Chapter 10

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Sienna has finished with her shift, a double with overtime and she's exhausted. Will, Choi and Rhodes are off to Molly's but all she wants to do is go home and sleep for 72 hours. Sharon has cut her off for the week and while the doctor in Sienna is a bit pissed, the human inside her is quite happy to be resting for the rest of the week.

She goes into her locker and changes back into street clothes consisting of tight blue jeans, a black jersey and a jacket with boots. Her blonde hair is covered with a beanie.

She retrieves her phone from her bag and sees Kelly has left two messages.

Come say hi at the firehouse

And twenty minutes later he has send her another message causing her to laugh.

Baby, I miss you. Come say hi.

"Aw, cute" She gushes and walks out of the hospital. She drives to the firehouse, seeing Hermann and Mouch sitting on lawn furniture discussing something.

"Look who it is" Hermann beams as Sienna walks forward with a bubbly smile on her face.

"Hi guys" She hugs them both, "What's going on in here?"

"You know how it is, always trying to get more customers in." Hermann says. "Setting up a marketing strategy."

"Sounds interesting" Sienna notes.

"You interested in helping us, Si?" Mouch asks as Hermann nods in agreement. "I'll try but my art teacher told me my bananas looked like fingers so I'm not sure if I'll be the best fit."

Both Mouch and Hermann snort out laughter but Hermann  still tells her to come to Molly's the next evening to discuss strategy. She accepts.

She goes to Kelly's quarters, finding him alone at his desk. She knocks once causing him to look up from his paperwork. His eyes radiate happiness as he shows her a loving smile.

"There you are" He murmurs softly. "Finally"

Sienna smiles and sits down on his lap as he kisses her softly on the lips. "Why does it smell like burned rubber in here?"

He snorts, "Hermann set up his own quarters at his bunk, put a lamp near a plastic shower curtain and burned it down."

"You're kidding?" Sienna laughs, "Poor Hermann."

"Yeah, he's retraining fire safety at the academy now. But, enough about that, you're staying over at my place for the next four days."

She looks hesitant, "why don't you rather stay over at mine? Jay's not himself at this moment, I don't know what's going on with him but he's depressed and angry and-"

Kelly kisses her softly, "stop rambling, baby. Yes, we're staying over at your house. I'm off at 8am tomorrow morning, then you and I are getting breakfast"

Sienna gasps happily, "we're going on a date?"

He chuckles, "We're going on a date."

"I'll be ready, Lieutenant" She kisses him. "After that we have to go to Molly's because I somehow got myself into Hermann and Mouch's plan to promote Molly's."

"Yeah?" Kelly chuckles, "Please don't draw anything though."

She slaps his stomach causing him to laugh, "I've seen you draw a stick man who doesn't look like a stick man before."

"I'll never kiss you again" Sienna threatens. He rolls his eyes

"Sure, babe. Whatever you say."

She giggles, "You'll never guess the last trauma I had today. Two farmers - a husband and wife - the wife caught the husband cheating with her sister, so she stabbed him in the throat with a pitchfork. While he was screaming in pain when they finally got to the hospital, she continued to throw punches at him until Security detained her."

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