Chapter 50

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"Doctor Roberts, tell us about yourself" Antonio's lawyer has a nasty smirk on his face as he rounds the corner of his desk. He stalks up to Sienna to intimate her, but she holds her own.

"Objection, direct questions only" Peter Stone yells out.

"Mr. Tyson, do you have a question for the victim?"

"Fine, you divorced Antonio Dawson in 2018, right?"

"Yes" She answers.

"You two had a bit of a tumultuous relationship?"

"Yes we did"

He hums, "Why did you divorce?"

"Objection, irrelevance"

"I'll allow the question" The judge says.

"I got injured and because of that injury I had my uterus removed, Our marriage deteriorated from there on, and he cheated on me. I gave him another chance but it just wasn't working anymore."

He nods, "So you had bad blood with the defendant?"

She frowns, "Yes, we didn't part on good terms."

He smirks, "So is it possible that you might have made allegations against Detective Dawson out of revenge?"

"Objection, badgering the witness!"

Before the judge can say something, Sienna answers the question, "No. I will never do that. My marriage to Antonio might not have worked out, but I wanted to move on with my life. I was finally happy, and I didn't care about the past anymore."

He continues smirking, "How long after your marriage ended did you sleep with Kelly Severide?"


"Mr. Tyson, one more outburst and you will be held in contempt."

"Withdrawn" Drake Tyson says

"For the record" Sienna says, "Kelly Severide was my friend during my divorce, and we only got together seven months after my divorce. Meanwhile my ex husband was sleeping with women while we were still married."

"Doctor Roberts" The judge warns her to shut up. She sighs and apologizes to him.

She sees the smirks on the faces of her family, as Tyson ends his examination.

Peter stands up with a soft smile, "Doctor Roberts, can you tell the court exactly what happened on the day the defendant threatened you"

"I was exiting the hospital after my shift when Antonio came up to me, he was high and drunk and held a gun to my head."

"Did he say anything to you?"

She nods, "Yeah" She takes a breath as she relives the day.

"He uh, he was slurring his words but he told me that I was ruining his life. He was upset, he told me he wished he never met me, and that he wasted his time with me."

"That must have been tough to hear"

"I had already let Antonio Dawson go, and while his words did hurt, he wasn't in a position to hurt me anymore. I wouldn't let him get in my head again."

"Peter nods, "Did you see the defendant again after that night?"

She nods, "Yes"

"How many times?"

"Once, the day he shot me."

"So you know it was Antonio Dawson, the defendant, that shot you? You saw him?"

"I did. Kelly and I were exiting the hospital and we were talking and then I saw a man running up to us. It was only for a second but I recognized the tattoo on his arm. It's the same tattoo Antonio has. Then it happened, he shot me and I uh..." She stops talking.

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