| Chapter 14 |

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I spend the whole day hiding in the bathroom, until I get picked up. The second I leave my hiding spot, people notice me. Immediately they laugh at me, mimicking my rap, if you can call it that.
With a low head I walk through the crowd, trying to ignore their words, until I hear my own voice trying to rap. I look up quick just to see myself on a phone. Back in the classroom, trying to not completely embarrass myself. Again the tears building up, as I quickly keep on walking. Finally arriving at the place I always wait at, I kneel down, hoping to become invisible. At first it seemed to work, until a pair of feet stop next to me.
"You look pathetic like that..", the person beside speaks annoyed.
"Leave me alone, Minho. I don't wanna deal with you right now.."
Having Minho next to me, makes me feel even more insecure, than I felt already. In afford to hide my face, I shove it into my arms, but before I actually succeed, Minho grabs my arm forcing me to stand up. Like a reindeer standing in the front light, I stare up to him, tears in my eyes. The brown haired boy sighs, before embracing me with his arms. Unsure how to actually react, I just let him hug me.
"I didn't mean to make you cry", he mutters, holding me tighter, "I'm sorry.."
Still not completely understanding I hug him back.
For a moment we just stand there, holding onto each other like our life depended on it, ignoring the world around us. Until he suddenly let's go. Confused I look up, then beside us.
My driver's here to pick me up. I give him a sign to give me a few more minutes and he nods. Again I turn my face to Minho, who smiles at me.
"Who are you leading on?", I look up at him seriously.
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb. You know damn well what I'm talking about. Who are you leading on? Sora or me?"
His smile turns into a smirk.
"Does it matter?"
"Of course it does! You are either hurting Sora or wasting my time!"
"You mean, hurting you or Sora?"
His smirk gives me the ick again..
"You are not hurting me with your little game."
"For that you seem pretty irritated with Sora and me being so close", he chuckles, "Telling you would ruin the fun."
With these words he walks off. Without any hesitation I enter the car and tell my driver to start the car. I'm not gonna waste another second with him. At least not today!

"I can't believe it!", Stressed out I walk into my room, my eyes clued to my phone. Quickly I close the door behind me.

"They seriously posted it??" (Me)

"Seems like it.." (Chan)

"I want to disappear!" (Me)

"Aww, it can't be that bad" (Chan)

"You literally watched me suffer, how can you say that??" (Me)

This whole thing is so frustrating. I've never rapped before, so obviously I won't be good at it..

My mind wanders back to Minho laughing, then to his hug and apology and in the end to the kiss..

Immediately my face gets red and I instinctively hide.
I was hoping to forget about it and now my mind has to go back to that moment..
I really don't get it.. what is Minhos plan? Maybe he is just trying to have fun? That's probably it and I'm driving myself crazy for no reason at all.. why am ai driving myself crazy in the first place? I don't even like Minho and I'm still thinking about it constantly. Maybe that's what he wants. That I think about him and then BAM he'll have a easy game. Or maybe I'm just overthinking all of this and he's just an asshole..
And to make the whole thing worst, I'll have to work with him because of my parents.. this feels so wrong and messed up..

How did I get into this again?

As I was breaking my head about the whole thing I fell asleep, when the my phone's wakes me up. Confused I try to get it without looking. But when I fail, I begrudgingly open my eyes, pick it up and stare at the screen.
Chan is calling..?
Unsure I pick up.
"What's up. Ma-Ri, do you wanna hang out on saturday?", The australian boy says, seeming energetic as always.
"You called for that?"
After a pause he answers: "Well, yeah. So wanna join us?"
Internally I roll my eyes.
"I guess.. who will be there?", maybe I should have asked that before agreeing.. God do I feel stupid today. In my defense, I was sleeping before his call fried me out of dreamland.
"That would be Han, Hyunjin, Changbin, Jeongin, Minho, Sora and Felix."
Hearing all their names makes me regret my decision, especially the last three names. It's too late to back out now, at least if I don't want to make things weird.
"Sounds good to me", I lie, smiling to sound more excited, than I actually am.
"Someone will get you then at around 1pm", after that he hangs up without even saying any goodbyes.
Chan must be really excited about the things. After all, he never called me before today and then he doesn't even say bye, which is actually kinda rude, but whatever.
Unsure I look at the clock.
"2 days until saturday..", I mumble, deciding to get ready for bed.
When I stand up my phone buzzes again. Now annoyed I pick it up and look at the message that just came in. It's Chan again.

"Thanks for saying yes. I'm looking forward to seeing you" (Chan)

His message makes me smile a bit, as I lay my phone down again, leaving my room to brush my teeth and finally get ready for bed.

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