| Chapter 22 |

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A few days went by. Felix and the others are still avoiding me, except for Chan. He talks to me from time to time, making sure I'm okay. Obviously I tell him I'm fine, but it's a lie. Everything is a lie.

Feeling tired I walk to school. Weather wise it's a nice day, but my mood and the weather really aren't a match today... All I feel is the hurt inside my heart, tiredness from being the center of attention and... I don't even know if I feel anything else at this point...

As I get closer to the school, I see more students that go to the same school I do. Like usual people are staring at me, watching my every move and talking about me, like I am not present.

"Good morning", a happy voice says, calling after me.
Already knowing who it is, I turn around and look right at Minho, who gives me a smile.
"Piss off.."
He has been actively bothering me ever since he...

"I love you"

These words keep on recalling in my mind and I absolutely hate it. All I want is to forget all about it and him, but he won't give me the chance too. Every single morning he calls out for me and keeps on following me around like a puppy. I admit it's somewhat cute, but annoying nonetheless. Him being with me all the time makes people stare, question if the rumors about us dating are true and of course it makes Sora more upset than she already is. She is literally staring at me ALL the time and it's making me so uncomfortable. Especially since I actually like her, which I don't fully understand either. I mean, we were talking for like a day and then the whole mess started. How can I even like her after only a day of knowing her??

"Are you okay?"
Surprised I look up. I sit with Liz and Jiwoo at lunch.
"You spaced out", Jiwoo adds to Liz's question.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking..", I bit on my lip, hoping they won't ask further and surprisingly they don't. Instead they go back to chatting. Feeling tired I look around. My gaze meets Minhos as he sits next to Sora and with the other guys, staring at me. For a second I look at Felix. His head is hanging down.
"I feel so guilty.."
"Don't. It's not your fault Minho is like this..", Liz says, giving me a reassuring smile. A bit embarrassed I nod and turn back around to the boys.
"I still hurt him..", and myself too...

Just like the last days they were ignoring me today. While Minho was being around me most of the time. I don't get why they're not mad at him, but mad at me..

A sigh escapes my lips as I sit on the ground beside the schoolgates. I told my parents that I'll walk home, but they insisted on picking me up personally. As a result I sit on the ground, wanting to just disappear. Many people walk past me. Some looking down and some irgnoring me, until someone sits down next to me.
"Of course it's you..", the second I see Minho sitting beside me, I let my head hang again.
"No happy to see me, cupcake?"
"Leave me alone Minho.."
The boy chuckles a bit: "You could be a little nicer to me."
"And you could stop bothering me. You've ruined enough for me."
I sigh again, when finally my parents arrive. Both exit the car. They seem suprised when they see Minho and me sitting in the floor.
"Hello, Minho", my father greets him as my mother offers me her hand to help me stand up. I take it, not looking at her. While the two men chat, my mother and I get into the car.
"You don't seem good..", she says, giving me a concerned look.
I hate it when people notice..
The second she asked I started to fight the tears coming out.
"I'm alright..", is the only thing I am able to answer, when my father also enters the car.
"What did you two talk about??"
"I just told him when the campaign will be released and I invited him to dinner."
He sounds calm, but his words make me freak out, as soon as my brain finally processed what he had say.
"Are you serious??"
"Yeah, it's a nice gesture and a good opportunity to make him stay with the business."
"You want him to actually work for you??"
The man, who is now starting the car, nods: "He did really well. Especially with you. It's a good combination not worth losing."
"Wait.. didn't you say I won't have to model anymore?"

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