Chapter 54

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Severide."

The crowd of guests erupt in cheers and hollers as they throw confetti at the happy couple.

Sienna laughs loudly as Kelly pulls her onto the dance floor for their first dance as a married couple.

Kelly pulls her closer to his body as the soft melody of Ed Sheeran's 'Kiss Me' sounds on the speaker. They sway together to the rhythm of the song.


Matt stands up with a happy smile on his face. After tapping on his glass to get the rowdy guests to quiet down, he clears his throat and moves closer to the microphone. 

"Hello, I'm Matt, and I'm Kelly's best man. First off I would like to start off with how wonderful, sexy, and handsome our groom is. He's the best... sorry mate, I can't read your writing. What's the next line?"

The crowd roars with laughter as Matt shows the piece of paper in a dramatic effect. He chuckles, "No, but in all seriousness, it took Kelly years to finally admit I'm the"

The crowd laughs again. He grins big, "Kelly, and Sienna. My God, I can't believe we're sitting here tonight. I remember the first time Kelly saw her. He was instantly smitten with her. I told him to talk to her and he tried his best, but the usually cocky Kelly Severide was a blushing, stuttering mess. I thought it was hilarious"

The crowd laughs again as Kelly turns beet red. Sienna kisses him on the cheek.

"After freaking forever, he finally got the chance to ask her out. I remember the first time he came to me after their first date, he pulled me aside and looked like a happy little puppy. He told me he was right all along, Sienna Roberts was the one he was meant to spend his life with."

The crowd settles in love sick smiles. Sienna strokes Kelly's ear lobe as she turns to kiss him on the mouth. "I love you" She whispers in his ear. He kisses her again and whispers those three words back.

"To Kelly and Sienna, you're the real deal. I love you both. Thanks."

Matt gets off stage, shakes Kelly's hand and kisses Sienna on the cheek before sitting down next to Sylvie.

It's Jay's turn up next. Sienna grins at her best friend. He looks so nervous, yet dapper, standing up there. 

"Hello everyone. I'm Jay, I'm the man of honour for our gorgeous bride over there. Sienna has been my best friend for 31 years, and for 31 years she's been my partner in crime; my family and my biggest supporter."

Sienna has tears in her eyes as she listens to her best friend.

"When I met Sienna, we were both outcasts, both in Afghanistan without any family. She offered me a fizzer and told me I'm going to be her new best friend, and it was true. She's been my rock, my backbone for 31 years. When Kelly came into her life, without even trying anything other than to be her friend, I knew that she had found her happily ever after. Thanks, Kelly, for loving her. I know I can trust you with her. Fizz, Kelly, I wish you all the best and I know you two are end game."

Sienna hugs Jay when he walks down the stage. He kisses her on the forehead and whispers that he loves her. She returns the words and smiles as Jay and Kelly shake hands.

Next up, is Kelly's turn. He kisses the palm of Sienna's hand and walks away from their table. Up on the stage he goes, and Sienna can't help but watch him. He's looking so damn fit in his navy suit. So damn handsome.

The lieutenant clears his throat with a goofy smile, "First off, thank you all for coming. The speeches are coming to an end, and then we will be serving the food. Second, I would like to thank everyone for coming today. You all mean a lot to me and Sienna. Then thirdly, but most importantly, my new wife..."

Kelly turns to her, his eyes locked on hers. "Sienna, I've never met someone like you. So strong, and beautiful, so selfless and kind. I had the biggest crush on you when I met you, and then I started falling more and more for you. I knew you were beautiful from the moment I saw you, but your character and strength made me fall in love with you. You're my biggest joy, my dream come true. I love you. Thanks for agreeing to be my wife."


Swaying together to the soft melody of Ed Sheeran's Photograph, Sienna smiles lovingly at her new husband. 

"I have a speech as well" She whispers to him. 

He grins, "Care to share?"

She smiles, "I don't regret how our story began. We were friends for 18 years before we finally found each other. I don't regret us waiting so long, because time won't make a difference. I know I found my happily ever after, my evermore. Without you, I would have never survived my past, but you made me fight for a new start. You're the man for me, Kelly. It took me a while to realize that. But you are the one God has made for me."

Kelly dips her suddenly causing her to bark out a laugh. He dips down and connects their lips in a sensual kiss. "I love you, Sienna Severide."

She squeals, "I love you too, and I love my new last name."


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