Chapter 74

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It happens in slow motion. Faces are blurred and voices are muffled. Kelly; Matt; Mouse and the police officers invited to the wedding are keeping everyone calm but most of the guests have already fled. 

"Sienna!" Will screams, "I've got the kid, go to Jay" He tells her. She knows she has no time to actually dwell on the fact that her best friend has been shot, she needs to get to work. Sienna runs to where Jay is, and falls on her knees.

She searches for Maggie but the nurse is caring for an older lady that got injured by broken glass. 

"Hailey, I need your help." She snaps the blonde out of her panic, "Calm down and help me now."

"Yeah" The detective persona in Hailey kicks in and she swallows back her emotions. She hands Sienna everything the doctor needs, thanking the stars that Sienna always has a first aid kit with her.

"Just calm down, you have been injured worse" Sienna chastises her best friend who in return rolls his eyes. His hip is bleeding profusely, but the bullet barely grazed the organs. 

"Get me a gun so I can shoot your hip and then we'll talk" He tells her causing Hailey to grin. When she realizes Sienna doesn't need any more help, she wraps her hand around her new husband's.

"I have been shot, many times." She sticks her tongue out to him and then hands him a piece of her bouquet to bite on. "This is going to hurt like a bitch, even with the numbing cream." She says, putting on her gloves and applying the cream on the wound.

"I can handle it" He puts the bouquet in his mouth and squeezes Hailey's hand as Sienna removes the bullet from his side. Jay is lucky the bullet didn't hit his hip bone, because that pain is excruciating. She puts the bullet in a plastic bottle and closes Jay's wound. She stitches him up and bandages his wound.

"There you go, a little reminder of today's events." She hands Jay the memorabilia, and kisses him on the forehead. 

Adam and Kevin arrest the two boys and drag them down to the station. At least Jay and Hailey got married before the two boys decided to interrupt. Jay's going to spend his wedding night in the hospital, but the honeymoon will still be able to continue.

She finds Kelly as everyone starts leaving the Church - thankfully not many got injured, except for a few scrapes. It will definitely be a wedding to remember. The reception will have to be put on hold, though.

She sighs in relief and kisses him softly, "So I can kiss you now even if you have red lips on?"

She laughs, "Definitely"


a few months later

"Happy anniversary, husband!" Sienna beams as she jumps up and down the bed. Kelly groans as he opens his eyes. Her voice is louder than his alarm. That's for sure.

Kelly grins and pulls her down, his arms snake around her back, resting on her ass. Kelly immediately kisses her, "Happy anniversary baby"

She kisses him again, her fingers playing with the chain around his neck. "I can't believe we've been married for three years today."

"Five years of your shrill voice waking me up at ungodly hours" He teases, his hands squeezing her underwear cladded bum. Kelly loves it when she wears his button up and only underwear to bed, he loves it even more when she's naked.

"I do not have a shrill voice, Kelly Belly."

The firefighter sighs, "for god sakes, stop with the nicknames."

"I like it" She has a goofy smile on her face, "Happy wife, happy life."

Kelly sighs, kissing her again. "I keep my wifey very happy. In fact, I know a way to make her extremely happy right now."

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