Chapter 58

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After a suspicious phone call from Sharon in the middle of the night, Sienna makes her way to the hospital for an emergency meeting. It's one of the coldest evenings Chicago has ever had.

Kelly was still on shift so Sienna had all four dogs cuddling her, and they were not happy campers when they were woken up by her scuffling.

Nevertheless, they fell asleep again when she had left the bedroom.

"Roberts, thanks for coming" Sharon greets her, the administrator has never worn casual clothes in the hospital, ever, so Sienna knows she must have also been woken up by a phone call.

"What's going on?" Sienna frowns when she sees the hospital's council sitting on one of the chairs, as well as Choi and a man she doesn't recognize.

Sharon sighs, "Lenny Morales, I understand that you know him"

"What about him?" Sienna asks

Before Sharon can say anything, the unknown man stands up and gives Sienna a small smile that disappears as soon as it appears, "Mr Morales has a niece that got raped by her uncle"

"I know the story, I was under the influence that the girl got a lawyer and that the uncle isn't allowed to be near her while he's on trial"

"Yeah, Si, take a seat" Sharon frowns

"I hate that sentence" She mumbles but does as she's told. She sits down next to Choi and he gives her a worrisome look.

"Roberts, this is ADA Jeff Buck, he's investigating the rape charges against Phil Hoss."

"Okay" She frowns, wanting them to get on with it.

"How well do you know Lenny Morales, Doctor Roberts?" The ADA asks her.

"Not well." She shrugs, "He was my RO when I first joined the Rangers, I saw him a few times after that and the last time I spoke to him was in the hospital when his niece got admitted"

"A witness said you invited him for drinks?"

"Yeah, that never happened though." She frowns, "What is going on?"

"Lenny Morales was arrested this morning, for the murder of Ethan and Phill Hoss."

"Murder?" She exclaims, as shock replaces confusion. She turns cold, frozen almost. "That's not possible"

"We've got evidence. I'm sorry, Roberts."

She shakes her head, "Wh-why did you call me?"

"It was a courtesy call" Sharon tells her softly, before she can continue, Choi interrupts her, speaking for the first time.

"I'm on trial for the abortion, and for witnessing family disputes. You're my boss so you get a courtesy call."

Sienna frowns, it's barely 3am and she's got an overload of information. Her head is pounding, "Oh God, I'm sorry Choi."

"No, don't be. It'll be fine" He mumbles.

Sharon sighs and looks back at the ADA, "what's going to happen now, councilor?"

"I'm going to prep you for court, and you need to tell me everything that happened during that case" He tells Choi.

"Yeah" He rubs his face, "Let's just get this over with."


Against the advice of Jay, Sienna makes her way to MCC Chicago where Lenny was being held pending trial.

The guards at the gate stops her, "Can I help you, ma'am?"

She shows her badge, "Lieutenant Sienna Roberts, US Rangers retired. Want to visit an inmate, Lenny Morales"

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