Chapter 70

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Sienna comes back from a shift that had her reach for the pain killers. It's graduation season, which means drunk college kids that get into trouble. Just earlier on she had to operate on a boy that had put himself in a block of concrete to show the girl he loves that he's serious about her. It took a whole company of firemen to get him out of the concrete. He's lucky his organs didn't fail.

The house is empty, even the dogs aren't home. Jay has the day off, Hailey as well, and they wanted the day together with the dogs. She's not sure if she's getting back her children since Jay had send her a message earlier on with the caption 'they're mine now, sucker.'

She pops two pain killers and downs them off with a glass of water as she rests her feet on the coffee table. Sienna grabs her phone from her jeans pocket and calls Kelly. The phone goes to voicemail after a couple of rings.

Sienna frowns because Kelly did tell her that after shift he'd meet her at home to have a pizza night with beers and hockey. She was looking forward to just have a quiet night in with her husband since Katie's coming in the next day.

She sends him a quick message to tell him she's at home and then goes into the bedroom to change into sweats. 

Pulling her hair into a messy French braid, she goes to call the pizza place. After ordering one large cheese pizza, Sienna notices a message notification on her phone. Kelly has send her a message. Finally-

Her heart stops for just a split second when she sees the photo attached to the message. Her legs feel like jelly. She sits down on the couch, not really sure what to make of this situation.

Attached to the message is a photo of her husband with a little boy on his hip. The caption, she hopes to God he hasn't written himself, this is what a family looks like.


Unable to sleep or relax or even eat, Sienna puts the pizza box on the coffee table and goes into her room to change back into the clothes she had on earlier.

She grabs her phone and keys and drives off to Molly's to hopefully find her husband or answers.

"Hey, what brings you by?" Stella asks her, wiping a glass as she tends bar. Molly's is relatively quiet, for that she's thankful but her heart falls into the pit of her stomach when she doesn't see Kelly. She's worried, and she doesn't know what's going on.

"Hey, have you seen Kelly?" Sienna frowns, "I-I haven't been able to get in touch with him. We had a quiet night planned but-" She trails off with a sigh.

"No, uh..."

"Stella" Sienna frowns, "I can see in your eyes that you know."

Stella sighs, "Look, I really don't know what's going on, but talk to Kelly."

"I haven't spoken to him in 48-hours." Sienna sighs, "Then I got this message" She opens her message folder to show Stella the picture. The brunette frowns when she sees the picture and caption, and the hatred she has for Kelly's ex girlfriend intensifies.

"Si, I'm telling you this because you're my friend and I'm not sure why Kelly hasn't told you yet. It's all innocent until it's not - Kelly's ex girlfriend came back to town, and wants him to work a legal case with her. That's all I know."

"This her kid then?" Sienna asks, not sure how to process this.

"Yeah. I don't trust the woman, Si, but I know you can trust Kelly."

Sienna sighs, "He's not the one that told me, now is he?"


"This is Roberts" Sienna answers the phone immediately when she notices the caller ID - the hospital is calling. 

Chasing The BurnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz