| Chapter 15 |

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It's saturday. Stressed out I look at myself on the mirror. It took me over an hour to make a decision and in the end I decided to go safe and pick something I wear a lot and always feel comfortable in, but of course, today I have to feel awful in it..
Getting more and more frustrated I look at myself, making out ever single flaw I can find or can't find, since there is actually nothing to complain about.. basically I am making things up to make myself feel worst.
To stop myself I quickly turn around and put my charger, a bit of money and something to drink in my back in my back. Then my eyes wander to the clock. It's past 1pm now and I'm still here. I know it's only been 5 minutes, but I hate waiting and I hate people being late..

After another 10 minutes a car pulls up in front of my house. Out comes Changing. For a second he just stands still, admiring how might and expensive my home looks, before walking to the door and ringing the doorbell. I sigh, grab my back and phone and walk down the stairs to the door. When I do, the guy looks me up and down.
"Are you alright?", I question a bit confused.
Changbin nods and asks if we can leave. Obviously I answer yes, grab my keys and close the door behind me.
Gosh, I'm so glad my parents aren't home today. Of course I told them what my plans are for today, but having to deal with them, when I get picked up or dropped off, would have been awful..
Together we enter his car. It's nice and clean. Of course a older model, compared to the ones my parents and driver drive, but nonetheless nice. Sometimes I really feel spoiled thinking like that.
Carefully Changbin starts the engine and begins to drive.
"You have a really nice house", the begins the conversation, which I'm glad about.
"I guess. It's nothing special to me, since I've lived there my whole life", when I didn't move away to switch school that is..
"It must be nice to live in a basic mansion", he continues, still admiring it while paying attention to the road.
"I guess it is. It can be pretty lonely though", nervously I chuckle, looking at the road as well.
The boy driving laughs lightly: "How could you be lonely? You must have thousands of friends ans admires. Considering who your parents are."
For a split second my mind returns to Felix and Minho and how things are going right now.
"I don't really have friends. Or at least I'm not sure if I actually have any.. I mean, I think Chan and I are friends.. and Han.. and Hyunjin. But I don't know if they actually like me or my parents.."
A sad smile on my face and a reassuring one on his, make my eyes wander from the road to him.
"I've known Han for a long time and he really likes you as a person."
Hearing that relieves me a lot, I gotta admit that.
"Chan and the others seem just as nice", he added, "But another thing. What's going on with you and Minho?"
The question makes me freeze for a second.
"Nothing. He's being a playboy like usual."
"Are you sure?"
"Definitely. He's leading on Sora and harassing me at the same time.."
"I've seen how he is to girls and he looks at you differently than at Sora.."
It takes me a second to actually respond, but when I do, I sound more than upset.
"That makes it worst! If that's true then he is hurting Sora for no reason!"
Changbin nods.
"Maybe he wants to make you jealous?"
"I don't know.. I just know that he is pissing me off.."

After another 10 minutes of driving, so a drive of 30 minutes we arrive in front of a apartment complex in a poorer part of the city. Together the two of us walk inside, using the stairs to get to the third floor. Extremely exhausted after just that we ring the bell at one of the many door. a smiling Chan opens the door, revealing a messy hallway to us. The boy smiles, telling us to come in and we do. Like usual I take off my shoes and follow him to the living room with Changbin following slowly.
The others are sitting in the coach, chatting with each other. When they see the three of us, they all greet us and go back to chatting.
"What are we even doing here?", I question Chan, realizing I should have asked this sooner.
"Watching movies and maybe ordering pizza", he answers before asking Changbin and Han to help him get snack from the kitchen. Hyunjin asks me to sit next to him on the floor, when I do we begin to chat a bit.
"Changbin is a terrible driver, isn't he?", He jokes, making sure the one who was nice enough to pick me up hears it.
I wait for him to come back from the kitchen and when he does, he has a annoyed look on his face.
"Says the one who doesn't even know how to drive", he answers, putting a plate with snacks on the table beside the coach.
Amused I look at them, as they begin to playfully argue with each other. It's fun to see them act so casual. Especially if you consider how tense they seemed when I talked to Chan a few weeks back.
After all the snacks are in the living room, we decide what movie we want to watch. After a while we all collectively agree to watch a horror movie. While Chan takes care of that, Sora snuggles into Minho, acting all cute and scared.
"You need to protect me, I'm so scared!", She says, clinging onto his arm.
I can't help but roll my eyes: "You know the movie didn't start yet, right?"
The brown haired girl sighs: "So what? Can't I want him to protect me?"
Again I roll my eyes, but decide to not say anything to that. Arguing about that is not worth it, like, at all.

Chan dims the lights and sits down beside me, giving me a smile, which I return. Then he starts the movie.
When the first jumpscare happens, Sora throws herself onto Minho, kicking my back in the process. Annoyed I look up, seeing her hide her face in Minhos neck. The boy, sees me watching and gives me a smirk. Annoyed I turn my attention back to the movie, as a man with a chainsaw walks out of a house to go after our protagonists.
A inaudible sigh escapes my lips, causing Chan to look at me with a concerned look on his face. I give him a sorry smile and nod, reassuring him that I'm fine.

When the movie is over, we turn the lights back on. I giggle lightly as I see Hyunjin startled expression, which changes to offended as I giggle.
"Don't laugh at me!", He whines, making me giggle even more. When the other join my laughter, Minho suddenly stands up. We stop laughing at look up at him confused, as he motions Chan, Hyunjin and I to move. Still confused we do. Gently Minho takes Soras hand, making her stand up as well.
"What's going on here?", I raise my eyebrows. Chan shrugs his shoulder, watching the scene unfold.
"Sora..", the brown haired boy starts, taking her other hand as well, ".. I don't know how to actually say it, but the last few days have been so special to me. Spending time with you has been everything and more. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
As the words leave his lips, Sora is getting teary eyed, but she agrees without hesitation, jumping into his arms and embracing him.
Everyone stares at them confused, unsure if what we witnessed really just happened.
The new couple embraces each other, causing my stomach to turn, I they snuggle into each other. While they do that, Minho gives me a small glance, before returning his full attention to Sora, who is still crying with joy.
Everyone is feeling out off place, like they shouldn't be here, until Changbin walks over to then and congratulates them. Shortly everyone follows, hugging and congratulating them, except for me. I just stare at them, unsure how to feel.

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