Chapter 23

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Part 2

Fifty seven

Fifty eight

Fifty nine


"What are you doing?" April asks, entering the bathroom just as Sienna stops doing jumping jacks. She's tired, stiff, and just about done with this day.

Jumping Jacks are the only solution to stay awake for the next few hours. Frankie's surgery was touch and go, and he's currently on bypass until the next surgery.

The poor baby is suffering from hypothermia; major blood loss and trauma to the brain. It is unfortunately unlikely that he will wake up.

"Trying to stay awake." Sienna says.

"Si, police are outside waiting for an update on Frankie. I told them you'll be out soon."

"Alright" Sienna sighs, "I'll go do that now."


She meets Antonio and Hailey in Sharon's office. It's been a few months since he got shot, and Hailey told her that he's doing well. She hasn't had contact with him since, and she definitely prefers that.

"Sienna" Antonio looks her deep in the eyes, his jaw is clenched. "How's the Schwimmer boy?"

"He's currently on bypass, suffered major trauma. It's too soon to tell. I'm doing his next surgery in an hour."

"We need constant updates, Si. If you can tell an intern or a nurse" Hailey starts. Sienna frowns, confused, "I've got to ask, what does Intelligence have to do with a car accident?"

Antonio sighs, "We have been looking for the Schwimmer mom for weeks now, she's part of a pedophile ring. Miss Goodman has been informed already." 

"Fuck sakes, is that why she crashed? Was she running from the law?"

"Yeah" Hailey nods her head, "Her name is actually Dalia Henderson, she's a known fugitive. Miami PD has been looking for her for over a year. They actually informed us that she's coming to Chicago. The Schwimmer kids aren't her biological children. She's their stepmom. It's unclear if the dad knows anything. He's in for questioning"

Before Sienna can say anything, she gets paged 9-1-1 to the OR where Frankie is in.

"I've got to go" Sienna barely gets out before she runs across the hospital to the OR.


"He's crashing" Maggie says as Sienna enters the OR. She has to keep her distance because she's not scrubbed in.

"His heart can't take the bypass anymore. We need to get him off, slowly. Page Cardio, and Doctor Halstead" Sienna tells a nurse.

"I'm going to scrub in." She tells Maggie and then goes outside to the scrub room. Halstead and Jacoby - the cardio attending - scrubs in with her.

"I'm going to take him off bypass, you need to get in there immediately and repair the vessels, Roberts. Halstead, keep him warm and check his temp" The cardiothoracic surgeon instructs since he's the lead on the case.

"Let's go. We don't have a lot of time" Sienna mutters, a nurse putting on gloves for her.


In the end, Frankie survived the surgery. Barely. They will have to keep a very close eye on him, and he'll be in ICU for proper treatment for a while.

The surgery took hours, and Sienna is barely functioning now when Sharon approaches her. She asks her to come to the office to talk.

Antonio and Hailey are waiting, yet again, in the office.

"I heard the boy pulled through" Hailey breaks the silence.


"The father's alibi added up. No evidence links him to the ring. He's just an innocent man that married the wrong person. We have released him and he's coming here to check on his children" Antonio tells her.

"Good" Sienna murmurs, "If you'll excuse me"

Sienna walks out of the office and is almost at the elevator taking her to the doctors lounge when she hears her name being called by a too familiar voice.

"Something wrong?" She asks Antonio who is now standing in front of her. He clenches his jaw, his eyes are guardded.

"How are you doing?"

"Good" She answers, having no energy for small talk, especially not with her ex husband.

"How's Severide, are you two still together?" He spits out.

"Yes, we are. We're doing really well. He actually loves me for who I am"

Antonio ignores the dig, "I always knew he had a thing for you"

Sienna sighs, aggravated, "Goodbye Antonio."

Antonio pulls her back, his hand circling her wrist leaves a cold, menacing touch behind. 

"I miss you, Sienna."

"Go to hell" She spats and storms off.


Sorry for the short chapter.. this chapter is just an introduction into a very juicy - very dramatic next chapter!!

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