Chapter 47

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"I'm nicknaming you Maggie the tattle tale" Sienna murmurs, getting into bed. After Maggie had caught Sienna in the act, so to speak, she had immediately told Kelly about it. The firefighter is now going to keep Sienna hostage at the firehouse for when she gets discharged.

Maggie snorts, "I've been called worse"

Sienna sighs, "I have a request"

"Oh, another one?" Maggie rolls her eyes with an amused grin. Sienna has been listing things the hospital can change to make it more comfortable for the patients. 

Sienna smiles cheekily, "Am I annoying you, Maggilicious?"

Maggie chuckles, "What's your request?"

"Get more doctors on this floor. It was like ghost town last night"

Maggie sighs, "Sharon has been fighting to get that since I could remember. We simply don't have the funds to get more doctors or nurses."


With a reluctant sigh, Sienna gets out of the car and into the wheelchair. Curse Maggie; Choi; Jay and Kelly ganging up on her to use the wheelchair for a few more days. On the plus side, she's finally released from that prison cell she calls a hospital room.

Unfortunately, she won't be allowed to move a muscle since Kelly has already brought her to the firehouse to keep an eye on her. Well, he said he wants to spend time with her but she knows better.

Boden has apparently already signed off on it, and said she's welcome to be there every shift. 

"Look who it is" Herrmann cheers as Sienna and Kelly walk into the firehouse for Kelly's next shift. She gets passed around , getting hugs from everyone. Kelly has the best family, they all care so much about each other. It's beautiful.

"How do you feel, Sienna?" Mouch asks her as she sits next to Mouch, careful not to sit on Mouch's spot. 

"I'm okay, I feel better every day" She grins, "Enough to help in the kitchen maybe"

"No" Kelly says sternly causing everyone to chuckle. 

"You're more than welcome to make those delicious waffles of yours, I miss a Sienna Special" Cruz tells her.

"I'll make that"

"You won't" Kelly interjects causing her to glare, "Gallo and Ritter can make them, and you can give the instructions. You're not allowed to be on your feet, so sit down and relax."

"You're like a dad" Tony says causing everyone to laugh. Sylvie and Stella comes to sit next to her and starts asking her about the wedding. Kelly smiles softly and kisses her on the head before disappearing into Boden's office to talk more about the OFI case.


"Oh, Sienna. Why...Why are you here?" 

Sienna is resting in Kelly's bed in his quarters while he does paperwork. The firehouse is quiet after a series of burning buildings and car accidents so the men and women are taking a much needed rest until the next bell goes off. 

Sienna sighs and sits up from the bed while Kelly narrows his eyes. Gallo looks uncomfortable at best as Seager waltzes into Kelly's quarters.

"Gallo, I specifically said no outside visitors" Kelly says, ignoring Wendy as she pouts a bit. 

"Sorry, she insisted" The man says and bolts. Sienna chuckles a bit

"I'm just visiting my fiance" She stresses on that word, "How are you, Seager?"

"I'm good. Well if you don't mind, Kelly and I have a bit of work to do on the arson case"

"Oh" Sienna sighs, "Go for it"

Kelly sighs and smiles at his girl, "You okay here?"

"I'm good. I have Tiktok videos to keep me company"

Kelly chuckles and kisses her deeply on the mouth causing Seager to visibly flinch. "I'll be back soon. Love you."

"I love you too" 
Wendy cringes and storms out of the quarters. Kelly whispers in Sienna's ear, "Don't even worry about her. We're almost done with the case"

"Good. Go kick some ass baby"

He kisses her again and then leaves the quarters.


"That girl is trouble with a capital T, Si. But, I wouldn't worry about her. She's got absolutely nothing on you" Stella says as the firefighter and Sylvie get into Kelly's bed with the doctor. After Kelly has left, the two girls came over to gossip with Sienna and eat the snacks she brought.

She's already finished giving Gallo and Ritter instructions on how to make waffles. Sienna really thought she'd get away with helping the boys cook but they are for some reason scared of Kelly and told her to just give them the method.

 "Yeah I guess, I'm not too worried that Kelly will stray, but I don't like it that the girl is around every damn corner. She calls him almost 4 times a day. He rejects all her calls, but with this new case he has to spend time with her."

"The case is almost over, and I think Kelly has already told Van Meter that he's done for now."

"See I don't want that" Sienna sighs, "Kelly loves working with OFI, he was born with that amazing talent, and I want him to continue pursuing it. I don't want him to stop just because I'm jealous of a girl that clearly stands no chance."

"Have you told Kelly that?"

Sienna chuckles, "No. I guess I have to"

"Maybe" Stella smirks, "Believe me, I think everyone has had crushes on Severide, he's drop dead gorgeous, but you're the only one he has eyes on."

Sienna blushes with a beaming smile. "Enough about me, what's been going on in your amazing single life, Stel?"

"I don't think Stella's going to be single for long. I saw a pretty big smile on her face earlier when she got a text message"

"Oh, enlighten us then?"


 "Thanks for all your help on this Kelly. You should really start considering a career in OFI" Van Meter tells Kelly as they wrap up the case. Seager nods enthusiastically. 

"I'm happy with where I am. I should get back, though. Cruz can only be in charge for so long" He jokes.

Van Meter nods and lets him go after a firm handshake. Seager follows Kelly out of the OFI office.

"Can I stick you for a beer after shift?"

He shakes his head, "No. Sienna just got out of the hospital so I want to spend time with her."

Seager sighs, forcing herself not to roll her eyes. "I'm pretty sure she can be on her own for an hour, or is she that clingy?"

Kelly narrows his eyes, trying his best not to say something mean that he will most likely not regret, "No. I am." He tells her. 

"Come on, Kelly. Just one drink, I promise that will be all. Just to celebrate the win."

"I'm good." He flashes a tiny smile, albeit fake as hell. "I have to go."
Without sparing her another glance he walks away leaving Wendy Seager to stare at his retreating back.

One way or another she will get her chance. Come hell or high water.

I know this whole Seager thing is a slow burn, but rest assured she will make her move soon. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.. I will try to update tomorrow again, but I am going away for the weekend so if I can't update tomorrow, I will most likely update on Tuesday.

Have a good Wednesday!

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