| Chapter 25 |

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"He did what??", Liz stares at me shocked, as she, I and Jiwoo talk over facetime.
"I know. I was so confused myself.."
"Maybe he actually likes you?", Jiwoo says, scratching her neck.
"Please.. consider how he acted to get into your pants?", It's obviously the same. Even though I told them what he said to me, I still don't want it to be true. Both have been telling me for days that he actually like me, but that can't be.
"Let's talk about something else", Liz and I nod in agreement.
"Sooo", Liz chuckles, "How is it being famous?"
I give her a glare.
"I am not famous Liz..."
Both my friends laugh.
"Have you been outside since the dinner?"
"Hey! The dinner was literally yesterday!"
"That's a no, isn't it?"
Unwillingly I nod, making them laugh again.
"How can you be so unsocial?"
"Hey! I've been irgnored my whole life", I whine, as they both smile at me amused.
"You're soo mean :c"
Still smiling at me we change the topic again, talking about school and...
"Wait, wait wait- hold up.. are you talking about Changbin??", I sit up in shock, staring at Jiwoo, who gives me a embarrassed smile.
"Oh my god, he seemed so sweet the few times we've talked!"
Getting more embarrassed the cat eyes girl pits her phone down, making us watch the ceiling instead of her face.
"Don't be like this", Liz laughs, "It's sweet. Maybe we can get you two together."
Immediately I agree, when Jiwoo takes her phone again, giving us a death glare.

It's the day I have been threatening this whole time... Monday.
Like usual I sit in in backseat of the driver, staring outside through the tinted classes of the car. This far everything seems quiet and nice, but that quickly changes when I see the schoolgates. Hundreds of people stand there. Countless cameras and reporter among them. Already wanting to leave I look at them, when we still right in front of them. Slowly I open the car door and am met with multiple loud voices calling out to me. With a stern look on my face I get up, close the door behind me and begin to walk into the school.

"How was it modeling for the first time??"

"Did you have any creative control??"

"What about the old articles about you?"

"What is going on with you and Minho???"

I irgnore every question. No matter how annoying or intrusive, I just keep walking until I am finally inside the building. As soon as the noise stops I take a deep breath. Sadly this peace is not going to last, as many students rush over to me, trying to talk to me, as if we had been friends for ages. Completely pissed off at this point I walk past them, hoping they will leave me alone, but they don't. Instead they keep on following me around until a few guys stand around me.
"Hey, leave her alone", Chan yells. Everyone seems dumbfounded but they leave, giving us weirded out looks, while walking past us. Uncomfortable I look after them to make sure they actually leave. When I am certain they have, I let out a sigh.
"Thank you", I look at the guys around me. Most are still avoiding my gaze, except for Chan and Felix. While the younger one gives me a sad smile, the older one answers.
"You're very welcome. But are you okay?"
I nod, thank them once again and leave. Part of me feels like I should. Considering how uncomfortable and upset they seem, that might have been the best decision to make.

The rest of the day has been just as stressful. I am so glad, that I only have one lession left.

Exhausted I walk to my last class of the day, which is the one I have embarrassed myself the most.. rap..
Already feeling embarrassed I sit down where I usually sit. After a bit the room fills. Many stare at me. Some even take pictures, but I ignore it. I only look up when I see Chan, Han and Changbin walk in. They all sit down beside me. Han is still ignoring me, while Chan and also Changbin is still talking to me. This is my chance to get some information for Jiwoo.
"Changbin, can I ask you something?", Let's just be blunt today.
"Sure what's up?", He nods, giving me a sweet smile.
I am kinda glad to see that he doesn't hate me, like the others do.
"This might sound weird, but are in interested in someone?"
More than uncomfortable he looks around. I sigh.
"Let's put it differently then.. do you have a girlfriend?"
It takes him a second to respond but even the shakes his head. His response makes me smile. I thank him and turn my head to look at the board, as we wait for the teacher to arrive.

"Waiting for the car outside was not my best idea..", I mutter silently, as the people around me go insane. Pictures are being taken, while I literally just stand there, waiting for my driver to arrive.
Surprisingly I haven't really talked to Minho today..
Just as that thought crosses my mind, a voice that I already heard this morning asks another of their stupid questions.

"You and Minho didn't talk today, did something happen between you two??"

Hearing that I can't help but snap. Or at least I about to, when my driver finally arrives. The second he sees the commotion around me, he leaves the car and guides me inside it. The second I sit down with a closed door by my side, I take a breath. The man beside me gives me a concerned look, before he starts the car and drives off to finally get me home.

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