Is he your new boyfriend??"

.. are asked. Annoyed I roll my eyes. Together we wait for my driver. When he finally arrives Chan and I enter the car, finally getting rid of all the people talking.
"A friend of yours?", My driver asks.
"Yeah, that's Chan. We wanted to do something for school at his place. Could you get uns there?"
A bit sceptical he looks at us.
"Your parents know about this?"
"Yeah, I texted them about it."
With a sigh the agrees and drops us off at Chans place. Seeing his apartment again really concerns me. First, it's in a really bad neighborhood. Like, I'd be scared to go out. And second, most things look old or broken inside there. I didn't even notice it at first.
"Please make yourself at home", the boy says, walking on to his home. Quietly I follow him into his room, as he presents his equipment proudly. A bit dumbfounded I look at the laptop and microphone he has on his desk. I give him a approving nod and sit down next to him on a second chair.
"So", he searches for a few papers, "here is what I have been working on."
Quietly I read the texts he has been writing.
"Wow, that really good. Did you record any vocals yet?"
My question makes him drop his excited face. Instead he looks down quiet embarrassed.
"I did, the microphone is.. broken.."
Seeing Chan so upset makes me sad.. I don't think I've ever seen him unhappy in any way.
"I have an idea. Let's meet up at my house from now on. You can even ask the others of they want to come as well and we can all work there."
He seems hesitant, but in the end he agrees with a small smile. Immediately I smile back: "Alright then, let's see what we can come up with."

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